How To Use An Anti-Theft Tool Tracker

Theft is a huge problem on construction sites, costing the industry over £800 million a year. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you have anti-theft tracking software set up to ensure that your tools are safe and secure.

Knowing how to track your tools is essential. This way, you’ll be able to keep a transparent audit trail of where your tools are and who has been interacting with them, mitigating asset theft.


1. Learn How To Track Your Tools

Knowing your tools is one thing, knowing the best practices for tracking them is another. Thankfully, knowing how to track your tools is simple. You’ll be able to use asset tracking software to log your tools and keep a better, clearer eye on them.

With asset tracking software, you’ll be able to create mitigating factors for theft, as well as create deterrents. Therefore, how do you track your tools? First, by finding an effective asset tracking software, then by running through the process of setting it up.


2. Set Up Your Asset Tracking Software

The process of setting up your asset tracking software is simple. First, you’ll log all of your tools onto the system, then, you’ll be able to add all relevant data and information to them.

The core functionality is the ability to add digital doubles of all of your assets in a visible way. This creates more transparency over your asset register, allowing you to manage your tools in a much simpler way.

You’ll also be able to export your fixed asset register as a pdf, with all relevant data and images of your assets. This pdf you’ll be able to use for insurance purposes should something go wrong.


3. Use Your Asset Tags

The next step is to tag up your assets. There are different levels of anti-theft protection, and different types of asset tags provide different functionality.

The process is simple. Stick your tags onto your physical assets and scan them into your asset tracking software. Now, every time you scan an asset’s tag, the last seen location and the user who scanned the asset will update in your system.

Tagging and Tracking with QR Code Asset Tags

QR code asset tags will act as a deterrent. itemit’s QR code asset tags state that the equipment is “tracked by itemit”, therefore mitigating theft. 

If you’re looking for more robust theft prevention measures, you can also use GPS asset tracking. Your GPS trackers will update periodically, letting you know where your assets are, and you’ll also be able to set up geofences so that you know if any assets are getting taken offsite.


4. See The Benefits Of Asset Management!

The final step is to simply continue tracking and managing your assets. Before long, you’ll see fewer assets going missing and gain the benefits of more accountability and transparency over your assets.

With asset management, you’ll regain control over your tools and equipment and be able to mitigate theft effectively, as well as use your fixed asset register to gain insurance benefits.

To find out more about how itemit can help you reduce theft, you’ll be able to book a demo using the button below.

You can also contact the team at or fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.


Why not check out these blogs:

Who Needs Fixed Asset Register Software?

Why Software Asset Management Is So Important

How To Use Asset Management Tools In Your Business

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