How To Automate Asset Register Management

How To Automate Asset Register Management

How To Automate Asset Register Management

Managing your asset register can be a hard task. The more assets you have or the more locations they’re situated in, the trickier it can be to manage them. This is why it makes sense for you to automate your asset register. 

If you have a lot of hardware assets such as smartphones, tablets, desktop computers and laptops, you’ll appreciate that they can be quite valuable. Therefore, using automation alongside good hardware asset register management is the way forward. 

In this article, we will take a look at how you can easily automate your hardware assets so management is a breeze.

Find Some Asset Management Software

The first thing that you need to do is to find the right software for you. There is a lot of management software out there so make sure you find some you’re comfortable with. Ideally, the software will be easy to use and offer you everything you need. For example, the software could allow you to: 

  • Organise your assets into different collections
  • Track the location of your hardware assets
  • Access the portal via a mobile device or a computer 
  • Bulk update your records within moments 
  • Use AI for image recognition 
  • Check hardware in and out 
  • Report and manage issues 
  • Affix QR and barcodes to your assets 

If you find hardware asset register software that works well, automating your register should be easy. Ideally, you will be able to complete your day-to-day tasks with relative ease. 

Consider trying a few different types of software if you’re not completely satisfied with the first one you try.

Business Asset Tracking

Add All Of Your Assets To The Digital Register

As soon as you have found software you’re happy with, it will be time to add your assets to the register. Your new hardware asset register should contain details about all of your assets. If you have more assets than you realise, don’t worry. You can typically add a huge number of assets to your new digital register.

When you add each asset to the register try to also add some useful information. For example, you may want to add information about a laptop’s:

  • Make and model 
  • Serial number
  • Date of purchase
  • Price at purchase
  • Warranty and insurance details
  • A photograph for easy identification 
  • The user guide or a link to a site that contains it 
  • The maintenance schedule
  • And so much more

The more information that you add to every asset’s digital profile, the better. If you’re unsure about the laptop’s warranty, for example, you can simply go to its profile and the information could be there. Therefore, you will not need to hunt around the office or online for the warranty information. You can find it within moments and there’s something really satisfying about that. You can have asset register management under control when your assets are added to a register.

Start Tracking Your Hardware Assets

Now it’s time for you to start tracking everything that’s in your hardware asset register. However, you don’t need to do this, your software will automatically do it for you. As long as you have affixed a QR or barcode to your assets, they will be tracked. 

Tracking your assets is the ideal way for you to have better asset register management. You’ll know where each of your assets is at all times. You can see who is using which assets and even when they’ve checked them out. You’ll also see when assets are checked back in. 

Tracking your assets can even heighten the security that surrounds them. Users will be aware that the assets are tracked. They will also be aware that you know they are using the assets in question. It’s this that can heighten security. Additionally, it can ensure that all of your assets are taken care of. After all, if management knows you’re using a tablet, for example, you’re more likely to take better care of it. What this means is that fewer assets may be damaged or lost. 

Tracking your assets can bring many benefits to your business. Location tracking is automated and easy and it’s just one of the many ways that allows you to have better asset register management.

Let The Software Automate Your Hardware

Once you have added all of your assets to your new digital register you can sit back. The software can automate your hardware so that you can get on and complete other tasks. You can say “goodbye” to physical asset registers. You can stop using error-filled spreadsheets. Use technologically advanced software that automates asset register management so that your business has a chance to grow and thrive.

If you would like to speak to an expert who can help you to automate your hardware asset register, talk to us. You can reach us at:

The Ideal Way To Manage Your Asset Register

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The Impact Of Equipment Maintenance On A Company’s Bottom Line

The Impact Of Equipment Maintenance On A Company’s Bottom Line

The Impact Of Equipment Maintenance On A Company’s Bottom Line

Many companies work hard to ensure that they minimise their bottom line. There are many ways that a company can do this from boosting profits to speeding up processes. However, what’s not always clear is that equipment maintenance can have a significant impact. 

Let’s imagine that you’re in charge of office equipment management. You want to ensure that all of your office equipment is tracked and used as effectively as possible. It’s likely that you want every single piece of office equipment to stay in good working order. This is where equipment maintenance comes in.

Let’s take a look at various ways that the impact of equipment maintenance can affect your company’s bottom line.

Equipment Uptime is Increased

When you are on top of maintaining your equipment, uptime is increased. We are all aware that downtime can result in a major backlog. However, when you have office equipment management down to a fine art, this is no longer a big issue. 

The impact of equipment maintenance in this respect ensures that all of your office equipment is less likely to break down. Therefore, those tasks and orders are more likely to be completed. Your computers, laptops, printers, and photocopiers, etc, do the tasks that they are meant to do, and much more often. A direct result of this is that revenue is likely to be boosted.

Business Asset Tracking

Office Equipment Maintains Its Value

Office equipment management is not as easy as it seems. Regardless of the size of your office or offices, your equipment should initially have a lot of value. However, over time this monetary value can decrease. This is especially the case if you do not stay on top of equipment maintenance. 

Should you ever need to use your equipment as collateral against a loan, the higher the value, the better. This is where good equipment maintenance can pay off (pun intended). A prospective lender could see what computers, etc. you have, and whether they are in good condition. The higher the value, the bigger your loan could be. Your bottom line could be increased as a direct result. You may now have enough money to purchase more office equipment, for example, and undertake even more work. Again, it’s this that can help to improve your company’s bottom line.

Efficiency Is Improved

When the right office equipment management techniques are coupled with good equipment maintenance, efficiency is improved. When a computer programme, for example, is working well, it’s more likely to be productive and efficient. 

If a programme is updated frequently, a computer is maintained regularly, and a photocopier is repaired each time it stops working, efficiency can be improved. Uptime is increased, and fewer issues are likely to occur. As a result, your entire office can be much more efficient. This can have a huge impact on your company’s bottom line.

Maintenance Costs Are Reduced

Office equipment management can initially seem costly. However, when equipment is frequently maintained, costs can and will go down. If you set up and stick to a maintenance schedule for all of your desktop computers, modems, etc. issues are more likely to be uncovered. What this potentially means is that you no longer need to purchase expensive parts. Issues could be found sooner rather than later. This can have an impact on a company’s bottom line. 

Additionally, you may no longer need to replace your equipment as often as you used to. We all know that office equipment can be expensive. It, therefore, makes sense to do what you can to reduce the need to replace equipment and spend less on repairs.

Product Quality Will Be Increased

The quality of the products or services that you offer will increase if you are in full control of your equipment maintenance. As a result, your company’s bottom line will benefit from this. 

Let’s imagine that you create marketing materials for many different businesses. If the tools that you use to create these materials are not working well, the quality of your products can suffer. A computer that is slow can be frustrating to use. As a result, the time and effort that would ordinarily be put into a slogan, for example, could reduce significantly. The slogan may be rushed so that a deadline is met when ordinarily you could have more than enough time. 

When you don’t use equipment maintenance to its advantage there’s a real risk that the slogan you created won’t be good enough. Therefore, you may have to spend more of your company’s time improving the logo. Therefore, the profits you may have originally made won’t impact the bottom line quite as much.

Would you like to speak with an expert about equipment maintenance? Talk with us today. You can reach us now at:

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The Importance Of Tracking IT Assets In A Small Business

The Importance Of Tracking IT Assets In A Small Business

The Importance Of Tracking IT Assets In A Small Business

IT asset tracking is a major component of managing an inventory. IT assets are those that a business owns and uses. They are of value to the business and, therefore, need to be tracked. Small businesses such as law firms, construction companies, therapeutic services, etc. still have IT assets. It’s these assets that need to be managed and tracked. 

There are still many businesses out there that do not place any or enough importance on IT asset tracking. This is a real mistake as IT assets can be of great value. Security surrounding such assets needs to be improved as they can be costly to replace. 

Let’s take a look at a few more reasons why it’s so important for small businesses to start tracking their IT assets.

You Can Account For Your IT Assets

With the use of the right IT asset tracking software, it’s possible to account for your computers, etc. It is possible to see where they are at any time of the day or night. You can even see who is using which laptop.

Being able to track your assets in this way can prove to be very useful if you have assets in many locations. Perhaps your office or warehouse is large. Maybe your IT business is run by many people who work from home using your devices. Perhaps you rent some of your IT equipment out and you need to know which customers have what. As you can see, it makes sense for your small business to use IT asset tracking to its full advantage.

Business Asset Tracking

It’s Possible To Spot Inventory Losses

From time to time, assets can go missing or they can break down. As a result, you may no longer have as many assets in your inventory. When inventory shrinkage or loss takes place your inventory is not as accurate as it once was. The good news is that when you harness the power of accurate IT asset tracking, you’ll be able to spot these losses. 

For example, it may be possible to see who returned a tablet that was damaged. You could even see who still has the laptop that should have been returned a few weeks ago. With this information available at your fingertips, inventory losses, also known as “Ghost assets” can be a thing of the past.

Operations Can Run More Smoothly

When IT assets are successfully tracked it allows for small business operations to run more smoothly. This is because it is possible to see which assets are used and by whom. Such insights can help to streamline some or all of your operations. For example, should you wish to find Desktop Computer 4, you can log into your tracking software and locate it. If you want to see if tablet D is being used in the right area of the city, you can locate it with ease. 

The simple act of coming up with an inventory management strategy can help operations. If you use this strategy on par with reliable, easy-to-use software, your small business can benefit. Some IT tracking software can be used on laptops, desktop computers, mobile phones, and tablets. This ensures that users can log into the software no matter where they are. Already proven to be hugely beneficial, easy software access coupled with a good inventory management strategy can help immensely.

Assets Can Be Maintained To A High Standard

Every business needs to work hard to save money. Small businesses are no exception. In fact, small businesses may need to work even harder to save money. This is where IT asset tracking can help.

Asset maintenance can be a sore issue. Assets may not be maintained as and when required as it’s easy to bypass maintenance deadlines. However, when IT assets are tracked, maintenance is easier. Most software allows users to set maintenance reminders that alert those responsible when an IT asset needs to be examined. The software can also ensure that damaged assets are repaired more quickly. A lot of tracking software allows users to send an alert to the maintenance team about a damaged asset. Therefore, the team can repair the printer, for example, and ensure it’s ready for use once more. 

When assets are maintained to a high standard they can perform better. When a dropped tablet, for example, is repaired quickly it can be used once more. Not only does it mean that the tablet’s user can gain access to it, it also means that productivity can be increased.

Many businesses are guilty of putting damaged assets to one side with the intention of repairing them. However, when damaged assets are shelved, so to speak, they can be forgotten about. With the right tracking software, your small business’s IT assets can be repaired and maintained quickly so they’re ready to be used when you need them.

Wish to speak with an expert about IT asset tracking? Contact us now. You can reach us at:

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The Importance Of Updating Your Asset Register In Real-Time

The Importance Of Updating Your Asset Register In Real-Time

The Importance Of Updating Your Asset Register In Real-Time

In order for a business to be successful those who run it need to have full control over every aspect. One of the most important aspects of any business is its asset register. Knowing what assets you have, who is using them, and where they are is essential. However, not every business updates its asset register in real-time. 

Updating your assets in real-time is hugely important. Let’s take a look at why this is.

You Always Know What Assets You Have

When you use a trusted asset register app or online portal you will know what assets you have. This is a result of your app or portal allowing you to upload details of all of your assets. You can even see which assets you have in which departments, should you wish to. 

Using a QR code, you can scan each asset and see the maintenance status and who the last person to use the asset was. You could even read the asset’s instruction manual if you had previously uploaded it. So, when you update your asset register in real-time you see what assets you have. 

Did you know that you can also be familiar with multiple aspects of each asset? When you create a digital profile for each asset you can add a lot of information about each asset. When you have a digital profile that contains as much information as you wish, it means you can gain access to that information when you need to. So, for example, if you want to know when a vehicle was purchased, simply click on the profile to see it. As long as you previously added the information, it will be found in the asset’s profile.

Business Asset Tracking

You Will Know Who Is Using Which Assets

Thanks to the way that many an asset register app works, you could know who is using which assets. The check-in and check-out feature of each asset will enable you to see which member of your team is using the asset in question. 

You could, for example, see that Mrs A from the warehouse is using the forklift. You could see that Mr. B is using a tablet in the sales department. 

When you know who is using which assets, you can potentially boost security. This is simply because users will have to put their names against an asset. They will know that you’re tracking the asset, therefore, it’s more likely to be looked after. 

Did you know that you can also track the location of your assets? As long as you use an asset register app that updates in real-time tracking will be easy. You can track your vehicles, tablets, and couple that with the check-in and check-out feature. As a result, you could see that Mr. B has gone to the office of a potential client and taken a tablet with him.

The Maintenance Status Of Your Assets Will Improve

When you update your asset register in real-time, the maintenance status of your assets will improve. Any modern and trusted asset register app will help you to keep every piece of equipment in good condition. 

You could, for example, set up a maintenance schedule for your equipment and everything else. When you do, you’ll receive notifications to tell you when a laptop, for example, is due for maintenance. This ensures that your assets are much more likely to be repaired, should they need it. When all of your tools, machinery, equipment, and computers are inspected frequently, they’re more likely to work well. A computer that is looked after could last longer than one that isn’t. This results in you needing to replace your computers less often. 

Some asset register apps even allow you to contact your maintenance team to let them know there’s a problem with an asset. This ensures the damaged asset can be repaired which means it won’t become a ghost asset. All of this can be achieved if you update your asset register in real-time.

You’re More Likely To Boost Your Bottom Line

When you use an asset register app that can be updated in real-time your bottom line can be boosted. You’re more likely to complete tasks much more quickly. You won’t have as many damaged assets that need replacing, and fewer to no assets will get lost. 

Using an asset register app or an online portal that allows you to do all of the above, your team’s productivity can be improved. There will be less downtime, more assets that work well, more fulfilled orders, and more security surrounding each asset. All of this can realistically be achieved if you use an app or an online portal that updates your asset register in real-time.

Are you keen to speak with someone who knows how an asset register app can help you with real-time asset updates? Contact us now at:

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Strategies For Reducing Equipment Downtime

Strategies For Reducing Equipment Downtime

Strategies For Reducing Equipment Downtime

When equipment breaks down or is in need of repair it can slow things down immensely. For example, those orders may not be fulfilled by midday. The machine that you work with every day may stop functioning completely, causing tailbacks, etc.

Downtime is something that can cause a lot of issues, even if it lasts for just a few minutes. The good news is that there are a few strategies for reducing equipment downtime. This is where pre-emptive maintenance can come in and make a real difference. Let’s explore this and other strategies now.

Use a Computerised Maintenance Management System

A computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) can help to reduce human errors that can increase downtime. A CMMS that is worth its weight in gold can potentially help by tracking maintenance. Additionally, it can ensure that the maintenance team has easy access to instruction manuals. As a result, repairs can be made as and when they are required. 

Equipment maintenance planning that comes as standard with many CMMSs can have maintenance procedures that are almost foolproof. Such planning can ensure that inspections and repairs take place. Pre-emptive maintenance is a major part of this.

Business Asset Tracking

Have A Back-Up Plan

It always makes sense to have a back-up plan. No matter what type of business you have or how large your business is, a back-up plan can help. Equipment can fail at a moment’s notice and at critical times.

We’ve all experienced occasions when we really need all of our machinery to work with no issues. However, it seems that when there’s a right deadline something usually goes wrong. Here is where having a back-up plan can help. 

A back-up plan can include having generators kick in when the power’s down. It can include using other machinery to complete tasks when another machine has stopped working.

No matter what your back-up plan may be, if you have one that works, it could save the day. You could, for example, ship those orders on time. You may be able to write that report before the deadline so your manager is happy.

Always have a back-up plan. When you do, you can still work even when your equipment, tools, computer, or machinery decide to stop working at the most crucial moment.

Use Pre-emptive Maintenance To Your Advantage

One of the very best strategies for reducing equipment downtime is by using pre-emptive maintenance. When you use this strategy to its full advantage there’s a real chance that you can make a difference. 

Pre-emptive maintenance is all about making sure that you prevent maintenance issues before they arise. While this may seem easier said than done, with the use of some tracking software, it’s entirely possible. 

Let’s take a look at just how pre-emptive maintenance can make a real difference.

You Can Notify The Maintenance Team Of Potential Issues

Using software that helps you to track your equipment may also allow you to deal with maintenance issues. For example, if the tablet you’re using does not always respond to your touch, you could notify the maintenance department. 

Some tracking software allows you to send messages to different departments. If the software that you use permits this, you could notify the maintenance team of the issue. The team can then repair the tablet before the issue becomes worse. As a result, downtime can be kept to a minimum. 

It is likely that you will have more than one tablet available for use at any one time. This means that repairing one of them may not cause major issues. However, if more than one tablet is in need of repair, downtime could become a problem. This is where pre-empting issues can make a real difference.

You Can Set Up A Maintenance Schedule

Setting up a maintenance schedule is, perhaps, one of the best pre-emptive maintenance strategies around. If you want to reduce equipment downtime, this is the strategy to use. 

A maintenance schedule can be attuned to every piece of equipment that you have. For example, your largest conveyor belt could be serviced every 6 months. Your grinding and milling machines could be serviced every 3 months. The choice is yours. 

One of the best things about setting up a maintenance schedule is its notifications. You can potentially receive notifications just before your equipment needs to undergo maintenance. As a result, it may be possible for you to organise the usage of other equipment in the meantime. Alternatively, you may simply need to have some downtime while the equipment is being maintained. The good news is that if you stick with the schedule, downtime can be minimised. In addition to this, if potential issues are always flagged, downtime can be reduced even further.

Would you like to speak with someone about pre-emptive maintenance? Contact us today. You can reach us now at: We’re here to help you.

The Ideal Way To Reduce Equipment Downtime

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