The Role Of Asset Tracking In Facilities Management

The Role Of Asset Tracking In Facilities Management

Those who work in facilities management need to look after buildings, the grounds surrounding the buildings, and associated equipment and tools. The equipment and tools ensure the safety and functionality of the buildings in question. This means that the plumbing, electricals, and the heating, for example, will also need to be looked after. Some people who work in facilities management may also be responsible for security, and catering. 

So how does the world of asset tracking solutions work alongside facilities management? In short, by making sure that assets are tracked and important reminders are given. Let’s take a longer look, as such, at how asset tracking solutions can be used in facilities management.

Assets Tracked By Facilities Managers

One of the very best features of asset tracking solutions is the tracking part. Some tracking software offers users the opportunity to track assets so they know who is using them. Other software allows users to do this and know exactly where those assets are. 

Tracking software that allows you to pinpoint exactly where an asset is located is highly useful. It can help immensely if you have lost an asset or you simply want to know where it is. As long as there is an RFID tag or a barcode attached to the asset, it can be found. 

The software works by creating a digital profile of each asset. When an RFID tag or a barcode is attached to the asset, the code can be scanned. It’s this action that creates a digital profile. As soon as the profile has been created, the software starts to track the asset. 

When you create a digital profile for all of your assets you can track them. It really is that simple. You just need to make sure that you sign up for software that lets you do this.

Business Asset Tracking

Knowing When Grounds Need To Be Mown

Another very useful role that asset tracking has in the world of facilities management is its ability to remind users of events. Those who manage facilities usually manage the grounds that surround buildings. As a result, it’s up to the managers to ensure that the grounds are in good condition. 

Setting reminders at chosen intervals ensures that users are notified when grounds need to be mown, for example. Receiving notifications such as this can prove to be very helpful. It ensures that every area gets the care it needs. 

Reminders can also be very useful when it comes to maintaining equipment. Every piece of equipment and every tool will need to undergo scheduled maintenance. When the schedule isn’t stuck to, it means that tools and equipment may not be in the best condition. Setting reminders for all of your equipment, etc. means that everything is in the best condition possible. This, in turn, means that tasks can be completed more successfully and to your customer’s satisfaction.

Why Spreadsheets Should Not Be Used To Track Assets

You may be surprised to learn that in this day and age, some people still use spreadsheets to track assets. If you’re one of these people, chances are you’re looking for a new, more trusted solution. The good news is that there’s some very reliable software that offers a range of asset tracking solutions to suit your needs. Before we get into this, let’s take a look at just why spreadsheets aren’t ideal. 

Spreadsheets can be perfect if you want to keep track of a few things, such as your personal monthly expenditure. However, if you want to keep a track of much more than this, you need better asset tracking solutions. Spreadsheets can be full to the brim of human errors and it’s these errors that can cost your business money. For example, you may input the wrong location number in a column, you may even delete a row without realising it. It’s errors such as these that could prevent your business from performing as well as it could.

Using Asset Tracking Solutions That Really Work

When you use asset tracking solutions that actually work and can be relied upon, there will be few to no errors in the future. As a result, it’s possible for your business to perform better. It’s possible for you to know where all of the tools and equipment are at any one time. With this, comes peace of mind and with that, happier customers. 

As you can see, the role of asset tracking in facilities management is an important one. When you use software that works and is easy to use, it can make a real difference to your business and your customer’s satisfaction. This is something that every business out there strives for. 

Wish to speak to someone who knows all about asset tracking solutions? Contact us now at:

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