How To Track Your Assets

How To Track Your Assets

How To Track Your Assets

Tracking assets is essential if you want to manage them effectively. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do just this. A lot of businesses still rely on old technology such as spreadsheets to help them with their asset tracking. Nowadays, however, you can rely on the very latest apps and programs to help you track your assets. Consequently, managing everything can be easier than you imagined.

What Exactly Is Asset Tracking?

The world of asset tracking is an exciting one as it offers multiple opportunities to look after and manage your assets. When you want to understand where your assets are located you can use software that lets you track them. You can see where your assets are and where they have been. You may also be able to see which colleague is using a particular asset. 

Some tracking software also comes with features that allow you to check your assets out and back in again. Others also allow you to organise everything into collections for easier access. Tracking your assets via the latest software usually allows you to do so much more than you may realise. As such, you can have better control over every asset.

Business Asset Tracking

How To Start Tracking Your Assets

To start tracking your assets you simply need to attach a QR code or an RFID tag to each asset. Scan the QR code or RFID tag and a profile will automatically open up. This profile can be populated with a lot of information about each asset. As such, it can be easier to identify the asset you wish to track or you’re searching for.

What Are The Best Assets To Track?

There are no ‘best’ assets that you can track. What you should do, however, is to track all of your assets or at least your most valuable. If you work in a factory, you could track your most important production machinery. If you work in an office you could track your newest laptops. If you work as a gardener you could track your most valuable tools. Alternatively, you could harness the power of asset tracking and choose to track all of your assets. The more you track the greater the better as you’re likely to benefit in multiple ways.

Tracking Fixed Assets

Did you know that you can track your fixed assets? These are assets that typically remain in one location. Tracking them can be a good idea as it could allow you to understand how they are being used. Thanks to the way that a lot of modern tracking software works you can create data about your assets. This data could prove to be immensely useful as you could understand your business in a more detailed way.

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Which Industries Can Use Tracking Software?

Which industries can use software such as this? It’s simple: 

  • Construction
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Office and warehouses
  • Large and small technology companies
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and wholesalers
  • Gardeners
  • Sole traders
  • And everyone in between 

Almost every industry and every sector can benefit from using tracking software. As long as there are assets to track, your industry could harness the power of this groundbreaking software.

Taking Control Of Your Assets

Taking control of your assets has never been easier. We saw earlier that you need to create an asset profile so that you can see where your assets are. However, when you begin to use asset tracking software you’ll see that it offers more than just tracking options. You can see who is using your assets, where the assets are located, how often they’re used, and even why. You can assign particular tools, vehicles, and anything else to particular people. You can also create reports that can be exported so you can read them. All of this allows you to have more control over everything. When you have that control you can help your business to grow.

Keeping Assets In A Good Condition

When you use software that works for you it can help you to keep everything in good condition. The feature that allows you to set reminders enables you to keep on top of maintenance. You could do this by setting maintenance reminders for every asset. As long as someone from your maintenance team receives the right notifications they can see what needs to be repaired. 

So what does this mean for the condition of your assets? It means they are more likely to be in a better condition. Consequently, they can last a little or a lot longer, helping to save you money. It also means that you and your colleagues have more assets that are in good working order, all of the time. This is just one of the benefits associated with using tracking software. 



Would you like to speak with an asset tracking expert about tracking your assets? Contact us today at

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Tips For Tracking Your Office Equipment

Tips For Tracking Your Office Equipment

Tips For Tracking Your Office Equipment

An office environment can occasionally be a particularly challenging one. Not only are there deadlines to meet but you’re also surrounded by office equipment that may or may not work. If the equipment does work it may be hard to locate. 

The use of office equipment management software can help remedy any stress you and your team feel. Additionally, it can ensure that you’re always surrounded by equipment that does work. 

Let’s explore a few tips that can help you to make the most of the aforementioned software.

Use Software That Makes A Difference

When you use the right management software it can make a difference to your office as a whole. Software such as this is capable of tracking your assets and helping to increase security. If this was not enough, it’s likely that most people will find it easy to use. 

When you want to track your office equipment you’ll first need to attach an RFID tag or a barcode to everything. This includes your computers, printers, boxes of stationery, modems, and everything else. The more that you track the better the office equipment management can work for you. Once you’ve added an RFID tag or barcode to an asset you’ll need to scan it to create a digital profile. Each profile needs to be specific to a single asset. As a result, you can track it with ease and learn how it’s used and when. Software that makes a difference can ultimately help your business to grow.

Business Asset Tracking

A Few Benefits Of Using Tracking Software

Some of the benefits of using tracking software include:

  • Having the ability to organise assets into collections
  • Being able to check equipment in and out when required 
  • The ability to use the software via a desktop computer, tablet, laptop, or smartphone
  • Being able to create and export reports when needed
  • Having tracking software that creates data for each asset
  • The ability to assign assets to collections 
  • And much, much more

When you use software that allows you to do all of the above, you can be confident that it will help your business. However, there’s so much more that can be offered to users, as you will discover below.

Assign Assets When Necessary

Some assets such as new tablets, for example, can be too expensive to leave on office desks. As a result, you may want to make use of an interesting feature that is available on some office equipment management software. This feature allows you to assign specific assets/equipment to specific team members.

You can control which members of your team have access to a shiny new tablet. All that you need to do is to log into the software and select the tablet. Then, select the team member you wish to assign it to. While this feature may not completely prevent other people from using the assigned asset, it can help. The assigned user can feel more responsible for the tablet, and, therefore, take better care of it.

Look After All Of your Equipment

Did you know that when you use office equipment management software it can help you to look after your assets? You can set maintenance reminders for those shiny new tablets and everything else. This feature can prove to be useful in terms of ensuring your equipment is in better condition. Those who work in your maintenance department will need to receive notifications when an asset needs to be serviced. When they do, everything in your office is more likely to be in a better state of repair. A direct result of this is that your expensive equipment could last longer.

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Know What You Have In Stock

If you are typically unsure about which assets you have in stock, office equipment management can prove useful. At the touch of a button, you could see how many assets you have. Knowing what’s what can ensure that your stationery cupboard, for example, is adequately stocked. Consequently, there’s less likely to be a shortage of anything. Additionally, you’re less likely to have too much of something.

Track Everything All Day, Every Day

One of the major benefits associated with using office equipment management software is its ability to track everything. When you know where your equipment is it automatically becomes more secure. Imagine being able to see where everything is all day, every day. You can potentially find your assets much more quickly. You can see whether they have arrived at your chosen destination or simply where they are in the warehouse. Tracking your asset’s location also ensures that things are much less likely to go missing. This can only be a good thing as your business could save money. 


Would you like to speak with someone knowledgeable about office equipment management? Contact us today at

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How To Save Money On Computer Maintenance

How To Save Money On Computer Maintenance

How To Save Money On Computer Maintenance

It’s very likely that you know how much it costs to maintain and repair your computers. Whether you have a few computers or 500, looking after them can be quite costly. This is where IT asset tracking can make a real difference. When you begin to track your IT assets you’ll find that the cost of computer maintenance is lower. With this in mind, let’s now take a look at why and how you should track your assets.

Use Asset Tracking

When you use asset tracking to its full advantage you begin to reap the rewards. IT asset tracking allows you to see where your computers are all day, every day. You can even see who is using which device. 


In order to start tracking anything you need to choose some asset tracking software that appeals to you. Look for software that does exactly what you need it to do. Check out the features before you sign on the dotted line. 

As soon as you have chosen the right software for you, it will be time to start tracking your IT assets and reducing the cost of computer maintenance. You can do this by attaching a barcode or a QR code to the assets you wish to track. As soon as you do, you need to scan the barcode or QR code to create a digital profile for each asset.

Business Asset Tracking

Create A Digital Profile For Your IT Assets

A digital profile allows you to add details about each asset. You need to do this so you can clearly see which asset you’re tracking. 

Don’t worry, this part of the IT asset tracking process is easy. As we have already seen, you need to scan the barcode or QR code to create a digital profile. Once this is done, populate the profile with relevant information about the asset you’ve scanned. You can always come back later and add more information should you need to. Ensure that what you’ve added allows the next person to easily identify the IT asset.

Create Maintenance Schedules

When you want to save money on computer maintenance you need to create maintenance schedules. Do this for all of the IT assets that you wish to track. When you do, you’ll have more control over them and inevitably, ensure they are much less likely to break. 

Every IT asset you wish to track is likely to need a specific maintenance schedule. So, your laptops may need checking once a year but your servers may need 6-monthly maintenance. Your tablets may need examining every 12 months but your desktop computers every quarter, and so on. One of the major benefits of IT asset tracking is that it’s possible to save money by maintaining assets properly.

Ensure Your Maintenance Team Receives Notifications

When you create a schedule for each of your assets ensure that your maintenance team receives the appropriate notifications. When they do, they’ll be alerted each time an asset needs checking out. As a result, more of your IT assets will be repaired on time, should they need to be. A consequence of this is that everything could be in a better state of repair. Therefore you could save money on replacement assets and parts.

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Start Tracking Your IT Assets

It’s now time for you to begin the IT asset tracking process. As soon as you have chosen some tracking software, start tracking those assets. The sooner you do, the sooner you can save money. 

Don’t worry, tracking your assets is very easy. In fact, the software you choose is likely to do all of the hard work for you. Just make sure that you create a digital profile for each of your IT assets. When you do, they can be tracked and repaired when necessary. 

Reduce Asset Downtime

When you use IT asset tracking to its full advantage you help to reduce downtime. While it’s impossible to reduce downtime completely, you can make a difference in how often it occurs. When you track your computers, tablets, printers, and so on, you help to reduce downtime. When you set maintenance reminders you make an even bigger difference. 

Another way to reduce downtime is potentially by stocking the commonly used spare parts. Having those in stock can keep downtime to a minimum. When you do, you help to save even more money. 


Saving even a little money on computer maintenance is a good thing. However, when you use tracking software you can realistically make a difference. This is why more and more businesses are now tracking their IT assets so maintenance costs are reduced. 




Would you like to speak with an expert about using IT asset tracking to help you save money on computer maintenance? Contact us today at

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Track Your Agricultural Assets With RFID Tags

Track Your Agricultural Assets With RFID Tags

Track Your Agricultural Assets With RFID Tags

Whether you work on a large farm or a small one, you’ll know how it can occasionally be to find the equipment you need. Whether you’re looking for a trailer, some machinery, or even a pair of sheep shears, things can be hard to find. 

When you make the most of an RFID tracking app, however, you can always find what you need. Thanks to the way that the tracking app works, finding exactly what you need is very easy. Let’s delve a little further into what this app can do and how it works.

Isn’t Asset Tracking For Office Equipment?

You may assume that asset tracking is only used and created for office equipment. However, this is not the case at all. Your new RFID tracking app, for example, can work with any asset. As long as you have attached an RFID tag to the assets you wish to track, you can track them. Your asset will need to have a flat surface so that the tag can stick to it. However, it does not have to be completely flat like the surface of a table. So, an RFID tag can be attached to just about anything you’d like to attach it to. Just make sure that it is placed in an area where it’s unlikely to get dirty or damaged.

Business Asset Tracking

How to Track Agricultural Assets

Tracking your agricultural machinery, equipment, tools, and more is easy. As you have already seen, you need to attach an RFID tag to anything you would like to track. As soon as you have added a tag you need to scan it. Scanning the tag is easy and it can be done via your RFID tracking app. As soon as the tag is scanned a profile will open up. This is a profile that you can populate with details about the asset. Add as much information as you wish. The more you add, the easier it will be for you to track the vehicle, for example, in the future. Once you’ve finished adding details to the profile you’re good to go. You are now tracking the asset. As a result, you can see where it is at all times. 

Can I Track My Smallholding’s Assets?

Yes. You can track the assets that you use on your smallholding. You are not limited to tracking assets on a farm. Track everything that you use for your smallholding. You can track the equipment you use to plow the fields, shear sheep, or milk your cattle. You can track anything you please. In fact, the more that you track the better. You’ll be able to see where everything is located and you’ll help to keep your smallholding’s assets safe.

Keeping Your Assets Safe

Your new RFID tracking app can help to keep everything safe. When you track your tools, equipment, machinery, vehicles, and so on, other people will be aware of it. Consequently, they are less likely to take anything that you use on your farm. Our RFID tags are quite robust and they can be hard to remove. So, if someone wishes to take your sprayer, for example, you can see where it’s located. You can also see where it has been, thanks to the historical data that the tracking app provides.

If something from your farm is stolen, finding it will be easy. Consequently, recovering the stolen item can be relatively simple.

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Taking Care Of Your Assets

No matter what equipment you use on your farm you know that it will break down when you’re busy. It’s not clear why this always seems to happen, we just know that it does. Our inanimate objects seem to choose a time to break down slightly or quite magnificently. The good news is that when you use an RFID tracking app these break downs can be kept to a minimum. When you begin to track your assets you can decide whether you want to set up a maintenance reminder for them. 

Maintenance reminders can help you to take better care of everything. You’ll be notified when an asset needs to be repaired/examined, allowing you to potentially find any issues. Frequent maintenance ensures that your assets are likely to be in much better condition. This means that they could last longer, helping you to save money. 


You can track your assets easily when you use an RFID tracking app. Most apps have been created so that tracking anything is simple. A direct result of this is that your agricultural equipment can be tracked all day, every day. It can be looked after and even be safer than ever before. This is why more and more farms and businesses now use a tracking app. 

Would you like to speak with an RFID tracking app expert about tracking your agricultural assets? Contact us today at

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How to Choose the Best Heavy Equipment Tracking System

How to Choose the Best Heavy Equipment Tracking System

Choosing the best heavy equipment tracking system can be essential to improving your operational efficiency and profitability. Recent advancements in asset tracking solutions provide real-time data for managers across companies with vital insights into their utilization, locations, and maintenance needs. This article looks at effective methods for tracking heavy equipment and the pros of various tracking systems through an examination of their implementation and maintenance for optimum performance.

How to Track Heavy Equipment Effectively

Heavy equipment tracking is a method of monitoring the location and use of the machinery in real-time. This advanced equipment management entails the use of GPS and telematics to get information regarding data on performance and status. By implementing asset tags and other tracking devices, companies can streamline their construction equipment management, ensuring optimal utilization and reducing downtime. This system not only enhances operational efficiency but also significantly improves maintenance scheduling and overall asset security.

Benefits of Tracking Heavy Equipment

Tracking heavy equipment offers numerous benefits that can transform your operations:

  • Improved Maintenance: Real-time data on equipment usage and condition allows for proactive servicing, reducing unexpected breakdowns.
  • Theft Prevention: GPS tracking sends you alert notifications in real-time about unauthorized movements, saving many of your valuable fixed assets.
  • Enhanced Productivity: By optimizing asset management, you can ensure that all equipment is utilized efficiently, minimizing idle time.
  • Accurate Billing: Monitoring work hours and equipment usage helps in generating precise invoices for clients.
  • Better Resource Allocation: Understanding the exact location and status of your machinery enables more informed decisions on resource distribution.
Construction worker using a tablet to manage heavy machinery logistics, with a yellow excavator loaded on a flatbed trailer in the background.

Heavy Equipment Tracking Systems, Devices and Software

Heavy Equipment Tracking Devices

Heavy equipment tracking devices are essential for monitoring the location and usage of outdoor equipment. These devices provide accurate real-time data using advanced RFID technology to ensure better asset management and security. By implementing these tracking solutions, companies can reduce downtime, prevent theft, and significantly enhance operational efficiency.

Types of Tracking Devices

There are different kinds of tracking devices available, each meeting various needs and environments. Choosing the correct device allows for accurate monitoring and managing your heavy equipment.

Key Features to Look for in Tracking Devices

When choosing a tracking device for heavy equipment, one should consider several key features for better functionality and efficiency. Choose devices with real-time location tracking, strong asset tagging, and durable construction to withstand harsh environmental conditions. Besides, ensure that the devices will provide data in full reports and easily integrate with traditional management systems for smooth operations.

Construction worker in a red safety helmet and reflective vest using a tablet on a construction site, with a bulldozer in the background.

Heavy Equipment Tracking Software

Heavy equipment tracking software is the backbone of effective asset management, integrating seamlessly with GPS devices and metal asset tags. It allows real-time location tracking and offers insights into equipment usage history and maintenance records. With the ever-advancing technology, it becomes easier to streamline resource allocation, reduce equipment downtimes, and ensure smoother overall operations.

Key Functionalities

  • Real-time GPS Tracking: Provides precise location data for all equipment, ensuring optimal utilization.
  • Maintenance Scheduling: Automates service reminders to prevent unexpected breakdowns.
  • Usage Reports: Tracks engine hours and usage patterns to inform better resource allocation.
  • Geofencing: Sets virtual boundaries to receive alerts on unauthorized movements.
  • Data Analytics: Offers insights into equipment performance and operational efficiency.

Customization Options

The customization features of heavy equipment tracking software allow businesses to tailor the system to align with their unique requirements. This includes alerts regarding maintenance, geofence definitions around locations, and custom dashboards to enable fast data visualization. Through such customizable features, companies will be able to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of strategies associated with asset management to ensure they meet the unique operational requirements.

Heavy Equipment Tracking Apps

Heavy equipment tracking apps allow you to monitor and manage your assets directly from your mobile device. They also allow real-time updates, increasing the assurance of executing fast and decisive decisions anywhere.

An ideal tracking application should be able to offer real-time GPS tracking, customized alerts, and user-friendly interfaces. This application should allow for easy integration into other management systems while working in a results-oriented manner on advanced security measures to safeguard important data.

Benefits of Using Mobile Apps for Tracking

  • Real-time Access: Monitor and manage assets from anywhere, at any time.
  • Instant Alerts: Receive notifications for maintenance, unauthorized movements, or other critical events.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline operations by making quick decisions based on up-to-date information.
  • Improved Productivity: Optimize equipment usage and reduce downtime with immediate data insights.
  • User Convenience: Easy-to-use interfaces make it simple for operators and managers to stay informed on the go.
Aerial view of a construction site with multiple excavators and trucks, each marked with a location pin, indicating equipment tracking and management.

Implementing Equipment Asset Tags

Equipment asset tags are crucial parts of an exceedingly important process in contemporary asset management. They equip an organization with a reliable source for observing and tracing heavy equipment or machinery. With the implementation of the asset tagging equipment system, an organization will receive detailed information about its assets in terms of location, usage, and maintenance details. Such a system provides operational efficiency with protection from theft and unauthorized use, directing all the equipment toward effective utilization.

Benefits of Asset Tagging

  • Improved Inventory Management: Asset tags for equipment allow the company to keep track of all its assets, reducing the chances of loss or misplacement.
  • Theft Prevention: Tagging adds an extra line of defense by enabling identification and preventing unauthorized movements or theft.
  • Enhanced Regulatory Compliance: Maintain accurate records and ensure compliance with industry regulations through detailed asset tracking.
  • Streamlined Audits: Simplify the auditing process with precise and up-to-date information on asset location and status.
  • Better Lifecycle Management: Track the entire lifecycle of equipment from acquisition to disposal, optimizing maintenance schedules and replacement planning.

Types of Asset Tags

There are numerous types of asset tags, all offering something different to fit a wide array of needs. Speaking about asset tags for outdoor equipment, strong metal asset tags, and RFID tags work well because they withstand harsh conditions. For indoor environments, barcode tags are cost-effective, and QR code tags provide quick scanning for efficient inventory tracking. The choice of the right kind of asset tag should depend on individual needs, including environmental conditions in which the equipment operates and the expected accuracy of data.

Common Challenges

Implementing asset tagging systems can present several challenges, such as harsh environmental conditions that can damage tags and the complexity of tracking large fleets. For outdoor settings, traditional tags may not endure weather elements, leading to data inaccuracies. Additionally, ensuring consistent tag readings across different equipment types can be a logistical hurdle.

Metal asset tags for equipment form quite a robust solution for the toughest of environments since the tags themselves are durable and resistant to damage. An overall staff training program can ensure proper usage and maintenance of the tagging system. Regular audits and updates can address and mitigate inconsistencies in the asset tracking system.

Heavy machinery being transported on a flatbed trailer, with a person using a smartphone to track and set movement alerts for the equipment.

Maintenance and Management of Asset Tags

The maintenance and management of asset tags should be effective to ensure their longevity and perfect tracking accuracy. This will help avoid discrepancies and ensure perfect functioning through periodic inspections and updates of information. Here are some key practices for maintaining and managing asset tags:

  • Regular Inspections: Check for wear and tear to replace damaged tags promptly.
  • Cleaning: Keep tags free from dirt and debris to ensure clear readings.
  • Software Updates: Ensure the tracking software is up-to-date to maintain compatibility with the tags.
  • Training: Provide ongoing training for staff to handle and manage tags correctly.
  • Audit Schedules: Conduct regular audits to verify the accuracy and functionality of all asset tags.

Maximizing Efficiency with the Right Tracking System

Choosing the best heavy equipment tracking system involves careful consideration of various devices, software, and asset tagging options. These technologies help businesses enhance operational efficiency, improve maintenance schedules, and safeguard their valuable assets. Implementing a robust tracking system streamlines management and offers significant benefits such as theft prevention and improved productivity. Investing in tracking solutions is essential for optimizing resource allocation and achieving long-term success.

The Ultimate Guide to Asset Tracking

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How To Switch To Asset Tracking Software

How To Switch To Asset Tracking Software

How To Switch To Asset Tracking Software

When you have more than a few assets you are probably aware that you can misplace them. From time to time, the assets that you need can be hard to find. This is where asset tracking software can help. Thanks to the way that it works, you can find the assets you need quicker than ever before. As a result, you can complete the tasks that are most pressing.

What is Tracking Software?

Tracking software works using GPS technology or RFID technology to help you locate your assets. You can see where your assets are all of the time. You can also see where specific assets are located, should you wish to. So, if you want to track a van, for example, the asset tracking software should allow you to select it from the menu. Consequently, you can see where the van is located. With this information, you’ll understand whether the van is in the correct location. You can also have peace of mind.

Business Asset Tracking

How The Software Works

Asset tracking software works by showing you where your assets are. Thanks to the use of RFID tags or QR codes, your tools and equipment, for example, can be found quickly. What you need to do before you can track anything is to attach an RFID tag or a QR code to whatever it is you’d like to track. When you do this, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. This is simply because adding a tag or a code offers more than just asset tracking technology. It also allows you to assign assets, keep them safe, and even keep them in good condition.

What Type Of Assets Can You Track?

One of the very good things about asset tracking software is that it allows you to track anything. As long as you can attach a QR code or an RFID tag to an asset, you can track it. This means you can track anything from works of art to a workshop tool. You can track a laptop to a smartphone, and everything in between. 

You can even track assets that are typically used in another location. You simply have to attach the QR code or RFID tag first before you can start. Once it’s attached you can track that asset for as long as you wish to. You could, for example, send something to the other side of the world to be tracked or even into space. The choice is yours. 

How To Start Using Asset Tracking Software

So how can you start using asset tracking software? It’s simple. We have already seen that you need to add a QR code or an RFID tag to your assets. However, once you’ve added a code or tag you need to scan it. When you do, the software will create a profile for the asset. Now it’s time for you to populate the profile with a lot of different information. You could add information such as the asset’s: 

  • Make and model
  • Serial number
  • Insurance and warranty information
  • The instruction manual in PDF format or a link to it
  • A photograph of the asset to help you identify it
  • Helpline numbers, if required
  • A maintenance schedule reminder
  • And much more 

You can add as much information about each asset as you wish. However, you may want to remember that adding some or all of the above information can help you in the future. If a laptop was to break down, having easy access to the warranty information could prove helpful.

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How The Software Can Help Take Care Of Your Assets

Did you know that tracking software can help you to take care of your assets? Setting up a maintenance schedule for each asset means they’re likely to be looked after. Just make sure that your maintenance department receives the notifications that will be created when maintenance is due. When they do, someone from the maintenance department can collect the asset and examine it. 

Regular examination and maintenance ensures that your assets are less likely to break down. Consequently, your laptop, for example, can last a lot longer, helping you to save money.

Start Tracking Your Assets Now

Now it’s time for you to start tracking all or some of your assets. When you do, you’ll find that more and more possibilities are opened up to you. You may be able to see your business in a whole new light thanks to the data that your software creates. Primarily, you can see where everything is all of the time. Not only can this bring you peace of mind but it can also boost security surrounding your assets. This can only be a good thing. Start tracking your assets today. 



Would you like to speak to an asset tracking software expert? Contact us today at

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