IT Asset Management Made Simple

IT Asset Management Made Simple

IT Asset Management Made Simple

Taking control of your IT assets can be tricky. Ideally, you will know where all of your tablets, phones, and laptops are every minute of the day. You will also know which assets are in a poor state of repair. However, having all of this knowledge is hard to come by unless you use IT asset inventory software. When you use software such as this, managing all of your IT assets is made simple. 

Let’s take a look at just why and how asset management software can make a difference.

What An IT Asset Is And How To Create One

When you want to have more control over your assets you need to create an IT asset inventory. You can do this by affixing barcodes or RFID tags to your assets. When you do, you can scan the code or tag to open up a profile on the device you’re using. This profile can be filled with a lot of details about that specific asset. Once you’ve added as much information as you wish about each asset, you have more control over your assets. Just make sure that you use IT asset inventory software that has a good user interface and is frequently updated. When you do, you could find that your asset inventory is easy to use.

Business Asset Tracking

Tracking All Of Your IT Assets

Being able to track all of your assets is important. When you can track everything you will know where it is all day, every day. You can have peace of mind, knowing that your assets are where they should be. This is one of the huge benefits associated with IT asset inventory software. You can see who’s using which laptop, whether all of your tablets have been returned, and which phones need repairing. You can see where a group of assets are or just one or two. You could see whether your new tablets are on their way to your sales team in Middlesbrough. You could see if that damaged laptop is undergoing maintenance, and so on.

Should your businesses have a lot of assets, you could find tracking them easier than you think. Once you have added all your assets to your inventory software you’re good to go. When you can track all of your assets you can see where they are, allowing you to get the reassurance you need.

Booking Much-Needed Assets In Advance

Did you know that depending on the IT asset inventory software you choose you can book assets in? Let’s imagine that your marketing manager needs to use 3 laptops and 4 tablets in a few days. They can book those IT assets so they’re free to use when they’re needed. 

There’s sometimes nothing worse than not being able to use the equipment you need. However, when your marketing manager can book them via the inventory software, all is good. They’ll know that the work they need to carry out is more likely to be completed. They’ll also know that they’re unlikely to have any issues in the future relating to accessing the IT assets they need.

Some inventory software will also let you check assets in and out. So, for example, your marketing manager could check the IT equipment out. This will show you that they’ve collected what they need. The IT equipment can also be checked back in again so you can see they’ve been returned. This just adds a bit of security to everything and helps you to see who has had what. When assets of any kind are checked in and out it ensures those using them are more responsible. For example, you may see fewer accidents occur when your assets are being tracked this way. This is simply because the users will take better care of them.

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Reporting And Managing Problems

IT asset inventory software can be ideal for helping you to tackle problems associated with IT assets. When a computer breaks down or a cable snaps, it can cause issues. You may even find that these damaged assets have not been reported to the maintenance team. Therefore, they will not be repaired. When you use inventory software, however, you can report any problem that crops up. You can simply log into the software and select the asset in question. Then, you can tell your maintenance team about the issue with the asset. As a result, the asset could be repaired sooner rather than later. 

IT asset management does not need to be difficult. All that you need to do is add your IT assets to your chosen software and you’re good to go. It really is that simple and it really can make a big difference to your business. 

Wish to speak with an expert about using IT asset inventory software? Contact us today at

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How To Get Started With RFID

How To Get Started With RFID

How To Get Started With RFID

RFID tracking is becoming hugely popular thanks to its ability to help businesses and individuals track their assets. Due to the way that RFID tags work, it’s now easier than it has ever been to keep an eye on your assets. All that you need to do is to use some RFID tags alongside asset tracking software and you’re good to go.. 

Let’s now take a look at how you can get started with the world of RFID asset tracking.

What Are RFID Tags?

RFID tags are everywhere these days. If you’ve eaten out in a restaurant or a bar you may have seen some on tables. These are the tags you scan to open up a menu and/or to make payment. You may have also seen tags such as these on TV, on websites, in shops, and just about everywhere else.

However, what you may not know is that these tags are ideal for tracking assets. RFID tracking allows you to track all of your assets no matter where they are. You can see your asset’s last location, what they were used for, and even their maintenance rota. RFID tags are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a simple but secure way to track assets.

Business Asset Tracking

What Assets Can You Track?

Businesses of any type and size can potentially use tags all day, every day. It doesn’t matter whether you run a factory, you have an IT business, you sell pizzas, or you run a sports club, you can use tags. Whatever you do and wherever you are, you could benefit from RFID tracking.

So, you could track fixed assets such as machinery to make sure it’s properly used and maintained. You could track laptops so you can see they’re safe. It’s possible to track sports equipment, theatre production equipment, tools, software, vehicles, and everything in between. 

It’s not only businesses that can track their assets, iIndividuals can do the same. Think about how many tools you have in your garage, do you know where they are? How many books do you have? Are you certain that all of your Agatha Christie’s were returned to you? As long as you have assets/personal belongings you can use RFID tags to help you track everything.

The Type Of Software To Use Alongside RFID Tags

When you decide to use RFID tags you also need to use tracking software. Software such as this allows you to see exactly where your assets are. However, you should be aware that some asset tracking software has more features than others. Some will allow you to see where each of your assets are without offering you any extras. However, some tracking software will work alongside your tags to ensure that you have much more control over all of your assets. This is where RFID tracking can become very useful to you. 

Before you sign up for any software, take a look at what it offers you. Ideally, you will be able to add a lot of information to each asset’s profile. You should also be able to see where your assets have been and who has been using them. Finally, many businesses find it beneficial to be able to export reports, allowing them to examine historical asset data. If this is something that interests you, opt for tracking software that comes with this feature.

How To Get The Most Out Of RFID Tracking

When it comes to tracking your assets via RFID tags, there are two ways to go about it. The first way consists of you merely tracking each asset’s location. There is nothing wrong with this, however, when used to its full advantage, RFID tracking can offer so much more.

You can get the most out of tracking your assets by adding a lot of information to your asset’s profiles. Add details such as where you purchased assets, the warranty information, and so on. You could also add a maintenance rota, photographs to make identification easier, and an instruction manual. If you don’t have a manual to upload you could add a link to your manual. Doing this ensures you can get the information you need, when you need it, without any fuss. 

Opt to use a check-in and check-out feature, if there is one. Doing so will help you to see who has what and whether they have returned it. Finally, another way to make the most out of tracking via RFID tags is to use compatible software that can be accessed via different devices. The more devices you can use, the better. It makes life so much easier when you can log into your software via whatever devices you want to use. When you make the most out of tracking assets you can potentially run your business on a whole new level. 

Would you like to speak with an RFID tracking expert about harnessing the power of RFID for your business? Contact us today at

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How Your Business Can Save Money By Using An Asset Register

How Your Business Can Save Money By Using An Asset Register

How Your Business Can Save Money By Using An Asset Register

Did you know that you can save your business a good amount of money when you use an asset register app? You had probably already gathered this when you read this article’s title. However, you may not know exactly how you can save money. Don’t worry, this article will show you just how easy it is for your business to save cash. The good news is that you don’t have to run a large business in order to benefit, you can run a small one. As long as you have some assets, you can save money, it’s that simple.

What an Asset Register Is

An asset register is a system that stores a lot of information about your assets. All of this information is stored in the cloud and it can be accessed whenever you wish. An asset register is different from a mere list of assets, though. A register consists of a lot of information about every single asset such as when and where it was purchased, the model and make, the maintenance schedule, instruction booklet, and much more,

Your new asset register app will contain a lot of details about all of your assets and keep those safe. With the ability to access the register from multiple devices, you can see where your assets are at all times. This is one of the major functions associated with an asset register. It can help you to see where your assets are every minute of every day.

Business Asset Tracking

How To Use An Asset Register App

As soon as you have chosen which app you want to use, you are good to go. Just make sure that you opt for an asset register app that’s trusted and frequently updated. Simply log into your chosen app and you should be able to select an asset. Once the asset’s menu is open, you could track it, make alterations to the details in the digital profile or even assign the asset to someone. But this is enough talk, let’s look at how you can save your business money.

How An Asset Register Can Save Your Business Money

There are many ways for you to save your business money by using an asset register. Some of these ways include:

  • You no longer have ghost or zombie assets – ghost assets are those that don’t work anymore. Zombie assets are those that don’t work well and could be slowing you down. When you use an asset register to create a maintenance schedule you can eliminate ghost and zombie assets. 
  • Tracking becomes automated – once you’ve added an RFID tag or barcode to your assets tracking starts automatically. This means you’ll always know where they are so you’re unlikely to lose them. 
  • Assets can last longer – as soon as you set up that maintenance schedule your assets will last longer as they’ll be in a better state of repair all of the time. 
  • Your asset register is far more accurate – once you’ve added everything to your asset register app your register will be more accurate than if you’d use a spreadsheet or a notebook. 
  • You can make better business decisions – this is simple because you can see what assets you have and how often they are used. Additionally, you’ll be able to export data that’s created by your register app. This means you’ll have accurate data to band whenever you want it. This could potentially save you money making bad decisions. 
  • You’re unlikely to discard warranty information – it’s possible to add warranty information and any other important information to your asset register. So, even if you do discard the warranty details that came with your new laptop, for example, you’ll still have access to it. So, there’s a chance you’ll get a refund or a replacement rather than having to pay out for something new. 

As you can see, it’s easy to save money when you use an asset register.

Additional Benefits Of Using An Asset Register

Some of the additional benefits associated with using a modern and trusted asset register app can include. 

Barcode tracking is simple, allowing you to track your assets, keeping them safer. So, you’ll not have to worry too much about things going missing or having to replace them. You can check everything in and out with ease, again, ensuring nothing gets stolen or lost. If something is left behind or taken off the premises, you can track where it is. The app can be used on a wide variety of devices ensuring you don’t have to purchase additional devices. This could save you thousands if you want your team to have access to your new asset register. 


Would you like to speak with an expert about using an asset register app to save your business money? Contact us now at

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What IT Asset Management Is And Why You Need it

What IT Asset Management Is And Why You Need it

What IT Asset Management Is And Why You Need it

Using an IT asset management system may seem quite alien to some. However, asset management is becoming increasingly popular due to the benefits that it offers. When you manage all of your IT assets, you can have much more control over them. Imagine having more control over your assets and what it could mean for your business. Whether you have 3-4 IT assets or you have 300-400+ IT assets, managing them is the way forward.

What IT Assets Are

The term “IT assets” refers to any asset that is a type of computer or related to computers, such as modems and printers. An IT asset could also be a fax machine (if you still use them) or a power cable. Anything that is remotely related to IT such as your smartphone could be added to your new IT asset management system. 

Did you know that even if you have a few assets that aren’t IT-related you could still add them? In fact, the more assets you add, the merrier. You could add those non IT-related assets to their own group so you can manage them separately. This is the beauty of asset management systems.

Business Asset Tracking

What An IT Asset Management System Is

So, what exactly is one of these very popular management systems? Basically, it’s a really easy way to track all of your assets. It’s a good way for you to see what assets you have and where they are. An asset management system of any kind is one which is located in the cloud and allows you to store data while you track everything. 

You can use your new management system on your smartphone, desktop computer, laptop, and even your tablet, if you wish. The level of flexibility makes asset management very easy to use. 

When you choose to manage your IT assets you could create asset profiles and populate the profiles with information such as the: 

  • Make
  • Model 
  • Serial number
  • Insurance details
  • Warranty details
  • Maintenance/inspection schedule 
  • Date of and price at purchase
  • Instruction manual PDF or link to the manual 
  • And so much more!


All that you need to do is to make a start by adding asset tags to your hardware. Once you’ve added a tag to every piece of IT hardware you have, the tracking begins. 

Did you know that you can also track your software? Simply create a digital profile and start tracking that too. This way, you can keep a close eye on your software. 

Whether you track your IT hardware, software, or both, you can have more control and more security. You could see a huge difference in the way that you use your assets. This is all thanks to the data that your new IT asset management system will provide. There’s more information about this in the next section.

Why You Need IT Asset Management In Your Life

Did you know your new IT asset management system creates a report entirely based on the data that the management system itself creates? This report can be customised and exported as and when you please. You could have a lot of information at your fingertips. This information could prove to be vital for your business as you can potentially see it in a new light. 

Additionally, you could have a: 

  • Complete inventory of your hardware and software 
  • The ability to create a unique and detailed user history
  • A system that Improves every asset’s life cycle 
  • The ability to help you to create and stick to maintenance schedules 
  • Improved accountability as you’ll know where assets have been and who’s used them
  • Increased visibility as you can create and gain a lot of information about each asset

This is why more and more businesses are now choosing to manage their IT assets. It makes perfect sense to be able to track and take care of those costly assets that your business uses every single day.

Additional Benefits

When you track your IT assets, depending on the tracking software you choose, you could find that it helps to lower costs. If this was not enough, there’s a real chance that your new management system could help to save you time. This is simply because you can see where your assets are and you can tick boxes quickly and get on with other tasks. A direct result of this means that you could find productivity is boosted. If this was not enough, your new IT asset management system also ensures optimum asset utilisation. There’s a real possibility that you could get more out of your assets as you’ll know how to use them to their best ability. 

You can do all this and more if you start managing your IT assets.

Wish to chat with an expert about using an IT asset management system? Contact us today at

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What Is RFID Tracking?

What Is RFID Tracking?

What Is RFID Tracking?

You spend a lot of money on your assets. Whether you use your assets at work, in the home, or both, they can be quite costly. With this in mind, it makes sense for you to know that they’re safe. This is especially the case when it comes to the more expensive assets. 

Regardless of what your assets are, how much they cost, and wherever you use them, you need more control over them. This is where RFID asset tracking can help, possibly more so than you know. It can help you to categorise, locate, and manage all of your assets.

What Exactly Is RFID Tracking?

Radio Frequency Identification or RFID uses radio frequencies to show where a tagged asset is. Similar to QR codes and barcodes, RFID tags don’t just monitor an asset’s movement, they do so much more. RFID asset tracking offers you much more transparency, automation, and ultimately, control. Consequently, your business could save time and money by transforming your operations.

Business Asset Tracking

Make Tracking High Value Assets Easy

Do you have any high value assets? Assets such as these could be pieces of fine art, multiple 3D printers, luxury cars, and more. When you have high value assets it makes sense for you to track them. When you can successfully track your expensive assets you can have peace of mind. 

One of the benefits of using RFID asset tracking software is it allows you to see where your assets are 24/7. It also lets you check your assets in and out, assign assets, and much more. 

In order to track your high value assets (and, in fact, any asset), simply do the following:

  • Affix an RFID tag to your chosen assets
  • Scan the tag with your RFID reader
  • See where your assets are
  • Update each asset’s digital profile

Whenever you use an RFID reader you’ll be able to locate assets quickly. Some readers have a large range, ensuring they can locate assets with ease. Should a tag pass the reader, the asset’s digital profile will show. All of this helps you to understand where your assets were last seen. This ensures that tracking high value assets is a breeze

The Benefits of RFID Asset Tracking

There are many benefits associated with RFID asset tracking. Some of these benefits include: 

  • Offering you an insight into each asset’s history
  • Making auditing much easier as you’ll have an accurate picture of how many assets you have
  • Ensuring tags are discrete so they cannot be seen by those who may want to remove them
  • Boosting security levels and thereby helping to keep all of your assets safe
  • Offering you the chance to create historical data that can be made into a report
  • Giving you peace of mind

Why Tracking Assets With RFID Tags Makes Life Easier

RFID asset tracking makes life easier because you always know where your assets are. You no longer need to stand on the factory floor trying to guess where everything is. You don’t have to walk around a construction site wondering where the skid steer loader might be. No matter where you are or what you do, you can find your assets within moments. This is why using RFID tags makes life easier.

Did you know that you can upload an instruction manual to your tracking software? You can do this for some or all of your assets. When you do, you’re giving your future self and your team members a bit of a gift. You and they can find the manual in no time. You could also do the same for the insurance information and warranty details. In fact, you can upload whatever information you wish. This is why tracking assets using RFID tags makes life easier. 

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How To Increase Security In An Instant

Did you know that you can increase security in an instant? When you use RFID tags you can give yourself peace of mind. You can see where your assets are and who is using them. If you wish, you could even ask your team members to note down why they’re using the assets. They can do this via the asset’s digital profile.

It’s amazing that an RFID tag can help to boost security. You don’t have to spend thousands of pounds on state-of-the-art security equipment. You can simply attach an RFID tag. However, when you do, just make sure it’s attached somewhere discrete. Doing so can ensure that the tag is less likely to be removed or damaged. You could keep track of your high value assets, your low value assets, and everything in between. Rest assured that when you attach an RFID tag to any asset, it can be tracked by you easily. 

Would you like to chat with an RFID asset tracking expert? Contact us now at

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