What is ITAM Asset Management?

what does hardware tracking software do?

ITAM Asset Management is the process of tracking, monitoring, and managing your IT assets

ITAM stands for “IT Asset Management” and can mean a few things. ITAM has a few subsets, so how you implement and use your IT asset management software can differ depending on why you have to use it.

For example, Software Asset Management (SAM) and Hardware Asset Management (HAM) are both subsets of IT Asset Management, and your needs may be more heavily weighted towards either.

If you want to read more about Software Asset Management, you can do so here, or, if you want to read more about Hardware Tracking Software, you can do so here.


Why Use IT Asset Management Software?

Why should your business use IT asset management software? 

Either you need to track your hardware, your software, or your fixed assets. With the use of IT asset management software, you can do all of this and more.

IT asset management software has many helpful uses, such as increasing accountability, showing you more transparency, and being able to assign assets to users, just so you know what everyone has.

With the use of QR code asset tags, you’ll be able to track and monitor how often your IT assets move, and who is using them. So, if you need physical tracking for a greater level of accountability, IT asset management software can help you with just this.

You can also use IT asset management software to set reminders. This will help if you need Software Asset Management, Hardware Asset Management, or both.

Reminders can tell you when warranties are ending, when phone contracts are running out, or when software subscriptions need to be paid. Of course, this increases your financial transparency but also streamlines upgrades and acquisition.


Audits and Reports

Of course, running a business involves a lot of finances, reporting, and auditing. IT asset management software can help streamline these processes.

For example, if you want to know which assets are underused so that you know you don’t need to purchase another bulk of them, you can use a handy reporting feature to discover this.

Month to month, you’ll want to work out your company’s expenses, too. Being able to see reminders related to when certain payments need to be paid allows you a greater level of transparency when you’re sorting these out.

Also, being able to see the history against a specific asset allows you to see how much maintenance it has undergone, or how much downtime it has caused. Knowing this allows you to make a more informed decision about whether it’s more economical to replace the asset or repair it.

Location tracking is also a lot simpler, so you can see how regularly assets move between offices. If it’s multiple times a week, you know that a decision on purchasing new assets for each office may create better time efficiency.

To find out more about what IT Asset Management is and how it can help your business, you can download the itemit app, contact us, or fill in the form below.


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What Does Hardware Tracking Software Do?

what does hardware tracking software do?

Before we cover what hardware asset tracking does, first let’s make sure we’re on the same page with the question of what is hardware tracking software? In short, hardware tracking is a component that forms part of more general asset tracking. As a result, hardware tracking software is an element of asset tracking software that focuses on tracking hardware in your business.

Hardware tracking software assists you with your Hardware Asset Management (HAM) and is, therefore, a system you’ll use to track things like PCs, mobile phones, laptops, and so on.

We know your IT assets are crucial to running your business, which is why it’s so important that you track and monitor them. In addition, IT asset management helps you achieve GDPR compliance, create an audit trail of who’s been using what, and assists you with any onboarding processes by helping you assign assets to your staff.

To find out more about how you can use cloud-based hardware tracking software, you can read about it in our blog here.


How do I use Hardware Tracking Software?

There are two elements of how you’ll use hardware tracking software. The first is the physical tracking of assets.

What this means is tracking how your hardware assets change and move. If, for example, hardware assets are taken to remote locations, you’ll be able to use a quick scan of a QR Code asset tag to update a GPS location.

If your hardware assets are shared, you’ll be able to use asset tracking functionality to see who has what, book out assets, and create an audit trail of how many people have used an asset.

If a hardware asset gets damaged, you’ll be able to use an issues management feature to streamline routine and reactive maintenance, and to indicate when hardware becomes uneconomical.

The second element of hardware tracking is using this information to create an audit trail. A reporting feature will show you all the information you need regarding how assets move, change, get damaged, or get used. Then, this will help you make informed decisions about asset replacements and refurbishments.


How will Hardware Tracking Software Help my Business?

The benefits of extra accountability are clear. You’ll lose less hardware, and hardware will be used more responsibly by your wider team. Once your team knows assets are being tracked and monitored, you’ll notice a real shift in attitude. Having your hardware assets on your fixed asset register allows greater clarity, minimises the chance of ghost and zombie assets, and removes the chance of purchasing unnecessary duplicates.

Being able to track how your hardware works also allows you greater flexibility of use when it comes to tracking your software. Knowing which software is linked to which hardware allows more transparency when it comes to employee usage and GDPR compliance.

All of this ultimately helps you with any decision-making process. Knowing what hardware you have, and being able to add warranties and maintenance information, means that you’ll quickly see any gaps.

If there are gaps, you can make informed decisions about hardware that you need, therefore staying within budget and still optimising your business’ efficiency.


What Else can I use itemit For?

So, what does hardware tracking software do? It increases your accountability and transparency. This will, in turn, help you see more about your hardware assets, and allow you to make better and more informed business decisions.

itemit is more than just a hardware tracking software. With itemit, you can track your fixed assets, hardware assets, software assets, and more. With our customisable and easy-to-use asset tracking system, you’ll find yourself scaling and saving money in no time at all.

To find out more about what itemit can do for you, you can contact us at any time, or fill in the form below.


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What is A Cloud-Based Asset Management System?

what is a cloud-based asset management system?

What is a cloud-based asset management system? Having an asset management system has multiple benefits, from extra accountability to more transparency regarding your assets.

How does a cloud-based asset management system differ from this? If your asset tracking is integrated with the cloud, you get many additional benefits than if you’re just using an old-school internal system.

A cloud-based asset management system is a system to track and manage your assets that will save all changes and information in the cloud. Having your asset information in the cloud is crucial to your tracking, as multiple people will need to audit and update information.

Also, the most effective asset management systems will allow you to track your assets with your phone. Having a cloud-based system means that when any of your assets are scanned, or any data is altered, your app and web portal will receive those changes and update in real-time.

To find out more about why you need a cloud-based asset management system you can read our blog about it here, or read how it’s helping Camtech Biomedical here.

We’ve condensed a few of the benefits of having a cloud-based asset management system below.

Shareable With Your Team

In the 21st century, shareability is crucial to automation. If you’re integrating an asset management system, you’ll be doing so to make the most out of the automation of accountability.

If you’re able to share your asset management system with your team with ease, and if they can sign up and get started right away, everyone has less work to do.

The ability to add users and spread out your asset tracking and management processes speed up your efforts, without losing any accountability. You’ll also be able to edit user permissions, so that some information is still hidden to some, but readily available to all others with the right permissions.

All Changes Update in Real-Time

One of the handiest things about having a cloud-based asset management system is that every single one of your updates happen in real-time.

itemit_ cloud-based asset management system

With a shared system, this is extra helpful as any asset change will be visible to everyone who needs to see it. 

If you scan a QR code asset tag, and the last seen location and user updates, then you instantly want to audit, you can log into the web portal, and the changes will be readily available.

With an asset management system, you’ll want to be tracking any and all asset changes, whether it’s a change in location, or if it needs reactive maintenance, or if the user has changed. Having this all update automatically and in real-time totally eliminates the chance of human error and makes your life a lot easier. A cloud-based asset management gives you something that your old system cannot – the confidence that your asset data is up to date and accurate.

Work Offline too

The best thing about automation is that it makes things faster, easier, and saves you a lot of time for more scaling, customer relationship management, or selling.

You may think that this will all go out the window as soon as you reach the tail end of a construction lot and lose 4G or WiFi, but this isn’t the case.

With a cloud-based system, it’s possible to store any changes to the location of an asset, only for them to update as soon as a connection is restored.

Being able to work offline means that you won’t lose accountability if your device gets disconnected.

itemit’s cloud-based asset management system has all of these benefits and more. To find out how itemit can help you, contact the team or fill in the form today.

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4 Signs that you Need a Tool Tracking System

4 signs that you need a tool tracking system

Tools are crucial in the successful running of many businesses and industries. Whether it’s for construction, restoration and remediation work, service providers or surveying, your tools are essential.

Have you got a tool tracking system in place? If you don’t, you may want to consider the benefits of extra layers of transparency and accountability across your team.

Being able to track and manage your tools means that your business can run a lot more smoothly and save money. So, how do you know if you need a tool tracking system? If you’re currently battling with any of these four problems, take this as your sign that you need a tool tracking system.


Your Tools Always go Missing

Tools can go missing for any number of reasons. Whether it’s theft, a lack of responsibility in the team, other companies thinking tools belong to them, or in terms of general losses.

I’m sure you may write losses into profit projections, but with an effective tool tracking system, you’ll be able to minimise these losses.

For a start, with the use of unique asset tags, you instantly create a theft-deterrent and display ownership details to passers-by. Having a tagged tool means it’s much less likely to be picked up by someone it doesn’t belong to as they will be unsure how this itemit is being monitored and tracked. We provide theft deterrent tags for exactly this purpose.

As well as this, though, having a tool tracking system in place means that your workforce will see assets as valuable, useful pieces of equipment and not something that’s instantly replaceable. 

A tool tracking system will also allow you to say which tools are on which construction site, and specifically where they are thanks to geotagging. This way, you know exactly where your tools are and who had them last.


Your Tools Get Damaged a Lot

If your tools are thrown around and damaged and require maintenance or inspections, having a tool tracking system can automate this process.

Being able to schedule maintenance, whether routine or reactive, speeds up any processes related to damaged tools.

You’ll also create an audit trail. Being able to look at a tool’s history and see how often it has been maintained makes asset lifecycle management much faster. The second a tool becomes uneconomical to repair, you’ll be able to make a speedier decision to replace it.

Being able to track fixed assets and tools this way means that there’s a lot less time you need to dedicate to maintenance and inspection, leaving much more time for customer service and running your business.


You Don’t Know What you Own

This is a big one. Not knowing what you own can leave you facing a large number of problems.

How many times have you purchased a replacement asset because it’s needed urgently and yet you know you bought that exact asset a few months back, but it’s nowhere to be seen? You can make that horrible feeling a thing of the past.

Using a tool tracking system means you’ll avoid any chance of ghost and zombie assets and know exactly what you have and who can use it. You’ll even be able to book out tools or assign them to your workforce, meaning you know specifically what’s available for use.

This totally avoids the issue of only finding out there isn’t a circular saw when it’s needed the most, delaying progress and disappointing your customers.


You’re Using Spreadsheets for Auditing

If you’re using spreadsheets for auditing, a fixed asset register, and to manage and see how many tools you have, a lot of problems can occur.

With a tool tracking system, you’ll still get all the helpful elements of a spreadsheet. You’ll just get more on top of that. 

So, you’ll be able to see a list of your tools, but you’ll also be able to add information against each tool. Each tool gets a unique profile, and there’s no limit to the amount of information you can add to it.

An asset profile allows you to automatically update location in real-time, as well as add financial, maintenance, insurance, health and safety, user, and training information. 

You can then use this information in your tool tracking system software to create customised reports, which you can export for auditing purposes.

To find out more about how itemit’s tool tracking system can help you track and manage your assets, you can contact us or fill in the form below.

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How Restaurants can use Asset Tracking Software

how restaurants can track their assets with asset tracking software

It’s Valentine’s Day. Either that fills you with joy or with dread. Whether or not you’re single, those two words might conjure up a wide range of responses. Maybe they’ve reminded you that it’s time to buy flowers or that you’ve probably missed the boat on booking that restaurant.

Not to worry, you can always do what I’m doing and order a takeaway, watch Netflix, and assess the larger questions of life such as whether the salt in your tears is making the fried chicken taste nicer.

Whatever your relationship status, Valentine’s Day is a day for food. So, whether it’s a takeaway for one or a candlelit dinner, restaurants will be fully booked up, on overdrive, and pumping out meals.

With the valentines rush, it’s imperative that restaurants track their assets to ensure the best quality meals are being served to their customers. After all, today is not the day to create arguments between loved up couples!


Asset Tracking for your Customers

As a restaurant owner, you want to know that your customers are happy. According to a card company somewhere, it’s a very, very important day. It’s great for business, so you’ll want to ensure that every day of the year, your restaurant is running smoothly, so you get that special uplift on Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and so on.

Speed, therefore, is imperative. Not only because it makes the experience more fun and relaxed, but also because a date complaining about how long the meal is taking might put a dampener on any playful flirting.

Asset tracking software can help you speed up your processes. Instead of having to keep an eye on an extractor fan as it gets messier and messier, you can monitor the last time it was cleaned and keep it up to health and safety standards. You can also track the last time a keg was replaced so that you can keep the drinks flowing and the good times rolling.

Wine is also great to track and monitor. If there’s something that’s top of the shelf, you’ll want to impress the patron who ordered it. More importantly, you’ll want to help them impress their date, even if they’re constantly checking their bank account app under the table, bargaining that a nice red means Lunchables for dinner for the next few weeks.

Being able to scan a tag next to the wine and read its details means there’s little to remember. You’ll be able to read all about the vintage, the area it was bottled, and where it was purchased. In fact, you can add any details to an asset’s profile with great asset tracking software.


How Asset Management Software will Help your Business

Asset tracking and management software doesn’t just help with the day to day running of your restaurant, it also helps with an overall boost to your business.

So, when the Lady who gets a bit overexcited wrecks your supply of tequila, you’ll be able to run audits on current tequila stock levels to see instantly if you’re going to have to disappoint those tequila-loving customers.

Adding information and reminders against fixed assets such as your payment points, cookers, HVAC, extractor fans and so on also means that your audits will be easier. 

Ensuring compliance, allowing greater insurance security, and running financial audits helps you run your business. The more asset tracking helps you automate, the more time you have to improve the customer service that helps the return of lovebirds to their roost, and singletons to UberEats.


Falling in Love… With itemit

If itemit had a dating profile, it’d say that we’re great listeners, we’re passionate, and our interests include anything from the music industry, to great food, to architecture and construction

We’re always working on ourselves and improving, and that’s because we listen to what you need, and are always willing to help make your life easier.

So, if you swipe right on us, you’ll end up falling in love with itemit’s asset tracking software. We’ll give you our number, it’s 01223 421611, or you can drop us an email at team@itemit.com.


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Speed Up Asset Audits with itemit’s Saved Reports Feature

how asset tracking software can speed up your audits

You’ve set up your asset tracking software. You’ve stuck your asset tags onto everything you’re tracking. Your tools and equipment are running smoothly and scanned regularly.

Now what?  There are many additional benefits to using asset tracking software. At its core, itemit can show you who had what last and where they were. This speeds up your retrieval and asset usage.

However, itemit has always helped with generating custom and flexible reports and managing asset audits, too. And now, itemit’s asset tracking software has sped up how you can view reports and use them for auditing.


Asset Tracking Software and Creating Reports

The handy thing about itemit’s asset tracking software is that all asset movement, changes, and usage is logged and then viewable in reports and in history.

This means that you’ll be able to see the lifecycle of your fixed assets play out without having to be too hands-on. If an asset has needed reactive maintenance multiple times, you’ll be able to see this, deem the asset uneconomical, and replace it.

In the past, you’ve always been able to use filters to create fixed asset registers, see all the assets in one location, and see all the assets that an employee has interacted with. This was possible both in the app itself and in the reporting tab.

Now, we’ve sped up this process so that creating reports for a variety of different reasons is a lot simpler.


Why you Need to Separate your Reports

Without filters, all of your assets will come up at once. itemit was built to supersede spreadsheets, but without the ability to group assets and view them separately, there’s little a reporting feature can do.

With our asset tracking software, you can create a filter that shows you all of the assets in a certain location, or all of the assets that are a certain type (such as equipment, tools, IT assets, fixed assets, or vehicles). 

Now, you can save these filters to speed up your auditing process. Being able to save a set of filters, such as all the fixed assets in the London offices, means that your higher levels of accountability are maintained, but what you can do with that is sped up. View your saved reports in itemit instantly and export them to Excel if needed.

If, for example, you want to export asset information related to high-value assets every month, you can. If you want to export asset information for health and safety or PPE assets every week, you can. If you want to export asset information about your IT assets regularly, you can.

This has always been the case, but with the new saved filters feature, it’s much, much faster. 

With two clicks, you’ll be able to send all of your health and safety information to ensure compliance. You’ll be able to run an audit on all of the assets on construction site B, to make sure everything is there, being used, and economical. You’ll also be able to export high-value asset information for insurance and financial purposes.


itemit’s Asset Tracking Software

itemit is always dedicated to automating your business processes and making them simpler. This is why we’re always evolving the system and adding additional functionality.

Your reports are important, they help your business scale and make decisions, both financial and functional, and this is why we’re constantly evolving and improving this feature.

To find out more about how itemit’s asset tracking software can help you, or to request more features, you can always contact us at team@itemit.com.

Speed Up Your Asset Audits With Asset Tracking Software

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