How Do You Prepare An Asset Register?

How Do You Prepare An Asset Register?

How Do You Prepare An Asset Register?

Organisation is key for any business of any size and sector. Ideally, business owners will always be aware of where their assets are. It would be reasonable for owners to also understand the value of each asset, the maintenance status, and which employees are using which assets. 

An asset register app can prove to be beneficial to a business as it can effectively help business owners to keep a detailed list of their assets. This can often be easier said than done, particularly if a business has multiple locations. However, the right asset register app can make life a lot easier. Once an asset app has been downloaded, it’s time to prepare an asset register.

How To Prepare An Asset Register

Before you prepare an asset register, you should be aware of what is considered to be an asset. Your assets consist of all those tools, furniture, equipment, property, machinery, and land that you use as part of your daily business operations. Your assets may be listed on an inventory and your balance sheet. 

Think about all of the assets that you have and those that you wish to add to your asset register app. You do not have to add all of your assets to the app unless you wish to do so.

Business Asset Tracking

Selecting Assets To Add To The Register

If you plan to test out an asset app, consider only adding your most important assets in the meantime. If you should find that your chosen app is ideal, you could add the remainder of your assets. 

Visit all of your locations or walk around your building and identify all of your assets. Make sure you add all of your assets to the app, including the newest assets and those you no longer use. Even the assets that you do not use but remain in your possession are likely to be of value.

Adding Assets To The Register

Adding assets to any asset register app should be a relatively easy process. Some app providers will offer you the opportunity to attach barcodes to your assets. It’s these barcodes that can help you to track many different aspects of each asset. 

All that is required to add an asset to the register is for you to:

  • Attach a barcode to an asset
  • Scan the barcode to create a digital profile 
  • Add the asset’s information to the register 

Some asset apps allow you to upload photographs of your assets. This can prove to be very useful if you need to find an asset quickly. It can also prove to be useful if an asset has been damaged and you want to show the maintenance team the extent of the damage.

Entering Information About Each Asset

If you wish to enter a lot of information about each asset into the asset register app, you can. However, it all depends on which app you are using. Some apps only allow you to add minimal information such as the product name, serial number, and size or weight. Others allow you to add much more information such as;

  • Product name
  • Serial number
  • Date of purchase 
  • Insurance information 
  • Warranty details 
  • Maintenance schedule 
  • Instruction manual 
  • Current and former users of the asset 
  • Potential resale value of the asset
  • Potential current value of the asset 

The more information that you can add about each asset, the better. If you upload a copy of the instruction manual, for example, you can save yourself time in the future. Knowing that you can access the manual via your app means you can potentially find the information you need within moments. You may no longer need to search online for a user manual, you can simply find what you need whenever you need it.

Tracking All Of Your Assets

One of the major reasons why business owners like to use an asset register app is that they can offer tracking solutions. The ability to track the location of some or all of your assets can help to boost security. In addition to this, it can help you to understand whether your assets are where they should be. In other words, whether your new fleet of vans has been sent to the correct warehouse. 

As soon as you attach a barcode or in some cases a QR code to an asset, it makes tracking the asset’s location easier. However, this all depends on the app you choose to use. Some simply allow you to track an asset’s details rather than its location. If tracking the location of your assets is important to you, opt for an app that offers you this option.

Using the right app can help you and your business to create an asset register that’s easy to use. If you have any questions about using an asset register, please talk to us. You can reach us now at

Preparing An Asset Register In The Best Possible Way

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Asset Tracking Software

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Asset Tracking Software

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Asset Tracking Software

Asset tracking can seem like a bit of a task. You need to track all of your assets so that you know where they are. However, the whole tracking process can seem impossible. This may particularly be the case if you have a lot of assets or work in multiple locations. Additionally, if the building you work in is large, tracking your assets can be difficult. 

This is where using asset tracking software can make a difference. With the right software, processes can be streamlined and your business can run more smoothly. 

Let’s take a look at 5 reasons as to exactly why your business needs asset tracking software.

The Life Of Assets Will Be Extended

When assets are tracked using modern software, it is possible to see whether they are in good working order. Users can potentially alert the maintenance team should an issue arise with the asset they’re using. 

A major benefit of this is that assets can be repaired as and when it is required rather than as per a yearly schedule. As a result, the life of assets can be extended and it’s all thanks to asset tracking software. Furthermore, there is a real potential here for money to be saved. When assets are repaired as and when it is required, they are less likely to need replacing. This means that the funds that would have been allocated for maintenance could be used elsewhere.

Business Asset Tracking

Levels of Productivity Will Skyrocket

Anyone who tracks assets using asset tracking software may no longer need to log their tasks manually. It is possible to undertake a wide range of tasks without the need to write down what asset has been taken. The employee who needs to use the asset can simply check the asset out of the storeroom at the touch of a button. 

The need to find the right piece of paper or log book vanishes. This particular task can be undertaken within moments and the asset can be tracked to a specific user. This feature also ensures that the employee can continue with their work rather than having to take time to stop and fill in a form.

Operations and Processes Will Be Streamlined

When tracking software is used as part of the working day, it is possible to see which assets have been checked in and out. It is also possible to see which assets need to be sent to another location. For example, if 6 tablets are required at Site A, logging into the software can show you whether there are indeed 6 tablets there. Should there only be 4 tablets at Site A, you can send them there and track each tablet’s progress along the way. In other words, it may be possible for you to see exactly where the tablets are and whether they have arrived at the chosen destination.

Lost Assets Will Be Recovered

When the right asset tracking software is used, it allows you to see where all of your assets are. Each asset can have an RFID tag or QR code attached to it. It’s the codes or tags that ensure tracking your assets is possible. 

One of the major benefits of being able to track your assets is that lost assets can be recovered. Users of tracking software can see the lost asset’s last-known location. Employees can work out where they were the last time they used a piece of machinery. All that they need to do is to log into the software, select the asset in question and they’ll be shown its location. 

Not only does this feature ensure that time spent searching for the machinery can be saved, it also increases security. Should an asset be stolen, it may be possible to see where it is. Therefore, your business may not need to spend money replacing the asset.

Ghost Assets Will be Located And Identified

Every business has at least a few ghost assets. These are assets that have become damaged, lost, or stolen but are still accounted for. When tracking software is used, it ensures that assets can be retrieved and repaired if necessary. As we have already seen, when an asset fails to work as it should, the maintenance team can be notified. Therefore, the asset that would have been placed on the shelf in the storeroom and unused for 6 months can be repaired. 

This feature alone can help to improve productivity. It ensures everyone is more likely to have the tools that they need to undertake their tasks.

As you can see, using tracking software can be very beneficial to your business. There are countless ways in which using the right software can help. If you have any questions about asset tracking software please reach out to us at:

The Best Way To Successfully Track Your Assets

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Common Equipment Management Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Common Equipment Management Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Common Equipment Management Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Every business owner is likely to have issues with equipment management. This is because every business is likely to have a multitude of equipment in a variety of locations. As a result, challenges may present themselves in all areas of the business. However, with the right equipment tracking software, it is possible for you to overcome such issues. 

Here is where we can come in and help you. We’re a team of experts who can help you to overcome a wide range of equipment challenges. Our software is used by businesses everywhere and your business could do the same. 

Below, you will find details of some of the most common equipment management challenges and how you too can overcome them.

Tracking Equipment

Tracking equipment can prove to be almost impossible. If you have multiple locations, a lot of employees and/or a lot of equipment, tracking it can be difficult. As a result, equipment may be misplaced or even stolen. This results in daily operations failing to run as smoothly as they should. Productivity could decrease and profit margins could be affected. 

With the right equipment tracking software, however, it is possible to remove all of these issues. Using a QR code or RFID tag and our software, you could track your equipment all day, every day. This ensures you may no longer need to replace equipment that has been lost or stolen. It also ensures that your team has access to the equipment it needs at all times. Therefore, productivity can be optimised and your business could benefit.

Business Asset Tracking

Regularly Maintaining Equipment

Maintaining equipment can be a potential issue for businesses everywhere. This is simply because scheduling regular maintenance can be a headache. When equipment is not regularly maintained it can begin to fail. This is where itemit’s equipment tracking software can make a real difference. 

Thanks to the way that our software works, maintaining your equipment can be easier than you think. As soon as you have created a digital profile for one piece of equipment you can create a maintenance schedule. Our software will send an alert to your chosen team members to tell them when maintenance is due on some of your equipment.

When the maintenance team is aware of what needs to be maintained and when, they’re more likely to repair equipment. Therefore, your valuable and essential equipment is more likely to stay in good condition. However, this is not the only useful feature that can help with maintenance. Should a machine, for example, develop issues, a member of your team can alert the maintenance team. It’s possible to do this by simply leaving a message and tagging the maintenance team in the message. This feature ensures that all of your equipment is much more likely to be in good working order at all times.

Human Errors

Should you and your team rely on spreadsheets rather than equipment tracking software, you could find that human errors take place. From time to time, members of your team may make mistakes when entering information into the spreadsheets. Unfortunately, this can result in the data being incomplete and/or incorrect. 

While using spreadsheets can be cheap to use, there is a real risk that mistakes will be made. Additionally, if many people have access to the same spreadsheet they can take too long to load. Spreadsheets can also fail to let you see who has made changes and where. All of this can be resolved by using itemit’s equipment tracking software. 

Our easy-to-use software works to ensure that all of the inputted data is accurate. The process of manually entering information can be virtually eliminated, allowing us to do the hard work for you. Creating useful data and allowing you to export reports when you wish to means you’re more likely to have accurate data to hand at all times. 

Let itemit’s Equipment Tracking Software Help You To Overcome Challenges

Our equipment tracking software is here to help your business to succeed. No matter what type of business you run, where you’re located, or how long you’ve been trading, we can help you. With the touch of a few buttons, your equipment management challenges can disappear. As a result, your business could run more smoothly, more accurately, and more successfully. 

Talk to one of our tracking experts today about how our software can help you. We work with a range of businesses all over the globe and we’re confident that we can help you. You can reach our professional and knowledgeable team today at: Alternatively, you may wish to complete the form below and sign up for our 14-day free trial. You don’t have to give us any of your payment information and you could start tracking your assets today. 

The Best Way To Overcome Equipment Tracking Challenges

Choose a better way to track your assets

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How To Manage Remote IT Assets In Your Workforce

How To Manage Remote IT Assets In Your Workforce

How To Manage Remote IT Assets In Your Workforce

Managing remote IT assets can often be difficult. Sometimes you may have to hope that those who are using your IT assets can be trusted. 

Occasionally, you may come across a few issues with managing your IT assets. For example, you may find that some assets get lost and that some team members have the wrong assets. Don’t worry, itemit can help you with all of this. Thanks to the way that our IT inventory management software works, managing your remote assets has never been easier.

Prompt Communication

When IT assets are used remotely, ensuring prompt communication is key. However, when you use our IT inventory management software, you can clearly communicate with others within moments. 

Our software allows you to send messages, leave notes, create reminders, and even check assets in and out. All of this can be achieved at the touch of a button. 

We work hard to make sure that our inventory management software is very easy to use. We know that you don’t want to use software that takes a long time to load. This is why we have created a reliable way for you to communicate your needs within moments. This way, you can communicate what you need to communicate and move on to other important tasks.

Business Asset Tracking

Solve Issues Quickly

It’s inevitable that issues may arise from time to time. When your IT assets are being used remotely, raising such issues can become burdensome. However, when you use our IT inventory management software, issues can be raised quickly. 

Let’s imagine that one of your team members is using a tablet which has a battery-related issue. In the past, your maintenance team may only have been aware of the issue once the team member remembered to raise it. If the issue is never raised, the tablet may be out of action for a while, if not forever. 

Our software ensures that it’s very easy to raise an issue with the maintenance team. All that is required is for the team member to scan the QR code affixed to the tablet. The next step is for them to message the maintenance team who can prepare to repair the tablet. As a result, the tablet can be repaired much quicker.

Locate IT Assets Instantly

One of the most important issues as far as IT inventory management is concerned is the need to locate your IT assets. This is where itemit’s software can make a huge difference. Our software makes tracking all of your assets very easy. 

Should you wish to see where all of your laptops are, for example, you can locate them in an instant. Want to see where one of your tablets is? This can be achieved within moments. When you know where all of your remote IT assets are, they can be more secure. You’re a lot less likely to lose an asset due to theft or someone simply leaving an asset behind. 

Would you like to know whether a printer has been sent to the correct team member’s house? Log into our software and check. Within a short space of time, you will see the printer’s last-known location.

Allow For Smoother Asset Management

When you use our IT inventory management software, you allow for smoother asset management. itemit helps to take the hard work out of managing assets nearby and those that are being used remotely. 

Having control over all of your assets should not be difficult. In fact, with the right software, it can be a breeze. You can have much more control over your assets each time you log into itemit. Many business owners know this which is why more and more are signing up to itemit every week. 

Say “Goodbye” to using spreadsheets that may be full of human errors. Stop using devices that are hard to use or no longer work as well as they should. Let our software do all of the hard work for you. Simply log into our platform using your desktop computer, laptop, or your phone.

Use itemit’s IT Inventory Management Software To Your Advantage

Stop using ineffective asset management methods. Switch to itemit’s IT inventory management software today.  You can manage your remote IT assets better than ever, allowing you to concentrate on other tasks. As a result, your entire business could benefit from you using itemit. 

Talk to one of our asset tracking professionals now about how they can help you and your workforce. You can reach them at: Alternatively, you could always sign up for our 14-day free trial to make a start. Simply complete the form below and begin managing your remote IT assets, it really is that simple. We look forward to helping you to manage your remote IT assets with ease.

The Easy Way To Manage Remote IT Assets

Choose a better way to track your assets

Start your free 14-day trial now

Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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Ask An Expert: How Do I Create An Asset Register?

Ask An Expert: How Do I Create An Asset Register?

Ask An Expert: How Do I Create An Asset Register?

Here at itemit, we understand the importance of creating an asset register. However, not everyone is aware of how something so important can be created with ease. The good news is that this article will show you how easy it is to create a register using our asset register app.

We’ll also show you why your business needs an asset register and how your business benefits from having an asset register.

Understand What Assets You Have

Knowing what assets you have can help you to create an accurate asset register. Your assets are anything that your business uses and is of value. 

For example, if you run an office all of your computers, modems, and printers will be considered assets. Your tablets, desks, and company phones will also be considered assets. Think of all the equipment, machinery, and tools that you use every day. They are all your assets and are of some value. 

Before you use your new asset register app, be prepared to go from room to room adding the assets to the register. If you have many rooms or more than one location it may be wise to ask someone to help you with this.

Business Asset Tracking

Adding Assets To The Register

When it comes to adding assets the whole process is easier than you think. As long as you have a QR code or an RFID tag to affix to each of your assets, you’re ready to create the register. 

When you sign up to itemit, we will send you some QR codes, for example. These codes can be easily attached to each of your assets. In fact, they are made to last. 

Did you know that you can ask us to add your branding and logo to the QR codes? Simply send us an email and we will respond with a quote. 

As soon as you have affixed a QR code to an asset, you can begin to track that asset. All that you need to do is to scan the code and a digital profile will be created. In this profile, you can add as much information as you wish about each asset. For example, you can add the asset’s:

  • Make and model
  • Size, and weight
  • Colour 
  • Date of purchase
  • Value at purchase
  • Current estimated value 
  • Insurance details
  • Warranty information
  • And so much more! 

You can add as much information as you please to itemit’s asset register app. This ensures that tracking your assets is much easier than you imagined. It also allows you to have important information at your fingertips whenever you need access to it. Stay in control of all of your assets when you use our reliable tracking software.

Tracking Assets With Ease

Thanks to the way that our asset register app works, it is possible for you to track all of your assets with ease. When you have an RFID tag or QR code attached you can track the track your assets’ location.

Knowing where the asset’s last-known location was can prove to be hugely beneficial. Not only can it ensure that assets are unlikely to become lost, they are less likely to get stolen. As a result, you may inadvertently increase security surrounding all of your assets. This can bring peace of mind, especially if team members are using valuable assets out in the field.

Making The Most of Your Asset Register

Our asset register comes with a lot of features ensuring you can get the most out of our app. You can, for example:

  • Check assets in and out 
  • Report potential issues via the app 
  • Organise all of your assets into collections 
  • Use our web portal and/or our iOS and Android apps
  • Export reports that you have created 
  • Create public profiles 
  • Update a large number of assets in one go 
  • And so much more!

Here at itemit, we are always working hard to make sure that you find our app easy to use. We’re always adding new features so that you can benefit from using our app every single day.

Use itemit’s Asset Register App

Use our asset register app to help you to create an asset register that can help your business to thrive. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are now using our software and benefiting from it. You too can benefit from all that our app has to offer. 

Speak to one of our asset tracking experts today. You can reach them now at: to find out just how well our asset register can work for you. Alternatively, you can sign up for our 14-day free trial and see just how well our software can work for you. You do not need to give us any of your credit card information and you could start tracking your assets today.

Use An Asset Tracking App That You Can Rely On

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A Quick Guide To Computer Inventory Management

A Quick Guide To Computer Inventory Management

A Quick Guide To Computer Inventory Management

Every business needs to save time and money. These days, most businesses use computers to help them to do just this. As a result, computers are considered to be hugely important to most businesses. This, in turn, means that we need to take care of our computers. We can do this by harnessing the power of computer inventory management. 

But what exactly is computer inventory management and how can you make it work for your business? Read on for more information.

What Is Computer Inventory Management?

Managing your computer inventory is easier than you think. The process revolves around you using software to help you to keep track of all of your computers and associated equipment. Using software to help you manage your inventory is much easier and more reliable than using spreadsheets. In addition to this, most inventory management software comes with a lot of very useful features.
Business Asset Tracking

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Computer Inventory?

There are many benefits to having a computer inventory. In fact, there are so many that they could take up too much space on this page. As a result, we have simply chosen to mention some of the best benefits. 

  • You can track your assets – Being able to see where all of your computer assets are is incredibly useful. If assets are used in multiple locations it makes sense to track them. You can do this by attaching a barcode or a QR code to your assets. 
  • Your assets will be in better condition – Most computer inventory management software allows you to set maintenance schedules and reminders. When an alert appears, the maintenance team can action the alert and maintain and repair the asset in question. 
  • It’s possible to see who is using what – The check in and check out feature ensures that you can see whether the right member of your team has the right laptop, for example. This feature can also help with security as your team will be aware that you know which computer, tablet, phone, or laptop they are using. 
  • Assets can be organised into collections – When assets are organised into collections, it makes it easier to find an asset should you need to. For example, you could add the assets located in the admin department to one collection. When you need to check the maintenance status of the assets in that department, you can simply press a button. You will then be shown every asset that the admin team uses and you can check the status.
  • You can eliminate ghost assets – As all assets can be traced and maintained, it’s possible to eliminate ghost assets. This is because every single asset will be accounted for. There can be fewer to no assets left on a shelf for 6 months waiting to be repaired.
  • Exportable reports are easy to create – Thanks to the way that computer inventory management works, you can create reports and export them. Every time that an asset is used, data is created. It’s this data that can be added to a report for you to read. As a result, you could have a clearer understanding of how your business is running.  
  • Fewer assets are likely to be stolen or lost – Every asset can have a barcode or a QR code attached. This ensures that they can be tracked all day every day. Stolen or lost assets can become a thing of the past as it’s clear each asset is tracked at all times. 

As you can see, there are more than a few benefits to using inventory management software. It’s no wonder that many businesses all over the globe use software such as this to help them.

How You Can Save Your Business Money

Computer inventory management software can save your business money as there will be fewer ghost assets. What this means is that you may no longer need to spend as much money replacing assets that have been lost or stolen. 

Your business can also save even more money as every asset is likely to be in much better condition. Assets can be maintained regularly thanks to the maintenance schedules. They can also be repaired when an issue arises. As long as the maintenance team is alerted to an issue such as a broken laptop screen, for example, they can deal with the issue. As a result, less money will need to be spent replacing assets that are no longer used because they don’t work. The issue can be dealt with and the laptop can be used once more. 

Wish to speak to an expert about computer inventory management? Talk to us now. You can reach us at We will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.

The Ultimate Guide to Computer Inventory Management

Choose a better way to track your assets

Start your free 14-day trial now

Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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