Did you know that you can save your business a good amount of money when you use an asset register app? You had probably already gathered this when you read this article’s title. However, you may not know exactly how you can save money. Don’t worry, this article will show you just how easy it is for your business to save cash. The good news is that you don’t have to run a large business in order to benefit, you can run a small one. As long as you have some assets, you can save money, it’s that simple.
What an Asset Register Is
An asset register is a system that stores a lot of information about your assets. All of this information is stored in the cloud and it can be accessed whenever you wish. An asset register is different from a mere list of assets, though. A register consists of a lot of information about every single asset such as when and where it was purchased, the model and make, the maintenance schedule, instruction booklet, and much more,
Your new asset register app will contain a lot of details about all of your assets and keep those safe. With the ability to access the register from multiple devices, you can see where your assets are at all times. This is one of the major functions associated with an asset register. It can help you to see where your assets are every minute of every day.

How To Use An Asset Register App
As soon as you have chosen which app you want to use, you are good to go. Just make sure that you opt for an asset register app that’s trusted and frequently updated. Simply log into your chosen app and you should be able to select an asset. Once the asset’s menu is open, you could track it, make alterations to the details in the digital profile or even assign the asset to someone. But this is enough talk, let’s look at how you can save your business money.
How An Asset Register Can Save Your Business Money
There are many ways for you to save your business money by using an asset register. Some of these ways include:
- You no longer have ghost or zombie assets – ghost assets are those that don’t work anymore. Zombie assets are those that don’t work well and could be slowing you down. When you use an asset register to create a maintenance schedule you can eliminate ghost and zombie assets.
- Tracking becomes automated – once you’ve added an RFID tag or barcode to your assets tracking starts automatically. This means you’ll always know where they are so you’re unlikely to lose them.
- Assets can last longer – as soon as you set up that maintenance schedule your assets will last longer as they’ll be in a better state of repair all of the time.
- Your asset register is far more accurate – once you’ve added everything to your asset register app your register will be more accurate than if you’d use a spreadsheet or a notebook.
- You can make better business decisions – this is simple because you can see what assets you have and how often they are used. Additionally, you’ll be able to export data that’s created by your register app. This means you’ll have accurate data to band whenever you want it. This could potentially save you money making bad decisions.
- You’re unlikely to discard warranty information – it’s possible to add warranty information and any other important information to your asset register. So, even if you do discard the warranty details that came with your new laptop, for example, you’ll still have access to it. So, there’s a chance you’ll get a refund or a replacement rather than having to pay out for something new.
As you can see, it’s easy to save money when you use an asset register.
Additional Benefits Of Using An Asset Register
Some of the additional benefits associated with using a modern and trusted asset register app can include.
Barcode tracking is simple, allowing you to track your assets, keeping them safer. So, you’ll not have to worry too much about things going missing or having to replace them. You can check everything in and out with ease, again, ensuring nothing gets stolen or lost. If something is left behind or taken off the premises, you can track where it is. The app can be used on a wide variety of devices ensuring you don’t have to purchase additional devices. This could save you thousands if you want your team to have access to your new asset register.
Would you like to speak with an expert about using an asset register app to save your business money? Contact us now at team@itemit.com.

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