Ways To Optimise Equipment Utilisation And Extend Equipment Life

Ways To Optimise Equipment Utilisation And Extend Equipment Life

Ways To Optimise Equipment Utilisation And Extend Equipment Life

Whether you rent or own your equipment, it’s likely that the associated costs are quite high. Such costs could be 20% of your total outgoings. This could potentially be quite a large sum of money. If you have equipment that’s not being used it’s still costing your company 20%. 

If your rented or owned equipment is frequently unused, making sure it’s used more efficiently could reduce those costs. Ways such as pre-emptive maintenance and tracking your equipment can help. Let’s look at these tips and others a little more closely.

Understand The Baseline

Before you even consider optimising equipment utilisation you need to know what the baseline is. When you know what this is, you can then move forward. Your baseline contains figures that relate to how often you use each machine, for example. It will also include information that pertains to how often your machines sit idle. When you have all of this information you can then work towards optimising everything. Pre-emptive maintenance, tracking, and minimising downtime will then be possible.

Business Asset Tracking

Take A Look At Your Trends

The next stage involves looking at your trends. Take a look at how often you have used your tools, machinery, and anything else you use. Look at the trends and analyse everything by type and class. This data can help you to have a better idea about the demand for equipment in various locations. 

Be sure to look at your trends each time you purchase new equipment. After a few months, a trend should start to appear, and it’s this that can give you the information you need.

Track Your Equipment

Tracking your equipment can help immensely in terms of optimising its utilisation. When you know where all of your tools, vehicles, and everything else is, you can have more control over it.

It is thought that almost a quarter of rental equipment is returned to its rightful owner approximately 2 weeks late. One of the main reasons that tools are returned late is that it’s hard to know where they are. If you have rented a lot of tools and they’re used in multiple locations, it’s not always easy tracking them down. 

Tools that have been returned late mean additional costs and a lot of frustration. However, these can be tackled by using equipment tracking software. When everything is tracked it can be located with ease. When software is downloaded onto devices that are used onsite (such as tablets, mobile phones, and laptops) it allows for better tracking. 

Some equipment tracking software allows you to set reminders so that you know exactly what needs to be returned and when. As a result, late fees may be a thing of the past.

Coordinate The Use of Your Equipment

Another ideal way to optimise utilisation of all of your machinery, etc. is by coordinating its use. For example, one of your delivery trucks may be waiting for repairs. However, the delivery truck is at the far end of your busy car park so you have to wait for a space to become free next to it before you can repair it. However, before you can repair anything you need to wait for some tools to be returned for a busy site. 

It’s entirely possible for you to coordinate the use of your car park and the tools. Perhaps you could do this by purchasing more tools and ensuring the space next to the broken down delivery truck is always empty. When you know how and where your equipment is being used you can potentially coordinate everything in a much better way.

Minimise Downtime

No matter how much equipment you have or how many tools you own, there will be a time when something needs to be repaired. When an excavator, for example, needs to be repaired unexpectedly,  it can potentially hold up all of the other work. However, when you use pre-emptive maintenance you help to minimise downtime. 

Before you use your excavator for a large job you could take a look over it. Making sure that everything is in good working order can be the ideal way to help prevent unexpected incidents. Of course, there will be occasions that you simply cannot plan for. Your dump truck may stop working in the middle of a job. A tool may snap or a saw may become blunt. As long as you use pre-emptive maintenance you can minimise downtime. 

Another way to use pre-emptive maintenance is by setting up a maintenance schedule. Some equipment tracking software features this option, making it very handy to use. Ideally, every piece of equipment and machinery, and every tool will be maintained regularly. Setting up a maintenance schedule can ensure that everything is taken care of. 


Wish to speak with an expert about equipment utilisation and pre-emptive maintenance? Contact us now at: team@itemit.com

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Ask An Expert: How To Inventory Computer Equipment

Ask An Expert: How To Inventory Computer Equipment

Ask An Expert: How To Inventory Computer Equipment

No matter how large or small your business is or what you do, you are likely to have computer equipment. This equipment needs to be taken care of as it’s expensive and without trying to state the obvious, it helps you run your business. Therefore, it’s vital that you take good care of all of your IT equipment. But how can you do this? By using IT inventory software.

Let’s take a look at how IT inventory software can help and how you inventory your computer equipment, to begin with.

How To Begin

Once you have chosen the software that works best for you, it’s time to start adding everything to your inventory. This is somewhat easier than you may think. If you have used a paper inventory or even a spreadsheet, you’ll be pleased to know that software can be much simpler. There will be fewer mistakes and much more useful data collected. 

One of the first things you need to do is to decide where you want to begin. If you want to start by inventorying everything in one office, that’s a good place to start. This is a much easier option than adding assets that are in multiple locations and having to move between them. 

So, the first step is to attach a barcode or an RFID tag to one of your assets. As soon as you have attached a barcode or an RFID tag you simply need to scan it. A digital profile will then be created and you can add the asset to the profile. 

Don’t worry, the barcodes or RFID tags that you use have been manufactured to last a long time. Just make sure you attach them in an area that’s easy to reach.

Business Asset Tracking

Adding Information To Each Asset’s Digital Profile

Once you have created a digital profile for an asset, it would be convenient to add some information about the asset. Alternatively, you could add such information, should you wish to. 

So what information can you add to the digital profile? You can add the following:

Each asset’s:

  • Make, model, and serial number
  • Date of purchase and price at purchase
  • Where the asset was purchased 
  • Warranty and insurance information 
  • Software licence information 
  • User manual or a URL that links to the manual
  • Photograph for easy identification
  • Maintenance schedule and history 
  • Warranty and insurance information 
  • Location 
  • And so much more!

The more information that you add about each computer/printer, etc., the better. You can have all of the information you’ll ever need about each asset in one place. The good news is that most IT inventory software is very reliable and easy to use.

The Benefits Of Using IT inventory software

There are many benefits associated with using IT inventory software, some of them include:

  • You can track your asset’s location – Once you have affixed a barcode or RFID tag to your computer, for example, you can see exactly where it is. This is ideal if computers are used in many locations. 
  • Keeping your assets in better condition is possible – You could create a maintenance schedule and reminders that ensure everything is taken care of. 
  • Everything can be organised into collections – Such as location, type, or any other collection you wish to add. This can be convenient if you need to update the profiles of a lot of assets all at once. 
  • Ghost assets may no longer exist – Laptops that are usually put to one side and unused for months because they don’t work will be repaired and lost assets can be found. 
  • You can see which team member is using which computer – This is thanks to the check in and check out feature which gives everyone more accountability for the IT assets they use all day, every day. 
  • Levels of security will increase – When everything is tracked all day, every day, fewer assets will get stolen or lost. When assets are clearly tracked, they will also sustain less damage.
  • Reports can be exported – Wish to create a report that shows how many assets you have, how many times they’re used, etc.? export a report and have the details you need at your fingertips. 

When you use IT inventory software that works well for you, you will find that it comes with additional benefits. Some of which you may not have considered. These benefits include better productivity and a better understanding of how your business is performing. You may even be able to see where your business is excelling and where it could do better. All of this is thanks to using inventory software that’s reliable, easy to use, and extremely convenient. 

Would you like to speak with someone who knows all about IT inventory software? We can help you. Contact us now at team@itemit.com.

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The Role Of Asset Tracking In Facilities Management

The Role Of Asset Tracking In Facilities Management

The Role Of Asset Tracking In Facilities Management

Those who work in facilities management need to look after buildings, the grounds surrounding the buildings, and associated equipment and tools. The equipment and tools ensure the safety and functionality of the buildings in question. This means that the plumbing, electricals, and the heating, for example, will also need to be looked after. Some people who work in facilities management may also be responsible for security, and catering. 

So how does the world of asset tracking solutions work alongside facilities management? In short, by making sure that assets are tracked and important reminders are given. Let’s take a longer look, as such, at how asset tracking solutions can be used in facilities management.

Assets Tracked By Facilities Managers

One of the very best features of asset tracking solutions is the tracking part. Some tracking software offers users the opportunity to track assets so they know who is using them. Other software allows users to do this and know exactly where those assets are. 

Tracking software that allows you to pinpoint exactly where an asset is located is highly useful. It can help immensely if you have lost an asset or you simply want to know where it is. As long as there is an RFID tag or a barcode attached to the asset, it can be found. 

The software works by creating a digital profile of each asset. When an RFID tag or a barcode is attached to the asset, the code can be scanned. It’s this action that creates a digital profile. As soon as the profile has been created, the software starts to track the asset. 

When you create a digital profile for all of your assets you can track them. It really is that simple. You just need to make sure that you sign up for software that lets you do this.

Business Asset Tracking

Knowing When Grounds Need To Be Mown

Another very useful role that asset tracking has in the world of facilities management is its ability to remind users of events. Those who manage facilities usually manage the grounds that surround buildings. As a result, it’s up to the managers to ensure that the grounds are in good condition. 

Setting reminders at chosen intervals ensures that users are notified when grounds need to be mown, for example. Receiving notifications such as this can prove to be very helpful. It ensures that every area gets the care it needs. 

Reminders can also be very useful when it comes to maintaining equipment. Every piece of equipment and every tool will need to undergo scheduled maintenance. When the schedule isn’t stuck to, it means that tools and equipment may not be in the best condition. Setting reminders for all of your equipment, etc. means that everything is in the best condition possible. This, in turn, means that tasks can be completed more successfully and to your customer’s satisfaction.

Why Spreadsheets Should Not Be Used To Track Assets

You may be surprised to learn that in this day and age, some people still use spreadsheets to track assets. If you’re one of these people, chances are you’re looking for a new, more trusted solution. The good news is that there’s some very reliable software that offers a range of asset tracking solutions to suit your needs. Before we get into this, let’s take a look at just why spreadsheets aren’t ideal. 

Spreadsheets can be perfect if you want to keep track of a few things, such as your personal monthly expenditure. However, if you want to keep a track of much more than this, you need better asset tracking solutions. Spreadsheets can be full to the brim of human errors and it’s these errors that can cost your business money. For example, you may input the wrong location number in a column, you may even delete a row without realising it. It’s errors such as these that could prevent your business from performing as well as it could.

Using Asset Tracking Solutions That Really Work

When you use asset tracking solutions that actually work and can be relied upon, there will be few to no errors in the future. As a result, it’s possible for your business to perform better. It’s possible for you to know where all of the tools and equipment are at any one time. With this, comes peace of mind and with that, happier customers. 

As you can see, the role of asset tracking in facilities management is an important one. When you use software that works and is easy to use, it can make a real difference to your business and your customer’s satisfaction. This is something that every business out there strives for. 

Wish to speak to someone who knows all about asset tracking solutions? Contact us now at: team@itemit.com

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The Role Of Barcoding And RFID Technology In IT Asset Tracking

The Role Of Barcoding And RFID Technology In IT Asset Tracking

The Role Of Barcoding And RFID Technology In IT Asset Tracking

When we buy products from the supermarket or an online store, those products are likely to have a barcode on them. If you stay in a hotel or you pay for something using your phone these procedures will involve using an RFID tag. It’s these technologies that have helped to make our lives a little easier. But how does the world of IT asset tracking use these technologies? We’re going to explore this now.

Barcodes And RFID Tags

Barcodes contain a lot of information that when scanned, will perform an action. The action that is performed can tell us how much something costs, where something was purchased, or even where an asset is located. The latter is something that RFID tags do too. 

RFID which stands for Radio Frequency Identification is a completely wireless data communication system. The data is stored in the label and is only understood once it is read by a scanner/reader. When the RFID tag is scanned, radio waves are emitted. The individual scanning the reader will then be shown a set of information. It’s this process that can help immensely with the world of IT asset tracking.

Let’s take a look at just how barcodes and RFID tags can help with tracking IT assets.

Business Asset Tracking

Tracking The Location Of An Asset

IT asset tracking is not always as easy as you would hope it to be. You may be aware that a team of 12 people is working in another office over the next few weeks. You might also be aware that they have taken some of your laptops with them. However, do you know exactly which laptops they have taken? Are they also using some of your tablets?

There’s no real way of knowing where all of your laptops and tablets are unless you track them. When an RFID tag or a barcode is attached to your IT assets, they can be tracked. As long as you use reliable asset tracking software, you can see which assets are being used in the other office. If you don’t use any of the above you’ll just have to guess.

Understanding Who Is Using A Laptop

Some IT asset tracking software will let you see exactly who is using what. With check-in and check-out functions, you can understand which member of your team has a tablet or laptop. This can be particularly useful if some laptops, for example, run on or occasionally use specific software. 

The checking in and out process is a very easy one and just allows you to keep a closer eye on all of your assets. Those checking an asset out simply need to scan the RFID tag or barcode and they’ll be given the option to check the tablet in or out. It’s that easy.

Keeping IT Assets In Good Working Order

It’s likely that some of your assets will fail completely or partially from time to time. It’s also very likely that this will happen when you’re really busy. This is where using RFID tags and barcodes can help. 

When a computer breaks down or a printer stops working, they can be scanned and the maintenance team can be alerted. The user will be given the chance to message the maintenance team with the suspected issue. The team can then get ready to repair the computer. 

Did you know that you may be able to set maintenance reminders? You could set the reminders at chosen intervals, should you wish to. Your assets could be in a better state of repair thanks to the reminders. Want to edit a reminder or see when the reminder will “ping” you? Simply scan the RFID tag or barcode.

Improving Security Using Barcodes And RFID Tags

IT asset tracking using RFID tags and barcodes can help to improve security. This is simply because you can see where your assets are and who has them. When you have this information at your fingertips you are likely to find that your assets will stay will you for longer. In other words, they’re much less likely to get lost or even stolen.

When you attach a barcode or RFID tag to a modem, for example, it could be obvious that it’s being tracked. It’s this that can help it to remain with its rightful owner. Additionally, those who are using one of your tablets, for example, are more likely to look after it. If they know that the tablet is being tracked the tablet is unlikely to get lost or even damaged. A direct result of this is that you may have to spend less replacing IT assets that have been lost, stolen, or damaged. 

As you can see barcoding and RFID technology has a large role in IT asset tracking that can be hugely beneficial. 

Want to chat with an expert who knows all about IT asset tracking? Contact us now at team@itemit.com.

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The Role Of Technology In Equipment Check Outs

The Role Of Technology In Equipment Check Outs

The Role Of Technology In Equipment Check Outs

Do you use a lot of different equipment in your place of work? If you do, there’s a very good chance that you will find it hard to keep track of everything. From tools to machinery, vehicles, to laptops, knowing where everything is all of the time can be impossible. 

The good news is that equipment checkout software can help. These days you can find an app or a programme to do just about anything. Equipment checkout software can be the solution, but it’s not always clear exactly how this technology can help you. Let’s take a look at just how equipment checkouts can be helped by some of the latest technological advances.

Why You Should Rely On Technology

Some managers still like to use books and files when recording checkouts. While this may be something that they’re used to, books and files are prone to errors. Technology, however, does not make mistakes. 

In fact, equipment checkout software can help you to:

  • See which member of staff has what 
  • Track where things are
  • Allow you and others to add your name to the waiting list
  • Get used to using something that’s more reliable 
  • Allow you to check equipment out as and when you need it 

When you rely on technology to help you, you’ll find that it’s surprisingly better than writing the information down in an old, worn book. Software is a lot less likely to make mistakes. You and your team can rely on it and check out the tools, etc. that you need when you need them.

Business Asset Tracking

How Equipment Checkout Can Add More Security

Equipment checkout software helps to increase security simply because your staff will have their names listed next to the equipment. It’s this that helps to prevent loss and damage. When it’s clear who is using what, tools, laptops, etc will be better taken care of. 

The role of technology is one that can help to make sure that nothing gets stolen. When management knows that you have a laptop or a shiny new van in your possession you’re more likely to return it. Theft is likely to be kept to a minimum as is deliberate damage. As a direct result of this, the bottom line can be improved. Less cash will need to be spent replacing or repairing some tools, a tablet, a van, and so on. As a result, your business is more likely to go in the direction you want it to go in.

How Technology Can Make Checkouts Mobile

Equipment checkout software is easy to use and for the most part, it can be downloaded to phones or tablets as an app so everyone can use it. If this was not enough, it is possible to log into the portal via a laptop or a desktop computer as long as there is wifi. 

When someone logs into the portal or opens an app it takes moments to see if equipment is available. Technology’s role in checkouts ensures that access to the required information is quicker and easier than ever before.

How To Use Technology To Checkout Equipment

Users should note that every piece of equipment needs to be tagged and scanned before they can checkout anything. The good news is that this is a fairly easy task. As soon as everything is tagged, it’s possible to check tools out and have real-time updates of other tools’ locations.

Equipment can also be booked in advance which is ideal if you have a project coming up. This allows you to complete those tasks that need completing without you having to wait for the right tools. 

Reports can also be created as and when you wish them to. Some software will create the much-needed data for the reports each time equipment is checked out and back in again. It’s this data that can give you an insight into how many times equipment is being used or who is using it. Other data can also be extracted from the equipment checkout software, helping you to further understand how your company is performing. 

If you would like to be able to export reports, please make sure that you look for this option when searching for software. There’s a lot of equipment and tool tracking software out there. However, not all of it offers this feature or even the real-time tracking feature. Make sure that you always know what’s being offered to you before you sign on the dotted line. 

The good news is that when you find the right technology, it can play a huge role in helping your company to get and stay organised. It can help you to reduce your bottom line, improve security, and checkout everything you need with ease.

Wish to talk about equipment checkout software with an expert? Reach out to us now at: team@itemit.com.

The Ultimate Way To Checkout Equipment

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The Simple Way To Create A Hardware Inventory

The Simple Way To Create A Hardware Inventory

The Simple Way To Create A Hardware Inventory

When you want to take full control of your hardware inventory, you need the help of reliable and easy-to-use software. Gone are the days when spreadsheets and an inventory list jotted down in a book would suffice. These days, hardware inventory management revolves around using some of the latest technology. 

As you can imagine, some inventory software is quite complicated to use. The good news is that software that’s a breeze to use does exist. It’s this software that can help you to create a hardware inventory in a relatively simple way. Let’s take a look at how you can create a hardware inventory in the simplest way possible.

Decide Where To Start

One of the good things about hardware inventory management is you can begin the process wherever you please. For example, you could consider starting in the office where most of your hardware is. Alternatively, you may wish to begin in another location as that’s where your most valuable hardware is stored. 

If you wish to, you can simply start off in the room that you’re in. Once you’ve finished in that room you can move to the next.

Business Asset Tracking

Affix a Barcode To Your Hardware

Now you’ve decided where to begin, the next step is for you to affix a barcode to your hardware. Some people choose to fix a QR code, others affix an RFID tag instead. Whatever it is that you choose, affixing the barcode, for example, will allow you to track your hardware. 

Most barcodes, QR codes, etc. are fairly robust and they have been manufactured to last a long time. Some inventory management companies even offer you the chance to add your business’s logo to the tag. This is a feature that just helps your hardware to be easily identified.

Create A Digital Profile For Your Hardware

The next stage of hardware inventory management involves you creating a digital profile for your hardware. Don’t worry, this is a fairly simple procedure. As soon as you affix a barcode to the hardware and you scan it, a digital profile will automatically be created. 

Each piece of hardware will have its own profile, allowing you to add details about the hardware. This can prove to be very useful if you wish to see who wishes to book the computer for use, when the computer was purchased, etc. If this information has previously been added to the digital profile, it can be accessed as and when it is required. This is where using the right hardware inventory management software can be very beneficial.

Update Your Digital Profile With Information

The next step of the hardware inventory process is to add information to every digital profile. Some people prefer to add information as they create profiles, others are happy to add it later. 

You can add as much information to every profile as you wish. Many managers tend to add some or all of the following information to each profile:

The hardware’s

  • Make and model number
  • Serial number
  • Date of purchase
  • Cost at time of purchase 
  • Warranty details 
  • Insurance information 
  • Photograph for easier identification 
  • User manual

When some or all of the above information is added to every digital profile it makes hardware inventory management very easy. In addition to this, adding the above information isn’t difficult. In fact, it helps to make the inventory management process a relatively simple one. 

Some software will even allow you to set reminders. These can be very useful when you want to keep on top of a maintenance schedule, or you need to remind a team member that they have a presentation coming up.

Start Tracking The Location Of Your Hardware

You simply cannot make the most out of hardware inventory management if you do not track your hardware’s location. Even if all of your hardware is in the same spot all of the time, it’s absolutely worth your while tracking it. 

When you track hardware that’s used in a number of locations, you can help to keep it safe. Hardware that’s often used by other people can potentially get lost or stolen. However, when it is obviously tracked, it’s a lot less likely to become lost or stolen. The same can be said for hardware that is always in the same location. 

Some inventory management software allows people to check hardware in and out. You may also be able to book specific equipment for use. This can help you to see who is using what and when. It can also help you to understand who was using one of your work smartphones when it went missing or sustained damage.

Would you like to speak with an expert about hardware inventory management? Talk with us today. You can reach us at: team@itemit.com.

The Ultimate Way To Create A Hardware Inventory

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