5 Reasons Why You Should Track Fixed Assets

5 Reasons Why You Should Track Fixed Assets

5 Reasons Why You Should Track Fixed Assets

Tracking fixed assets enables firms to grow like never before. Companies all over the world are utilising asset tracking technology to be more productive, save money and discover ever new horizons of sustainable growth. 

While the trend towards fixed asset tracking is on the rise, you should be concerned if your business has not yet adopted or started thinking about adopting automated asset management. To help you with your decision, here are five reasons why you should track fixed assets.

How Does A Fixed Asset Register Help Save You Money?

Five Strong Reasons to Track Fixed Assets

  1. Maximise ROI on Fixed Assets
  2. Maximum Transparency
  3. Regulatory Compliance
  4. Reduce Maintenance Costs
  5. Better Decision Making

1. Maximise ROI on Fixed Assets

A fixed asset is an object you purchase for long-term use. Any piece of hardware, furniture or tool that you own and intend to use for more than a year is termed as a fixed asset and plays a crucial role in work operations. 

Your fixed assets help you earn money. While it’s not easy to put a monetary value on the service an asset has provided you with, Return on Investment (ROI) aims to compare the amount of income that’s generated by a given amount of investment. 

At the time of buying a fixed asset, every business owner or manager wants to extract the maximum amount of value or serviceability from it. This means utilising it at full capacity for the longest period of time. This is easy to achieve with a fixed asset register

That’s not all. What about the ROI on fixed asset tracking technology? Hear this out: ROI on asset tracking software takes less than a year!

Take the amount of time the average employee spends trying to find and recover tools and equipment. Multiply that by the number of employees who do the same thing every day of work. Have a figure? Multiply that again with the average hourly rate for employees at your company. There’s more. What about the time spent on managing asset spreadsheets manually? 

Some quick mental maths will give you the answer you’ve been looking for.

2. Maximum Transparency

How about having a clear overview of all your fixed assets at all times? When you have all your fixed assets tracked with a fixed asset register, you have a comprehensive dataset about each asset available to you at all times. 

This way, you can instantly tell what assets you have, where they are, who has them and even the most intricate details like the purchase price, warranty information and much more: all that at your fingertips. 

Tracking fixed assets is also a great way to deal with ghost and zombie assets. The level of transparency you can have instantly upgrades productivity, accountability among employees and enhances financial accuracy for better audits.

3. Regulatory Compliance

Governments and regulatory authorities around the world require enterprises to keep track of their assets, more importantly, IT assets. This is done primarily to promote financial integrity and personal data security so firms can prove the credibility of their operations.

For instance, GDPR compliance in the European Union requires businesses to track all assets used to collect, store or process clients’ personal data. If you’re already tracking your fixed assets, acquiring most asset management compliance certifications will be easy.

4. Reduce Maintenance Costs

A company-operated vehicle requires an engine oil change and some other maintenance. If taken care of on time, you can minimise maintenance costs. But if you fail to keep track of that vehicle’s maintenance needs, and delay maintenance for too long, you will inevitably have to pay more for maintenance since the asset has suffered a lot more damage due to a late oil change.

This is only one example. But the same is true for every other fixed asset that needs occasional maintenance. With fixed asset tracking, employees can mark an asset due for maintenance so that the managers can look into it in time and save the asset from wasteful damage.

5. Better Decision Making

Fixed asset tracking gives you valuable insights on what assets your company needs, what it doesn’t, which assets are utilised the most and which ones went underutilised. Having all this information enables you to make well-informed decisions when planning for the future. 

Having a fixed asset register can save you from making duplicate purchases. In the same way, you can predict which tools or equipment will be needed at a particular time by studying asset utilisation trends.

itemit’s Fixed Asset Register

Fixed asset tracking is something for every business to do. And the best way to do it is with itemit.

itemit’s fixed asset register is a very user-friendly and advanced software solution that fulfils all your fixed asset management needs efficiently. What’s more? It’s integrated with over 2000+ apps including Google Calendar, Trello, Slack and Gmail for seamless collaboration. 

Book a demo now to learn how itemit can solve your fixed asset management. For queries, contact us at team@itemit.com. You can also fill in the form below to start your own 14-day free trial.

Fixed Assets

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Check In Check Out Software And Its Benefits

Check In Check Out Software And Its Benefits

Check In Check Out Software And Its Benefits

Consider you had to take an important piece of kit home after work on Friday to finish some stuff working from home over the next week. You remember telling your manager you’re taking it home and they approved of it. 

Come Monday, someone needed the same piece of hardware but couldn’t find it. They asked the manager about it, but they, for some reason, completely forget it’s with you or that you informed them before you took it. 

The ensuing office frenzy is a story for another day, but the time and energy wasted is what we want to address. Not only did other employees lose out on time and energy during that time, not to mention the mental toll it takes when you can’t find a crucial company asset, but you had to go through something even more difficult. Turning up with something everyone was looking for can be embarrassing. 

What’s more? You did nothing wrong. 

This wouldn’t have happened if your company used check in check out software. Things would’ve gone smoothly for you and your colleagues. Let’s talk a bit about equipment checkout software, how it works and the many benefits it has to offer.

Different Uses For Equipment Checkout Software

How Does Check In Check Out Software Work?

Check in check out software is the perfect solution for any company that has to manage a wide range of tools and equipment and employees frequently have to take assets out of the workplace. With this application, employees can book tools and equipment beforehand so that they’re sure an asset is available when they need it. Furthermore, using equipment checkout software is as easy as it gets.

Whenever an employee has to take an asset out of the workplace, they just need to press the ‘Check Out’ button on the asset profile, that’s it. The item is then marked checked out by a particular employee. This way, everyone can see who has what and for how long.

When returning a piece of equipment to the office, checking in is as simple as checking out. Just select the ‘Check In’ button and you’re done.   

Asset tagging can make check in check out software work even better because every asset has its unique identity with its own asset tag. Just scan an asset, and mark it checked out or the other way around easily.

What are the Benefits of Check In Check Out Software?

  • Prevent asset misplacement/theft
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased transparency
  • Better management of remote work

Prevent Asset Misplacement/Theft

One of the leading reasons behind lost or stolen business assets are inefficient and irregular equipment check in and check out practices. Without such a software solution in place, you can never have a clear view of the assets that employees check in and check out on a daily basis.

If, for instance, your employees are moving dozens of assets back and forth every day, it’s very probable that more and more assets will start disappearing with time. The worst part is you won’t even notice it until something really important goes missing or you notice a considerable gap in asset requirements and availability. 

Check in check out software puts an end to this because now you know who checked out which assets and who to hold accountable in case an asset goes missing. This instils a greater sense of accountability within employees to keep company assets safe as long as they’re in their custody.

Increased Productivity

Check in check out software saves you and your employees time in more than a few ways. Firstly, the booking option enables you to ensure the availability of an asset when you need it. This way, you can plan ahead and not be worried about your work plans being spoiled just because someone else is using an asset. 

If you work in construction or any other tool-intensive company, you’d know how much time is wasted every day trying to recover tools and equipment. You can save on all of that wasted time when you have equipment checkout software. You can tell which assets are out of the workplace, who has them and the expected check in time in a matter of seconds.

Increased Transparency

Transparency and accountability are two very crucial aspects of successful company culture. The two characteristics can be applied to everything from employee performance to financial transparency. Let’s see how check in check out software helps enhance the following characteristics for your business. 

To begin with, you have all the information you need about all your assets available to you at all times. This means complete transparency in asset management that solves the ghost and zombie assets problem effectively.

You can also obtain various valuable insight reports like information on asset utilisation. This enables you to be well-informed when making asset-related decisions in the future.

Better Management of Remote Work

The best part about working with check in check out software is that it can be shared with a lot of users at the same time. This means more than one person can take care of asset tracking at the same time.

This is especially important with remote work or when you’ve got a lot of different employees and assets to manage across  a lot of different locations. Managers can now track down company assets like never before.

For instance, how do you track assets that are going to be passed among different employees while being out of the office at all times? How do you distribute assets and supplies among employees working from home?

All of this and much more can easily be accomplished with check in check out software.

itemit’s Booking And Check In Check Out Software

itemit gives you a single, centralised platform to log, monitor, track, and update your assets. This automated, transparent and effective check in check out system reduces gaps in your asset management to zero. Moreover, it’s a scalable system. You can also use it for other purposes like fixed asset management, IT asset management, and more.

To find out more about how itemit’s check in check out software can help you, you can contact the team at team@itemit.com or fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.

Check In Check Out Software

Choose a better way to track your assets

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The Complete Guide To Asset Tracking Software

The Complete Guide To Asset Tracking Software

The Complete Guide To Asset Tracking Software

Your business assets and how well you manage them define you as a company and what you’re capable of. Regardless of what sort of business you run or work at, tools, equipment, vehicles — collectively known as assets — are vital for daily operations. 

It’s for the same reason that it’s so important to make sure all assets are well-maintained, fully utilised and tracked to prevent damages, losses, or misplacement. The slightest asset-related inconveniences can disrupt service delivery, cause delays, or an eventual halt to a project.

This is where asset tracking comes in. A solution that enables you to minimise the chances of these problems occurring and ensure smooth operations while at the same time boosting business growth

itemit brings you a complete guide to asset tracking software. Read on for everything you need to know from what it is, how it works and what you can do with it.

Should You Use RFID or QR Codes?

What is Asset Tracking Software?

Asset tracking is the process of recording and monitoring all your business assets in an asset register. You keep logs of the most basic information like what assets you own, where they are and who has them. Moreover, you can also record more specialised data like asset status, utilisation history and more, all in real-time. 

The functionalities we’ve described above are only the most basic. Yes, there are a lot of other things that asset tracking software does, but we’ll stick to the aforementioned for simplicity. 

Asset tracking software empowers you to do all that and much more, leveraging state-of-the-art technology, seamlessly integrated applications, extreme shareability and last but not least, a very user-friendly interface.

How Does Asset Tracking Software Work?

The first step in asset tracking is deciding what assets to track, what type of asset it is and then adding it to the respective asset register. It is a good idea to work out what kind of asset tracking you are looking for. 

Do you want to track IT hardware only? Fixed assets? Or are you looking for an all-inclusive asset register for mixed assets? Here are the most common types of asset tracking.

  • Fixed Asset Registers
  • IT Asset Management
  • Tools and Equipment Tracking
  • Check-in and Checkout Software

Once you’ve decided, it’s time to log an asset. All you have to do is open the software and add a new asset with all the details you want to record. The asset is now a part of your digital asset register that can be accessed from any device with the itemit app or web portal. 

The next phase is tracking. Every time the asset is moved, given to another employee, out-of-order or sent for repairs, everything can be updated through the asset tracking software. 

For instance, if an employee sees that a printer is out of ink, they can open the itemit app, and mark the printer in need of maintenance and mention that it needs an ink refill. The asset tracking software automatically sends out notifications to the concerned people about the maintenance so they can address it accordingly. Once the printer is refilled, another employee can track it so everyone knows the printer is now working. 

While asset tracking software itself is a powerful piece of technology that can improve your business operations by a lot, you can put it into turbo boost with asset tags. Tagging increases asset tracking efficiency and opens up new opportunities to boost business productivity. 

Now, when you’re carrying out audits, it’ll be a walk in the park for you since you’ve already got everything tracked in real-time. If you’ve used the asset tracking software right, you need only to generate configurable reports for all your assets. That’s it!

Benefits of Asset Tracking Software

To say asset tracking software can do wonders for your business is not an overstatement by any means. The applications of asset tracking and their derived benefits are truly limitless. While the most common benefits of asset tracking, as discussed below, have their place, every business gains a unique set of benefits from how it uses the software. 

To start with, asset tracking boosts workplace productivity significantly. The time that’s lost looking for misplaced assets and waiting for out-of-order assets to start working again is reduced to the bare minimum. Simply because no asset gets misplaced when you’ve got them tracked with itemit. And whenever an asset needs maintenance, it can be marked ahead of time so that downtime is minimised.

It carries the potential to save you tons of money in many ways. First, asset tracking software gives you a clear overview of what you have and what you don’t. This helps you make informed decisions when buying new assets and avoid duplicate purchases. 

We all know how painful it is to damage a business asset just because we didn’t address a maintenance issue timely. Asset tracking helps you ensure all maintenance is done on time so you never lose a single penny so wastefully.

itemit’s Asset Tracking Software

Of course, there are many more benefits that an asset tracking software has to offer than those we’ve discussed in the last section. What you do with asset tracking software is up to you and your business’ needs, but itemit makes a wide range of operations simpler and more automated. The off-the-shelf solution is easy to get started with and every employee can start using it with the free itemit smartphone app

To find out more about itemit’s asset tracking software, you can fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial. You can also contact the team at team@itemit.com to learn more.

Asset Tracking Software

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Why Your Business Should Use Asset Tags

Why Your Business Should Use Asset Tags

Why Your Business Should Use Asset Tags

Imagine if you referred to your employees or team members as “employee no. 5” or “reception desk assistant” rather than their actual names. Weird, right? Why not use an individual’s own unique and beautiful name to mark their identity. Names make life so much easier! *laughs*

In the same way you can refer to each employee’s identity with their name or unique characteristics, why not do the same for your business assets? itemit has a way!

With asset tags, you can give each asset its own unique digital identity. So rather than confusing identical-looking keyboards with each other, you could identify them easily with asset tags: they are very useful and so much fun!

The Best Asset Tracking Implementations And Use Cases

The Advantages Offered by Asset Tags

As is commonly known, asset tracking software has opened up new horizons for businesses worldwide. And asset tags are playing a vital role in unlocking these new possibilities. 

The benefits of asset tags share a common quality with the universe: they’re constantly growing. 

Apart from the commonly known benefits, as we’ll discuss below, there are many more creative ways to use asset labels. New companies that utilise asset tracking technology introduce innovative ways of using the system, which keeps adding to the never-ending list of its benefits.

Each Asset Gets a Unique Identity

Your business assets are only the second-most important part of your enterprise after your workforce. So like referring to employees with their names is better, so is the case with assets. 

Installing an asset tag on an item is like giving an employee an ID card. Just scan the tag with a camera or RFID reader and you’ll get all information on the asset in a jiffy. This functionality is especially useful for companies that work with multiple identical-looking assets.

For instance, differentiating computer screens of the same model and make is almost impossible. More often than not, employees tend to mix up such assets during repairs and maintenance which can lead to a lot of hassle. Not only that but you lose sight of each individual asset’s unique historical life. Asset tags put an end to this. 

Reduce the Risk of Human Error in Asset Tracking

Even if you’re using an asset tracking software, you might end up updating asset details on the wrong asset profile. This usually happens with assets that look the same.

For instance, if you have two printers of the same model and one of them needs to be repaired, you might end up marking the other one for repairs. Differentiating identical assets from each other is much easier with asset tags. 

This way you can mark the right printer for repairs. When the repair team comes to pick up the printer, they can also scan the tag so they’re sure they take the right device for repairs. All in all, asset tags will reduce the risk of errors and improve asset tracking processes significantly.

Brand Recognition with Asset Tag Customisation

itemit gives you the option to customise your asset tags. This means you can add your company’s logo, moto or contact number on the tags. 

Apart from serving as a great marketing tool, you could also include other useful information on the tag. Asset tags can be personalised to have a serial number or ownership details. Better yet, you could add your contact number on it to call if someone finds a lost asset. 

To get your custom tags quote, reach out at team@itemit.com.

A Cheap Way to Instantly Boost Workplace Productivity

Every business owner wants to know the cost of investment when trying out something new for cost-benefit analysis. This is where a crucial question has to be asked: Whether or not an idea will generate a good return on investment?

As much as they are useful, you’d be surprised to know that asset tags don’t require a substantial investment. Asset tags are a very low cost solution, and the benefits of using them outweigh the costs by tons.

Only the more advanced asset tags, like RFID asset labels, are more expensive. 

Small and medium businesses can get started with low-cost QR asset tags right away. You start reaping the benefits of asset tagging from day one, but once you discover its full potential, you’ll be glad you made this decision. 

Meet itemit’s Asset Tags

itemit offers a variety of asset labels featuring different functionalities, sizes, materials and costs. You could go for vinyl QR code stickers that come in 23mm square and are great for indoor assets like hardware and office stationery. 

We also have anodised aluminium QR asset tags that are better suited for outdoor use and can withstand the effects of the elements. Last but not least, itemit’s RFID asset labels are of the most sophisticated sort. These are great for discreet tagging of high-value assets

To find out more about itemit’s tags, you can contact the team at team@itemit.com. You can also start your very own 14-day free trial by filling in the form below. 

Play tag with your assets!

Asset Tags

Choose a better way to track your assets

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Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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How A Fixed Asset Register Saves Your Business Time And Money

How A Fixed Asset Register Saves Your Business Time And Money

How A Fixed Asset Register Saves Your Business Time And Money

A business operates and generates revenue with help of different assets. These can be sophisticated industry-specific machinery to something as trivial as a notepad. Out of all business assets, fixed assets have the most significant operational and, in turn, financial impacts on your enterprise. 

If you want to enhance your company’s efficiency, reduce operational costs and maximise profits, a robust fixed asset management system lies at the core of it all. Read on to learn how keeping a fixed asset register will save your business time and money.

How To Keep Your Fixed Asset Register Accurate

The Significance of Tracking Fixed Assets

As important as these assets are, it’s imperative to define what they are. Put briefly, these are physical assets owned by a company that cannot be readily converted into cash. 

In accounting terms, they fall under the umbrella of noncurrent assets and are items that a company intends to use for more than a year at the time of purchase. Tangible objects like laptops, furniture, vehicles, and buildings are some examples of fixed assets.

A special consideration about these assets, which is also the reason why they need to be tracked in a separate fixed asset register, is that they lose value over time. Although this is not true for all fixed assets, it still is a major characteristic that highlights the need for recording the assets’ value depreciation as they age. This can only be done with effective fixed asset management.

What’s a Fixed Asset Register and How Does it Save You Time And Money

A fixed asset register allows you to log and track unique asset profiles on a streamlined online database. You can log your fixed assets such as laptops, equipment, and furniture and add specific details about each asset and give it a unique digital identity.

With seamless integrations, the system behind fixed asset management software helps it automatically update asset details throughout the database. As a result, high accuracy and accountability enable a business to save the most time and money. Let’s get into the details.

Gives You Accurate Asset Records

Some financial benefits of using a fixed asset register are immediately apparent, and some are discovered in later stages of using this technology. Having extremely accurate asset records available to you at all times is one of the former.

A lot of companies end up stacking shelves upon shelves of similar hardware or other assets. This happens just because they are unable to cross-check what they need and what they don’t at the time of purchase. 

On the contrary, with all fixed assets logged on to the register, you have a clear overview of what your business has and what it doesn’t. This helps you avoid duplicate purchases. Moreover, logging assets with important information like price of purchase, warranty info and maintenance requirements help you get the most of each asset.

Makes it Easy to Keep Asset Data Up To Date

Even if you’re already tracking fixed assets with manual asset tracking methods, maintaining up to date asset records is an uphill battle. But it becomes a piece of cake when you’ve got advanced asset tracking software.

Outdated fixed asset records can lead to a range of problems, all of which ultimately lead to a loss of time and money. For instance, ghost and zombie assets, an outcome of below-par fixed asset management, can lead to higher insurance premiums and extra tax-related fines.

Helps Record Fixed Asset Depreciation

As mentioned in the introduction to fixed assets, these items lose value over time. This is also known as fixed asset depreciation. Tracking this depreciation over their life cycle and reporting accurate values for tax and insurance purposes is a very important financial process that helps businesses save money in the long term. 

You will inevitably struggle to record the fall in fixed assets’ value if you don’t use the best asset tracking software. This leads to you paying exorbitant insurance premiums and taxes on assets that are no longer in use. Invest in a good asset management system and save yourself a lot of money!

Maintain High Transparency

When it comes to financial efficiency and productivity, it all boils down to accountability among employees, and overall transparency of business operations. If you’re tracking your fixed assets with spreadsheets or other conventional methods, transparency becomes a distant reality. 

However, using fixed asset management software brings transparency to every nook and cranny of asset management. The ability to assign assets to employees brings accountability to the table. And when every employee can access and record asset details, transparency is manifest.

itemit’s Fixed Asset Register

itemit’s fixed asset register is a powerful but easy to use software solution for all your fixed asset management needs. You can get the highest level of transparency possible with advanced RFID technology, and other asset labels. 

To find out more about how itemit can save your business time and money, you can contact the team at team@itemit.com. You can also fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.

Fixed Asset Register

Choose a better way to track your assets

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The Best Asset Tracking Implementations And Use Cases

The Best Asset Tracking Implementations And Use Cases

The Best Asset Tracking Implementations And Use Cases

Fixed asset registers and IT asset tracking remain some of the most popular and common implementations of asset tracking. However, there are many other ways organisations and individuals can and have implemented asset tracking technology. 

It won’t be wrong to say that there are unlimited possibilities with asset tracking. Every now and then an innovative company comes up with its very own interesting ways to use asset management software

We’ve compiled a list of the best asset tracking implementations and use cases for you to take inspiration from. Some or all of these asset tracking software use cases might not directly be applicable to you. However, you can still take from an interesting idea and employ it a bit differently to serve you and your organisation better.

What Does Asset Register Software Do For Your Business?

The Most Interesting Use Cases for Asset Tracking

  • Tools Tracking
  • Vehicle fleet management
  • Vehicle access control
  • Container tracking
  • Assessing equipment utilisation
  • Horticulture asset management


Tools Tracking

If you’re in a tool-intensive business such as construction or related services, your equipment is the backbone of your business. Small, but important tools like screwdrivers and drill machines are easy to misplace, especially when they’re being used by multiple workers at a time. 

itemit’s tools tracking system lets you record and track every piece of equipment from the smallest spanner to the biggest wheelbarrow you’ve got. This application of asset tracking has proved to be a game-changer for many construction services. The time and money that was previously lost trying to find and recover lost tools are reduced to a minimum so employees can focus on the more important tasks at hand. 

Using asset tracking software to keep a check on tools and equipment allows you to accomplish much more including the ability to book tools, check bookings, and keep an eye on equipment check-ins and checkouts.

Vehicle Fleet Management

Taxi services, transporters, constructors, couriers, supply chain companies and many other organisations have a fleet of vehicles to manage. More often than not, each company operates multiple vehicles of the same model. With different uses, duration of use and locations, managing vehicles fleets efficiently is a task virtually impossible to accomplish without asset tracking software. 

Although each vehicle already has a unique registration number to identify it, asset labels are a much better option when you have to track vehicle details like the driver’s details, model number, maintenance information and more. Moreover, with RFID asset tracking you can automate fleet management completely and take it to the next level. 

Vehicle Access Control

Say bye-bye to vehicle stickers and parking permits, because the future of vehicle access control is here. Using RFID asset labels to identify and permit vehicles to enter a building or parking area is a great implementation of asset tracking. 

An RFID asset label can be scanned as soon as it comes close to a fixed reader. A vehicle can be identified even if its tag is not directly in the reader’s line of sight. While it might need an extra bit of tech knowledge, the reader can be connected to the barrier through simple programming.

Container Tracking

Whether you’re a supplier or a buyer, while you’re sending and receiving containers, tracking them is a piece of cake with itemit’s asset tracking software. Unsupervised transit of containers between suppliers and purchasers can lead to the disappearance of containers, as is commonly observed. This can lead to massive losses, for all parties involved.

Containers can be tagged with asset labels, and be scanned and marked as ‘in transit’ as soon as you send them. When the receiver gets the container, they can scan it again and mark it as received. Both the sender and receiver can collaborate on itemit’s online platform or app to make sure no container goes untracked.

Assessing Equipment Utilisation

Some of the benefits of having all your tools and equipment recorded on a single platform are obvious. But as you use our asset tracking software, you’ll discover that there are some other, more powerful benefits of tracking equipment with itemit

For instance, itemit gives you valuable insights on what equipment was used the most during a period, and which tools went under-utilised. This information goes a long way in helping you identify strengths and weaknesses in equipment utilisation. Plus, the information empowers you to make well-informed decisions when purchasing new equipment for your organisation.

Horticulture Asset Management

Horticulture is a very tagging-intensive field. From seedlings to young plants and even huge trees need to be tagged in order to identify their species, cultivar, date of plantation and many other details. If there is one department that could benefit from the use of asset tracking software, it’s the horticulture department.

No need to manually write and record difficult names and intricate details with asset tracking. All you need to do is allocate each plant its asset tag, record its name and other details. You can also take a picture of the plant to visually record its growth over time!

itemit’s Asset Tracking Software

itemit’s asset tracking software is a very flexible system that can be shared by all members of your team. With this shareability, you can split the system between different departments for different uses!

Our support team will gladly set you up and ensure that you’re getting the most money out of the system possible. To find out more, you can contact the team at team@itemit.com. You can also fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.

Asset Tracking Software

Choose a better way to track your assets

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Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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