itemit Launches the World’s Simplest GPS Asset Tracking Solution

itemit launches the world's simplest GPS asset tracking solution

itemit launches the world’s simplest GPS asset tracking solution

We have some VERY exciting news. You can now track your assets in itemit using GPS trackers. itemit has launched the world’s simplest GPS asset tracking solution.

But what does that mean I hear you cry? Sit back, relax and prepare to be amazed!

Now you all know itemit is a low-cost and incredibly easy way to track your tools, equipment, fixed assets and much much more. And itemit is unique in that it gives you the choice of using a combination of QR codes, barcodes, and RFID tags to keep track of your critical assets. But what if we told you that you can now track your most important assets with GPS tags and that these assets will, therefore, tell you their location on a regular basis – with no manual scanning required at all!

itemit now offers you this exclusive functionality! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to get these capabilities ready for launch, and we’re delighted to announce that itemit now comes as standard with the ability to add GPS tags.


What are GPS tags?

So, what exactly are GPS tags? If you’re new to the world of GPS tags and technologies, then here’s a quick guide to get you up to speed.


How do GPS tags work?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System – in layman’s terms, this means that a GPS tag can determine its ground position (GPS address) by communicating with satellites. The tag is then able to tell you its location via clever bits of software, like itemit. As a result, the tag doesn’t need any nearby devices or people to be able to update its location, unlike tag rivals including Bluetooth, RFID and QR code tagging options.


What are the pros of GPS tags?

  • As the tag knows its own location, it doesn’t require any manual interaction or scanning to provide you with a location update
  • If an asset is stolen or lost, you will still receive location updates from the tag, increasing your chances of being reunited with the asset


Are there any cons to GPS tags?

  • Unfortunately, with great power comes great consequences. Because GPS tags are a much ‘smarter’ technology, they have bigger brains. This means that the physical size of a GPS tag can be significantly larger than a QR code or RFID tag. Although small tags are available on the market, their battery life is pretty poor. We live in the hope that one day soon the technology will have advanced even further and allow small tags to do what, today, only the big tags can do. How big are we talking? Our standard tags our 10cm x 5cm x 3cm.
  • GPS tags won’t last forever. Okay, you might not expect any tag to last forever, but GPS tags run out of battery over time if they do not have a constant power source. To give you more an idea – with a tag updating you on its location once a day, you can expect the battery life of the tag to last in the region of 2-3 years. If you’re after hourly location updates, you’re looking at more like 2-3 months.
  • Because the very nature of GPS technology means that each tag communicates with satellites, GPS technology is known for performing less well when indoors or buried somewhere in a huge building, for example. Outdoors is really where GPS technology comes into its own. Therefore, if you’re tracking construction tools and equipment, you may be on to a winner with GPS tags.
  • GPS tags incur a charge each time they send data to your software which means, unfortunately, you also incur a charge. Our GPS tags have an annual fee to allow you to receive the location updates you need. But it’s so worth it – imagine, now you’ll always know where your assets are without relying on Engineers to scan your assets!


How do I get my hands on a GPS asset tracking device?

All you need to do is contact us, and we’ll talk you through your options and prices, depending on your requirements.

Buy your GPS trackers here for the low cost of £9.99 a month, billed annually*. This includes the GPS tracker and a subscription to our GPS service, as well as a configuration that suits your business’ needs.

*Price excludes VAT where applicable. 

The best part is that you can buy one device today and try it out – tag your most critical asset and enjoy seeing your daily automatic location updates. It really couldn’t be simpler!

Start your free 14-day trial now

Instant access. No credit card details required.

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itemit Launches GPS Asset Tracking Solution

itemit Launches GPS Asset Tracking Solution

itemit Launches GPS Asset Tracking Solution

itemit’s GPS Asset Tracking Solution Automates Your Location Tracking

itemit has launched the world’s simplest GPS asset tracking system. Now, you can mix and match different tracking technologies within the itemit system for the most transparency and accountability over assets possible.

With itemit’s asset tracking software, you can use RFID tags, QR code labels, barcodes, and now, GPS tags to create automated and transparent location tracking operations. 

GPS trackers are physical hardware that you can stick onto your assets. They’re battery-powered, so if you’re using them for fleet asset management you’ll be able to plug them into your vehicle to avoid the need to recharge.

AT4 GPS Tracker

The way they work is by periodically pinging a location to itemit. This differentiates the tags from QR codes and barcodes as these tags require manual scanning for location updates. Instead, GPS trackers automatically communicate with the system, letting you know where your assets are wherever they are in the world.

The update period can be discussed with the team depending on your needs and we’ll set up your tags for you so that you can start tracking your assets from day one.

We recommend using the GPS trackers on larger or high-value assets, or if you’re tracking assets across a wide area, such as an airfield or across acres of land. This makes them great for ensuring your deliveries get to where they need to be.

The integration with itemit is simple, too. All you need to do is type in your tracker’s IMEI number and you’re ready to go!

The benefit of using itemit is that you can now get the highest levels of accountability and transparency possible. As you can mix and match technologies, you can use QR codes for audits, RFID tags for high-value assets and small tools, and GPS for assets that are constantly in transit.

You can get your GPS trackers by contacting us at or by using the button below. When you purchase via email, we’ll also be able to offer you a monthly subscription plan of £9.99/month per tracker. This includes the price of the tracker, too.

GPS Asset Tracking Software

Choose a better way to track your assets

Start your free 14-day trial now

Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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The Complete Guide to Creating a Fixed Asset Register

The Complete Guide to Creating a Fixed Asset Register

A fixed asset register can provide you and your business with many benefits. Not only can you cut down on costs but also improve your time management and efficiency.

Ultimately, you’ll be able to make data-based decisions which benefit you in terms of insurance, reducing asset downtime, reducing lost or misplaced assets, and increasing the amount of time your employees can work with a fixed asset.


fixed asset management work


What is a Fixed Asset Register?

A fixed asset register is where all of your fixed assets are logged, tracked, and monitored.

Fixed assets will exist on your fixed asset register in a digital form. This means that any changes to the physical asset can be logged and updated in your fixed asset register software.

The way to link your physical asset to its digital profile is by using asset tags. There’s a range of different tags you can use, but QR code asset tags will be the fastest and cheapest in most circumstances. 

Effectively, you scan the asset’s tag and then update the change in your fixed asset tracking software. Every time you scan the asset label, its last-seen location will also update in real-time.


How to Create a Fixed Asset Register

The steps to creating a fixed asset register are quick and simple. First, you’ll need to download your fixed asset tracking software onto your mobile, or access it via the web portal, then you can commence the steps towards a full fixed asset register.


1. Record all fixed assets

You may already have a register of your fixed assets in the form of a spreadsheet. If you don’t, that’s fine, but the first step is to record all of your fixed assets into your fixed asset tracking software.

Helpful features such as cloning and templates will streamline this process, but if you have an existing fixed asset register, an import service will also be possible.


2. Add information

When you’ve created your fixed asset register in your system, the next step is to add all relevant information against your assets.

This can be information such as purchase dates, depreciation information, warranties, and so on. 

You’ll also be able to add your fixed assets to hierarchical locations if they move frequently, then run a report on how long an asset has been in that location. In other words, if an asset moves between two rooms frequently, it can be logged as such. 

This is where you’ll want to test out the full functionality of your fixed asset register system. The information you add will inform your fixed asset tracking, so checking if there are features such as bookings, maintenance, and reminders will be hugely helpful.


3. Fixed asset tagging

The next step is fixed asset tagging. This is where you link your fixed assets to their digital profiles.

Using QR code asset tags as an example, the process will be to stick QR code asset tags onto your assets, open their digital profile, and add the QR code by scanning it.

Now, every subsequent time you scan the QR code from your app’s in-built scanner, it’ll open the corresponding digital profile.

Barcode tagging works in the same way, and RFID tagging differs as external hardware is required to scan your RFID tags. Find out more about the benefits and drawbacks of QR and RFID.


fixed asset tagging systems itemit


4. Monitor your assets

The next step is monitoring your assets and scaling your fixed asset tracking system.

Every time an asset requires maintenance, scanning the asset’s tag and logging this is what creates that asset’s history. So, the more you track, the more you monitor, and the more you update, the more accountability you get. 

The benefit is that with fixed asset tagging, updating asset information is almost instant, meaning you save time across the board while also saving money.

A job shared is a job halved, too, so scaling your fixed asset tracking further increases your accountability while minimising the time you spend in your fixed asset tracking software.


What you get out of itemit’s Fixed Asset Register Software

itemit’s fixed asset register software gives you a complete suite of features to monitor, track, and manage your assets.

Use itemit’s bespoke issues management system to track reactive maintenance and use our reminders feature to track repeat or pre-emptive maintenance, such as PAT tests.

You can book assets and check them in and out, as well as track them in hierarchical locations. You can also add any attachments, images, and comments you may need, giving you full control over your fixed asset management.

To find out more, you can contact us at, on +44 1223 421611. We’ll get you set up in no time!

Create Your Fixed Asset Register Today

Start your free 14-day trial now

Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

Equipment Management Software, Gardening, and Farming

equipment management software, gardening, and farming

The sun is shining, and Summer is on its way. Gardening in lockdown has taken many of us by storm! It’s seen many of us taking to our gardens to tidy up our borders and plant flowers, vegetables, and herbs. Now is as good a time as any to get the gardening bug and start on some home-grown and tasty fruit and veg. But how can equipment management software help with your gardening? Knowing how to track your tools can help get the best results when it comes to sowing your seeds.


Home Gardening and Equipment Management Software

Anyone can start planting things, whether you have a garden or not, green-fingered or a complete beginner! Gardening boosts your mental and physical wellbeing and can be a rewarding outlet any time of the year and under any circumstance.

When you are planting your seeds, or if you’re cultivating tall, fruitful plants, managing your tools and equipment can help you keep track of what kit you have and also what’s in each pot, when they were planted and so much more.


Small Tool Tracking Software

You’ll have trowels, shears, scissors, and any number of small tools that you can track and manage.

Using small tool tracking software allows you to see where all of your tools are at any given moment. There are two ways you can do this, either by scanning the tag or by using a bespoke location feature.

With the itemit location feature, you’ll be able to create your own custom hierarchy of locations. What this means is you can log all of the small tools you have in your garage and drawers for quick retrieval in your equipment management software.

When you’re planting something, you don’t want to waste any time. So, small tool tracking software can show you where all of your tools are in an instant.

locations and asset tracking software

Asset Management for your Plants

So, by the time your plants are growing and thriving, you’ll have all of your small tools tracked and managed.

What’s next, then?

Track your plants! QR tags are a very easy way to record what’s in each of your pots, when they were planted and any special care instructions you need to keep an eye on. Click here to get your own QR code tags. If you stick a QR code asset tag onto your plant pots or labels, you’ll be able to retrieve all the information you need in an instant. Simply scan the tag and update the profile!

Having an asset register of your plants means you can log when they were last watered, when they were planted, and other crucial information such as this.

You can add any information you need to your plant’s profiles. In your equipment management software, you’ll be able to add information such as what conditions your plants thrive in. This is helpful whether you’re leaving them out in the sun or if you’re using a greenhouse.

Small tools tracking and gardening
How to track your tools and plants
Equipment management software and gardening

Farming and Equipment Maintenance Tracking

Farmers can use equipment management software for all the same uses. You can also use an equipment management solution to track the maintenance of your tools and equipment.

With the best asset management software, you’ll be able to use an issues management system to track your machinery and vehicles. This way, if a tractor requires maintenance, it’s an instant process to log the issue and add it to the equipment’s history.

So, whether you’re a farmer or gardening as a hobby, itemit’s equipment management software will help you get the best yield of plants possible!

To find out more, you can contact us or fill in the form below. We’re always happy to help!

Start Using Equipment Management Software to Track Your Plants Now!

Start your free 14-day trial now

Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

Asset Management Software and the Ease of Lockdown

Asset Management and the Ease of Lockdown

With the sun shining outside and what feels like the beginning of the lift on the current lockdown restrictions (although we’ll await the government’s update later today before getting too excited!), it’s time to start thinking about what’s to come. We’re all very excited to start shopping again, to enjoy a bit of summer, and to see our loved ones.

So, with the early signs of a move towards going back to work for many, it’s time to start considering plans and processes that need to be in place to allow us all to continue to abide by Government guidelines. Along with many other key measures, it may also be time to start considering an asset management solution to help ease this transition. Let’s take a look at some of the key aspects we should all consider.


Track and Trace

The government recently unveiled a new track and trace system which hopes to localise lockdowns. Instead of the country, households, places of work, and individuals will be notified to self-isolate to keep that now-infamous R number down.

The new method aims to cut down infection transmission by 50%, meaning that we can go back to takeaway coffees, pubs, and socialising as soon as possible.

With this in mind, and with ideas of tracking, is it time to start your own asset tracking and management?

If you want to learn more about using itemit to help the fight, check out how you can use itemit in the response against COVID-19.


The New Normal

First of all, the “new normal” has become a buzzword. 2020 has been a year that’s shifted through a few ideas of what “normal” is. When it comes to working from home to spending more time with friends and family online, a lot of this might continue. Asset management can help you if you’re working from home.

Using QR code asset tags helps you see where assets are, so you can verify at a given moment that all of your employees have everything they need.

Knowing which assets your employees have access to using our assignee feature keeps a level of accountability that you risk losing when you start working remotely.

Assign Assets to your Colleagues

Phased returns to an office or rotating employees mean that assets will move a lot more frequently, too, and so asset management can help you track these movements to and from the office. itemit is highly effective as IT asset management software, so you’ll be in safe hands!


Hygiene and Hospitality

Asset management can also help you keep everything clean. Facilities management is one of the many industries benefiting from asset tracking software, and this relates to cleanliness.

But, with cleanliness becoming something more scrutinised across all industries, a lot of the facilities management processes which asset management can help with can be translated to coffee shops, pubs, bars, anything!

Using reminders, issues management, comments, and other asset management processes helps you track when things were last cleaned and if they’re appropriate for use.

Your inventory and fixed assets are also crucial when it comes to reusing equipment, such as cups and cutlery. A bespoke fixed asset register helps you track and manage your assets with ease!


Charity Shops and Asset Management

Finally, it’s unclear at the moment what’s about to happen with charity shops. It’s predicted there’ll be a deluge of donations to charity shops which means asset management will become crucial in tracking this stock.

With many people donating their lockdown sweatpants and other clothes after general spring cleaning, asset management can help ease the load charity shops will receive.

New stock will need to be quarantined for 72 hours, too, so you’ll be able to use an asset management system with a reminders feature to track and manage when stock comes in, and when it’s ready to be sorted and put onto shelves.

Charities can also get a discounted price for using itemit! All you need to do is contact us or fill in the form below.

Find Out More About How Asset Management Can Help

Start your free 14-day trial now

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