Why Asset Tags Need To Be Unique

Why Asset Tags Need To Be Unique

When you’re implementing your asset tracking software, you’ll find that your assets need to be unique. Therefore, you’ll need to use unique asset tags to identify your assets.

This is why you might find that your barcodes aren’t working. As many barcodes contain pricing information, you may discover that they don’t scan into your asset tracking software properly. 

You’ll need to use unique asset tags to track and manage your assets. This way, you’ll be able to maintain your data and keep a better eye over your assets.


QR code asset tags


Your Asset Tag Options

With simple asset management software, you’ll be able to tag your assets with a variety of different types of tag. Each tags have slightly different functionality and usage benefits.

Tagging and Tracking with QR Code Asset Tags


Barcode asset tags are the most basic way to track your assets. Simply add your unique barcodes to your assets and scan them into your system. This way, you’ll be able to manage your assets quickly and with ease.


QR Codes

QR code asset tags work in a very similar way to barcodes; only they can hold more information. It’s much more transparent with QR codes, however, as you can guarantee uniquity with much greater ease.

QR codes and barcodes are also customisable, so you’ll be able to purchase metal asset tags to ensure that the assets going through wear and tear and weathering can still be accounted for.

To find out more about the differences between QR codes and barcodes, you can read our blog on QR codes Vs. Barcodes.



RFID tags allow you to have more automation and scan from a greater distance. QR code asset tags and barcodes require a line of sight to scan. RFID tags, however, do not.

The caveat to this is that you’ll need to use external hardware to track and manage your RFID tags, as your phone won’t have a built-in RFID scanner.

However, when it comes to high-value asset tracking for example, RFID is much more viable as a use case, as you’ll be able to hide RFID tags in a way that you can’t hide QR codes or barcodes.


GPS Trackers

GPS trackers will give you the fullest functionality for asset management, as you’ll be able to track your assets in a hands-free, automated way.

Your GPS trackers will periodically update, showing you where your assets are. You’ll also be able to use geofencing to track when your assets are leaving certain locations, helping you mitigate theft and asset loss.


Why Do Asset Tags Need To Be Unique?

These asset tags need to be unique so that you can add certain, specific data to your assets. The ability to link unique assets to their tags allows you to track them as unique entities.

So, if an asset is damaged, you’ll be able to specify which asset is damaged and where it is thanks to this uniquity. In other words, you’ll scan the tag in your asset tracking app, updating the asset’s location and opening its unique profile. You’ll then be able to log the issue.

As the issue has been logged against a unique asset and the location data has been updating, the process of finding which asset is damaged and where it is becomes streamlined and simple.

To find out more about how itemit’s asset tracking system can make your life easier, you can book a demo of the system using the button below.

You can also contact the team at team@itemit.com or fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.


Why not check out these blogs:

How To Use An Anti-Theft Tool Tracker

Who Needs Fixed Asset Register Software?

Why Software Asset Management Is So Important

Use Your Own Asset Tags!

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How To Use An Anti-Theft Tool Tracker

How To Use An Anti-Theft Tool Tracker

Theft is a huge problem on construction sites, costing the industry over £800 million a year. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you have anti-theft tracking software set up to ensure that your tools are safe and secure.

Knowing how to track your tools is essential. This way, you’ll be able to keep a transparent audit trail of where your tools are and who has been interacting with them, mitigating asset theft.


1. Learn How To Track Your Tools

Knowing your tools is one thing, knowing the best practices for tracking them is another. Thankfully, knowing how to track your tools is simple. You’ll be able to use asset tracking software to log your tools and keep a better, clearer eye on them.

With asset tracking software, you’ll be able to create mitigating factors for theft, as well as create deterrents. Therefore, how do you track your tools? First, by finding an effective asset tracking software, then by running through the process of setting it up.


2. Set Up Your Asset Tracking Software

The process of setting up your asset tracking software is simple. First, you’ll log all of your tools onto the system, then, you’ll be able to add all relevant data and information to them.

The core functionality is the ability to add digital doubles of all of your assets in a visible way. This creates more transparency over your asset register, allowing you to manage your tools in a much simpler way.

You’ll also be able to export your fixed asset register as a pdf, with all relevant data and images of your assets. This pdf you’ll be able to use for insurance purposes should something go wrong.


3. Use Your Asset Tags

The next step is to tag up your assets. There are different levels of anti-theft protection, and different types of asset tags provide different functionality.

The process is simple. Stick your tags onto your physical assets and scan them into your asset tracking software. Now, every time you scan an asset’s tag, the last seen location and the user who scanned the asset will update in your system.

Tagging and Tracking with QR Code Asset Tags

QR code asset tags will act as a deterrent. itemit’s QR code asset tags state that the equipment is “tracked by itemit”, therefore mitigating theft. 

If you’re looking for more robust theft prevention measures, you can also use GPS asset tracking. Your GPS trackers will update periodically, letting you know where your assets are, and you’ll also be able to set up geofences so that you know if any assets are getting taken offsite.


4. See The Benefits Of Asset Management!

The final step is to simply continue tracking and managing your assets. Before long, you’ll see fewer assets going missing and gain the benefits of more accountability and transparency over your assets.

With asset management, you’ll regain control over your tools and equipment and be able to mitigate theft effectively, as well as use your fixed asset register to gain insurance benefits.

To find out more about how itemit can help you reduce theft, you’ll be able to book a demo using the button below.

You can also contact the team at team@itemit.com or fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.


Why not check out these blogs:

Who Needs Fixed Asset Register Software?

Why Software Asset Management Is So Important

How To Use Asset Management Tools In Your Business

Try Our Anti-Theft Tool Tracker Now

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Who Needs Fixed Asset Register Software?

Who Needs Fixed Asset Register Software?

Fixed asset register software can help you save time and money. Automate your operations by managing asset-related data and finances. With fixed asset register software, you’ll be able to keep a clear eye on what you own and what its status is.

Implementing asset tracking procedures benefits your business by:

  • Helping you keep track of what you own
  • Mitigating issues such as asset loss or a lack of accountability
  • Enabling you to run speedy audits to verify that your assets are accounted for

So, who can fixed asset register software help? The answer is simple, anyone with fixed assets in their business.


How Does Fixed Asset Register Software Work?

Fixed asset register software allows you to create unique digital doubles of your assets. On these digital profiles, you’ll be able to add relevant information, such as who is responsible for assets, as well as depreciation information and costs.

You’ll be able to use fixed asset tagging to link your physical assets with their digital profiles, too. Fixed asset tagging is the simple process of adding a fixed asset tag to your physical assets and then scanning them into your asset tracking app.

Tagging and Tracking with QR Code Asset Tags

After this, every time you scan an asset’s tag, the asset’s digital profile will open up, ready for you to view, add, or amend any data. The last seen location will also update whenever you scan an asset’s tag, as well as the user who scanned the tag. This way, you’ll create a visible audit trail of where your assets have been.


The Type Of Businesses That Need Asset Tracking

A wide range of businesses can benefit from asset tracking. As fixed asset register software is customisable, and as you can add your own assets, you can tailor your procedures to your needs.

So, if you’re looking for construction equipment asset management, for example, you’ll be able to log your asset data in your fixed asset register software. Then, you can track crucial information such as maintenance data and manage issues via your asset tracking system.

If you’re working in an office or from home, you’ll be able to use your fixed asset register software for IT asset management processes. This way, you’ll be able to verify that your equipment is up to date and that your colleagues have everything they need to perform their tasks.

Overall, if your business has assets, you’ll be able to create more transparency and accountability around them using fixed asset register software.


Exporting Your Fixed Asset Register

All of your procedures come together with the ability to export your asset register. Using a bespoke and customisable reporting feature, you’ll be able to filter by asset type or status and export pdfs or spreadsheets showing relevant asset data.

This is useful to prove responsible ownership and accountability when it comes to insurance, but it can also assist with your expenses and finances.

Effectively, reporting streamlines your operations and gives you the functionality you need to perform your duties efficiently, accurately and quickly.

To find out more about how itemit’s fixed asset register software can help you, you can book a demo using the button below.

You can also contact the team at team@itemit.com or fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial and see the benefits for yourself.


Why not check out these blogs:

Why Software Asset Management Is So Important

How To Use Asset Management Tools In Your Business

How To Use Computer Asset Tracking Software To Save Your Business Money

Start Using Our Fixed Asset Register Software Now

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Why Software Asset Management Is So Important

Why Software Asset Management Is So Important

Software asset management is the process of logging and tracking your business’ software. With software asset management, you’ll be able to verify which software you have access to, which subscriptions have been paid, and when subscriptions are due.

Overall, you reduce administration by optimising your time when logging your expenses and you keep a clear view of when it’s time to pay your subscriptions.

Why is this important? Because it’s essential to optimise and automate as many of your operations as possible so that you can spend more time on the important things.


using fixed asset management software to work from home


What Is IT Asset Management?

IT asset management is the discipline of tracking and monitoring your IT assets. Software asset management (sometimes abbreviated to SAM) is part of this, as your software will be one of your IT assets.

The discipline of IT asset management allows you to keep a transparent IT asset register, as well as track crucial maintenance dates and issues, for example.

You’ll be able to use IT asset management software to keep a better, clearer eye on what’s going on with your assets. So, you’ll be able to assign your assets to your colleagues, for example, to see who is responsible for which assets.

Assign Assets to your Colleagues

Overall, this clarity will increase the responsibility over assets in your business, as you’ll be able to share relevant information, such as training manuals, with your IT asset management software.


What Is Software Asset Management?

Software asset management is a process of logging your software onto an online system. You’ll be able to add a variety of information to these logged doubles of your software, and your asset management software will give you helpful functionality to streamline many of your operations.

You’ll use IT asset management software to log your assets and track them and be able to use a variety of features to track your software separately to your hardware.

A lot of the features are built for customizability, so you’ll be able to tailor your asset tracking procedures to both your hardware and your software. For example, you’ll be able to create repeating reminders to track your hardware maintenance, but also be able to use this feature to track subscription dates.

This comes together in your customisable reporting features. As you’ll be able to group assets together, you’ll be able to run separate reports on all of your IT assets, your hardware and your software.


itemit’s Asset Management Software

itemit is easy to use and effective at tracking your assets. Our features are built from customer requests and feedback, so you’ll know that we have something for you.

With itemit, you’ll be able to save time and money, as well as accrue a hefty ROI in time-saving and monetary benefits. 

itemit’s asset management software will help you lose fewer assets, keep track of asset data, and keep an eye on a transparent and simple asset register.

To find out more about how itemit can help you, you’ll be able to book a demo using the button below.

You can also start your 14-day free trial using the form below to try it out for yourself, or you can email team@itemit.com to speak to our team.


Why not check out these blogs:

How To Use Asset Management Tools In Your Business

How To Use Computer Asset Tracking Software To Save Your Business Money

Why You Need Hospital Asset Tracking Software

Try our Asset Management Software Now!

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How To Use Asset Management Tools In Your Business

How To Use Asset Management Tools In Your Business

Asset management tools can help save your business time and money. Without asset management tools, you run the increased risk of losing assets and will notice a lack of transparency and control over your tools and equipment.

When it comes to tools and equipment tracking, there are many features available to you. Asset tracking features will help you maintain control and visibility when it comes to maintenance, asset movement, and asset responsibility.

For example, you’ll be able to use check in check out software functionality to view who your assets are with, whether this is an individual, a company, or if you want to check them out to a job.


equipment asset management software and ITAM


Which Businesses Can Asset Management Tools Help?

Asset management tools will help a wide variety of businesses. Asset tracking software is built to assist with the management of a range of assets, including fixed assets, inventory, and IT assets.

Therefore, so long as your business has assets, asset management tools can help you keep on top of your asset finances, fixed asset register, and IT asset management operations.

The way asset management helps is by giving you increased accountability and transparency over your assets. This helps mitigate problems that face businesses today, such as asset lost, ghost assets, zombie assets. It also gives you more data to make decisions based on, such as how much maintenance an individual asset has required, as well as current costs after fixed asset depreciation.


How Does Asset Tracking Work?

Asset tracking works by allowing you to log individual assets onto an online system. Each of your assets will have a digital double, meaning you’ll be able to add data to your assets online. This data can be anything, from user information to financial data, and you can also add attachments such as warranties and receipts.

Then, you’ll link these digital doubles with your physical assets using asset tags. Whenever you scan an asset’s tag, the digital double will open in your asset management app, ready for any edits and updates.

In practice, if you notice an asset is damaged, all it takes is the scan of the asset’s tag, the logging of the issue, and your maintenance team will be notified which asset is damaged and where it is.

Tagging and Tracking with QR Code Asset Tags

Every scan also updates the asset’s last seen location, so you get a neat history related to your assets. Therefore, you’ll be able to see where all of your assets have been and who has been interacting with them.


How Do Asset Management Tools Help?

Asset management tools help by giving you specific and complete data about your assets. All of this data is fast to view and edit when you implement your asset tracking procedures by:


  1. Logging your assets
  2. Adding relevant information
  3. Tagging your assets


Then, all of this data is exportable and visible in a customisable reporting tool. This can be exported as a fixed asset register, or broken down to view specific information, such as which assets require maintenance.

With reports, you’ll be able to keep your finances up to date and make sure your assets are insured and accounted for properly.

To find out more about how to use itemit’s asset management tools, you can book a demo using the button below.

You’ll also be able to start your free trial by filling in the form below, or you can contact us at team@itemit.com.


Or, you can check out these blogs:

How To Use Computer Asset Tracking Software To Save Your Business Money

Why You Need Hospital Asset Tracking Software

The Best Construction Tool Tracking App Features

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial Of Our Asset Management Software!

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