What is IT Hardware Inventory Management

What is IT Hardware Inventory Management

What is IT Hardware Inventory Management

IT hardware inventory management involves you and your team managing every aspect of your IT hardware. When you want to make purchasing decisions, deal with security issues, and solve problems, you need to do all of these things effectively. Unfortunately, searching through receipts and asking employees about their IT hardware can take a lot of time. 

Here is where IT Hardware Inventory Management can make a huge difference to your working day. It is entirely possible for you to organise your inventory so that those all-important documents are easy to find.

How Does Hardware Asset Management Help Working From Home?

What is IT Hardware?

IT hardware consists of computers, routers, servers, hubs, switches, and any other IT equipment that you use. Hardware such as this is crucial when it comes to the running of your business. 

Chances are you have a lot more IT hardware than you realise. Most of us tend to have hardware such as this in our homes. Businesses, therefore, are likely to have a considerable amount of hardware. Keeping track of IT hardware may be harder than you may have originally thought. Every employee may have been assigned a computer, router, etc. that they are required to use every day. This is essentially why IT Hardware Inventory Management is a much-needed tool.

What an IT Hardware Inventory is

An IT hardware inventory consists of every piece of hardware that a business owns or leases. Hardware such as this can potentially be worth considerable sums of money. An inventory can detail exactly how much equipment the business has. It can also include where the hardware is located, its maintenance status, and many other details. itemit’s IT hardware inventory can include a range of details such as the hardware’s: 

  • Barcode
  • Subscription details including start date
  • Cost and current value
  • The manufacturer’s warranty information
  • Maintenance schedule
  • Location
  • Owner
  • Insurance details 
  • Previous and current user
  • Remaining life
  • The start date of the licence, if required

 When all of these pieces of information are entered into an inventory, they can potentially improve or solve inventory management issues. Users will no longer need to search their offices for receipts, maintenance schedules, or any other required detail. itemit has the capacity to make tracking all hardware very easy. 

Taking the guesswork out of managing all aspects of IT Hardware Inventory Management can make a considerable difference. Business owners can concentrate on running other areas of their businesses.

Why You Should Manage Your IT Hardware Inventory

IT Hardware Inventory Management is vital to your business if you want to reduce incidences of theft or items going missing. Further reasons include allowing you to: 

  • Assign particular assets to your employees – It will be possible to see who has the IT hardware now, and who had it in the past
  • Track the location of all of your IT hardware – Hardware can be moved from time to time. Using tracking software ensures that you know where it is at all times. 
  • Have more control over the maintenance schedule – Keeping all of your IT hardware in good working order is essential. Knowing when pieces of equipment need to undergo maintenance allows you to keep them in the best possible working order. 
  • Organise your inventory levels – Should you have 200 employees, you may need 200 computers, for example. Knowing you have enough computers for everyone means each employee has the tools to work effectively. 
  • Improve security – IT hardware is less likely to go missing if it is tracked. Hardware that is removed from the premises can be tracked closely 24-hours a day, every day. 
  • Receive real-time updates – Business owners can receive constant updates about the location of the IT hardware, view updated photographs, and read notes that have been left about the hardware. 
  • Eliminate the possibility of ghost assetsIT hardware is less likely to be in need of replacement if its status is always updated. Additionally, thanks to the tracking software, IT hardware is less likely to go missing. 

All of these factors can help every business owner to have more control over every asset. Additionally, their business could run much more smoothly. Businesses can be hard enough to run. When there is little control over expensive hardware, profits can be affected.

How You Can Manage Your IT Hardware

The best way to manage your IT hardware is to undoubtedly have control over your IT Hardware Inventory Management. itemit can help all business owners to track their IT hardware every minute of every day. 

With an easy-to-use interface, tracking every aspect of the hardware’s life can keep you in control of your business’s success. When you know how well your business is performing, you can make more informed decisions.

Contact itemit Today

itemit can make IT Hardware Inventory Management incredibly easy. Helping users to track all of their IT hardware assets with no fuss, itemit does all of the hard work. Email our expert team at team@itemit.com. Alternatively, you can sign up for our no-obligation 14-day Free Trial to discover how well our IT Hardware Inventory Management software works.

Hardware Asset Management

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What is an Asset Register and Why Should You Use One?

What is an Asset Register and Why Should You Use One?

What is an Asset Register and Why Should You Use One?

An asset register is a highly detailed list of all of a business’s assets. The list includes details such as the owner of the assets, the condition and location. An asset register helps businesses to understand the asset’s price, depreciation, status, and procurement date. In addition to this, the asset register also lets the user know the asset’s current value and insurance status.

How Can A Fixed Asset Register Be Beneficial To Your Business?

The Benefits of an Asset Register

There are many benefits of having an asset register, including:

  • Assets can be tracked and easily identified 
  • Assets can stay compliant in accordance with the industry’s regulatory standards
  • Helping to prevent assets from getting lost or being stolen thanks to itemit’s accurate location data services
  • Estimating repair and maintenance costs
  • It helps to provide complete transparency of all assets and associated data
  • Providing users with a highly accurate audit trail 
  • The calculation of depreciation

As your business grows, you’ll naturally gain more assets. It can become increasingly difficult to track all of your assets over time. Keeping a close eye on your assets is much easier when you have an asset register. While setting up the register can take time, once it is complete, it will automatically benefit your business. 

Another benefit of this type of register is that it can help to eliminate ghost assets. When an asset is damaged beyond repair or has gone missing, they are no longer of any use. By tracking every asset and its state of repair, ghost assets can be eliminated. Finally, the register can be accessed via a computer or mobile app.

What Should I Include in My Asset Register?

You can include any business assets you wish in your register. Assets can include: 

  • Computers, printers, servers, and laptops
  • Vans and cars
  • Furniture such as chairs, desks, and filing cabinets
  • Photocopiers, telephones, and scanners
  • Stationery and tools
  • Machinery and associated equipment

Add any assets that have value to your business. The above list is just an example, however, your business may have other types of assets. Adding these assets to the register can help you to track them. Using itemit allows you to track both high and low-value assets 24 hours a day.

What Data Should I Include in My Asset Register?

There is a real possibility for you to include a whole host of different data in your register. Including as much detail about each asset can be very useful. Some of the data that itemits users include is the: 

  • Asset’s Depreciation
  • Asset’s remaining life
  • Asset’s serial number or barcode
  • Current and previous users of the asset
  • Current value of the asset
  • Date and frequency of maintenance
  • Estimated resale value
  • Insurance coverage and what it includes (repairs, maintenance, etc)
  • Licence start date
  • Location of all assets
  • Manufacturer’s warranty information
  • Operating licence 
  • Owner of the asset
  • Purchase date and price 

When every asset in the register contains detailed information, they are easier to keep track of. Users will know where the assets are and what condition they are in. Notes can be left for the next user, and management can see how effectively each asset is being used.

Maintaining an Asset Register

Once you have set up a register of your assets, it’s crucial that you maintain it. By using itemit’s QR codes, it is possible to maintain your assets while tracking them. With a list of assets that can be accessed as and when it is required, a physical audit can be undertaken. 

By scanning each item, users can confirm that the asset has been located and accounted for. In addition to this, the detailed information that is listed can be compared to a physical inspection. A physical inspection allows appropriate action to be taken should any discrepancies arise.

Asset Registers and Ease of Use

Every asset register can be accessed and used with ease. itemit has designed the user interface in such a way that inputting and editing information is simple. Additionally, menus are easy to access, allowing users to make updates whenever they wish. As long as assets are logged in and out as required, they can be traced. The location information will be displayed in the appropriate menu.

itemit’s Asset Registers

itemit has made it possible for businesses of all sizes to keep a register of their assets. When a business starts to grow it can struggle to keep track of its assets. Having a complete register of every asset can make a huge difference. Asset control will be easier, allowing management to make more informed decisions. 

Please contact us if you have any questions about registering your assets. You can reach us at team@itemit.com. Alternatively, if you are ready to test the value of our asset management software, you can sign up for a no-obligation 14-day trial.

Asset Register

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How to Track Manufacturing Production Equipment and Why

How to Track Manufacturing Production Equipment and Why

How to Track Manufacturing Production Equipment and Why

Production equipment is not only costly, but it can be crucial to the manufacturing process. Having the right equipment to hand ensures processes are consistent and targets are more likely to be met.

By implementing equipment tracking solutions, it’s possible to keep track of your production equipment at all times. There are multiple benefits to equipment tracking, even when it’s used with equipment that is never moved.

Manufactoring Equipment

What Production Equipment can you Track?

  • Assembly line components
  • IT Assets
  • Jigs
  • Manufacturing equipment
  • Most fixed assets
  • Moulds
  • And more

Tracking equipment such as this has many benefits. There is much more to equipment tracking than merely knowing where it is located at all times.

How to Track Production Equipment

Tracking production equipment is a relatively easy process. While it does call for a lot of work to be undertaken, the results will be worth it.

Build Your Asset Register

Log all of your assets in itemit and tag each item with a QR code or RFID. Fill in each asset’s details so you can control them in real-time. 

While you are building your asset register you will gain an understanding of your assets. All of your assets can be viewed instantly via the web portal and your mobile app. The asset’s details will be clear for you to see. More information can be added about individual assets along with photographs and notes. 

Should a user wish to find out when a specific piece of equipment needs to be maintained, they simply need to scan the QR code or RFID. Details of the specific piece of equipment will then be shown on the screen. Any information that has been inputted will be displayed via a set of menus. Selecting the appropriate menu ensures that the user can find or add the information that they need.

Assign Assets To Staff Members

Specific assets can be assigned to your chosen staff members. The staff members can record the condition and status of the assets should they wish.

Tracking The Location of Production Equipment

Production equipment that can be moved from place to place can easily be tracked. It is possible to see where the equipment is at all times, either through QR code tracking which requires the interaction of scanning to update an items location or RFID tracking which requires no more than an RFID reader to be placed in a chosen location.

Production equipment that has been assigned to staff members is less likely to go missing thanks to asset tracking software. 

Tracking also ensures that equipment can be located in the warehouse, office, or wherever it is stored. This ensures that less time is spent looking for it.

Why Production Equipment Should Be Tracked

There are multiple reasons why production equipment should be tracked. Not only is it convenient to track equipment, but the tracking process comes with additional benefits.

More Maintenance Control

It is possible to monitor all of your assets for the purposes of maintenance control. itemit’s equipment tracking software can be used to help you to understand what equipment needs to undergo maintenance. 

Keeping a track of when each piece of machinery needs to undergo maintenance, can ensure the maintenance schedule is always adhered to. As soon as all machinery has been logged along with the maintenance schedules, users will be alerted when the date of maintenance is approaching. This ensures that equipment can be looked after so that it continues to work well. 

PAT test and inspection reminders can also be set.

Monitoring Inventory Levels

Monitoring stock inventory levels allows more stock to be ordered on time. It is easy to accidentally order stock that may be surplus to requirement. Ordering too much stock can result in it taking up too much room in storage areas. 

Tracking production equipment and its associated stock can ensure that goods are only ordered when stock levels reach a specific and agreed amount. The monitoring of inventory levels can help to keep stock levels consistent while preventing incidences of over and under-ordering.

Organising Your Warehouse

Equipment tracking can help warehouses to instantly become more organised. Stock can quickly be located. Additionally, the tracking software can help warehouse workers understand where stock needs to be placed. Rather than storing stock in the closest gap, it can be stored in the correct area.

Improving Security 

Assets can be assigned to staff members, ensuring management knows where the assets are at all times. Staff members can record the condition and status of the assets if required. Should a staff member take an asset off the premises, the equipment tracking software will locate it. 

The software can alert users if an asset is taken off the premises. Offering an improved level of security means that less equipment is likely to be misplaced or stolen. 

Equipment can also be checked in and out as and when it is being used. This extra level of security helps management to keep an additional eye on all assets.

Eliminating Ghost Assets

Ghost assets are pieces of equipment that cannot be accounted for. Assets such as these exist because they are either unusable or missing. As soon as a piece of equipment is labelled unusable, management can choose whether to repair or replace it. 

If a piece of equipment has gone missing, management can choose to replace it, should they wish. Equipment tracking may not be able to prevent the incidence of historic ghost assets. However, thanks to the way itemit’s tracking software works, it can eliminate future incidents.

Get Real-Time Updates

Real-time updates show users exactly where the production equipment is at all times. Users can also read notes and view photographs that staff members have left. Constantly updating, itemit’s production equipment tracking software keeps the guesswork to a minimum.

Easy To Use Interface

The easy to use interface ensures that users can gain quick access to the information they need. Whether the user is accessing the software via a laptop or mobile app, tasks can quickly and easily be undertaken. 

Production equipment can prove costly if it is not correctly maintained or it goes missing. Using the right tracking software can help to reduce costs and potentially increase production efficiency.


itemit is a user-friendly cloud-based software that allows you to track all of your assets with ease. Gain complete control of your assets with no fuss. Email our expert team today at team@itemit.com or sign up for a no-obligation 14-day Free Trial so you can see how well our asset management software works.

Equipment Tracking

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An Introduction to Asset Management Software

An Introduction to Asset Management Software

An Introduction to Asset Management Software

How To Use Asset Management Solutions To Save Money

Tracking and Recording Assets

Asset Management Software is an application that is completely dedicated to tracking and recording an asset. From the moment the asset has been purchased until its disposal, Asset Management Software provides businesses with constantly updated information. Businesses that use this specialist software have access to an asset’s details. They can track how it is being used, by whom it is being used, and where it is located. The software can be used for both hardware and software assets. 

Software such as this has the ability to provide businesses with a wide range of updates. 

These updates can include:

  • Client/vendor policy compliance 
  • Client/vendor auditing 
  • Licencing costs optimisation
  • Measurement of vendor performance
  • Procurement process streamlining
  • Supplier portfolio optimisation 

Each of the above updates provides a business with everything that they need to know about the asset that is being tracked. itemit’s Asset Management Software allows users to combine technologies that allow the user to have more control over their assets.

Why Asset Management Software Is Important

Software that successfully tracks assets is hugely important as it is: 

  • Completely accessible – With the ability to track assets via a smartphone, users can quickly locate their assets. There is no need for any users to contact their colleagues to determine the status of their assets. Within a few clicks, users can keep track of their assets from the office, their home and almost anywhere. 
  • Capable of working without human intervention – Many businesses may find that they have an increased workload. However, the number of employees may not change. This can potentially cause issues due to an increased workload. Errors may occur as employees rush to undertake their ever-increasing pile of tasks. itemit’s asset tracking and management software is fully capable of working without human intervention. Assets can be accurately tracked 24 hours a day, without the need for employees’ involvement. 
  • Free from errors – Humans can occasionally make simple errors. However, businesses lose a huge amount of money each year due to simple human errors. Using the right type of management software ensures that no errors are made. 
  • Highly efficient – The right type of asset management results in efficient processes being used. Working faster than humans can, the right software can potentially streamline specific areas of a business. 

How Asset Management Software Works

As soon as the required information has been uploaded to itemit’s software, the hard work is over. The software will take full control of your assets, ensuring that you know where each of your assets is all of the time. Users will also be updated with the location of their assets, and who has them at the time. 

itemit’s software allows users to:

Add Attachments

Add word and Excel files, PDF documents, and photographs via the attachment section located on the asset’s profile page. Attachments can also be added when a user leaves a comment. It is also possible to manage an attachment’s size and format. Additionally, users can check to whom assets are assigned. 

Users can also click on their chosen document so that they can discover how large the file is, and which assets the attachment is assigned to. Users also have the option to use a QR scanner to assign assets.

Add Collections

Assets can be organised and categorised easily. For example, some assets may require maintenance. Adding a “Maintenance” collection allows users to assign assets to it. Users are then able to determine which assets need to be collected for maintenance. 

Other collections can be added as and when they are required. Users can assign as many categories as they wish, and as and when they are required. Additionally, it is possible to add hierarchies or sub-categories should they be needed. For example, the “Maintenance” category could have a “Ready for maintenance” category along with “Undergoing maintenance” and “Maintenance completed” categories. Such categories allow the user to keep track of the status of their assets at all times.

Add Asset Tags

All assets can be tagged with QR codes, allowing for quick identification. Secure and fully customised QR codes have a URL that is unique to the asset. Scanning the QR code takes the user to the asset’s profile.

Leave Comments

Comments can be left on profile pages as opposed to in notebooks. Users will, therefore, always be able to find the information that they need.

Record Important Information

Important information can be recorded quickly and easily. Users can record the information by date, name, colour, or any other category.

Send Notifications and Reminders

Users can be reminded when an asset needs their attention. Notifications will be sent when the reminder in question is due. Users can add as many reminders as they wish, and they can be repeated as and when required.

Send Users’ Updated Location

All assets can be assigned a location. Alternatively, if an asset is used in multiple places users can see where its last location was. All assets can be viewed on a map, and/or users can view all of the assets that are nearby, should they wish to.

Track An Assets History

As soon as an asset has a QR code, it can be tracked. Every single action and edit will be recorded. An asset’s history cannot be removed, ensuring that users know where the asset was at all times. Users can also see who the asset was used by, what they did with it, and its status. This ensures that businesses have full knowledge of every asset that they own.

Work Offline

itemit has offline capabilities. Users do not need to be online in order to track all of their assets. They can track every detail of every asset all day, every day. 

Contact itemit Today

The right asset management software can help to streamline many business processes. Allowing users to monitor all of their assets quickly and easily, software such as this can save businesses both time and resources.

Please reach out to the team if you have any questions. You can reach us at team@itemit.com. You can learn more about how itemit can be the ideal solution for your business and it’s asset tracking needs.

Asset Management Software

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Created with passion.
Cambridge, UK

Why Every Business Needs an Asset Register and How to Get Started

Why Every Business Needs an Asset Register and How to Get Started

Why Every Business Needs an Asset Register and How to Get Started

Every business needs to have an asset register so that it can have more control over assets. Unfortunately, staying in control of assets can often be tricky. The good news is that itemit can help. Our software ensures that knowing where all of your assets are is easy. 

Below, you will find details about how you too can get started with an asset register.

Use Our Software

Our software is easy to use. You can access it via a web portal or an app. As soon as you have logged into itemit you can start to create an asset register. All that you need to do is to affix an RFID tag or a QR code to each of your assets. Then, simply scanning the tag or code will create a digital profile. As soon as a profile is created you can add as much information about an asset as you wish. Once you’re done you can move on to the next asset. 

The more assets you add to your register, the more control you will have over them all.

Business Asset Tracking

Tracking Your Assets Is Easy

Not only is it possible for you to understand how many assets you have, you can also track every asset’s location. As soon as you have scanned the QR code, for example, our software will start to track it. This feature allows you to track the location of your assets whenever you wish. 

If you do not need to track the location of an asset you can track other features instead. Some of these include an asset’s:

  • Make and model 
  • Serial number
  • Value at time of purchase 
  • Current value
  • Insurance and warranty details
  • Current and past users
  • Maintenance record
  • Photograph
  • And much more 

Please note that you track each of the above features in addition to an asset’s location. In other words, you can track as much information about each asset as you please. 

When you track so many aspects of each asset it helps you to create a lot of data surrounding the asset. As a result, it may be possible for you to determine whether your business is heading in the right direction. Did you know that when you create a lot of data it can be useful to export it? This is another feature that itemit’s asset register has. You can export your reports as and when you need to. This ensures that you always know how your business is performing.

Security Can Improve Immensely

Irrespective of what type of business you run, security can be an issue. However, our software can improve it from day one. When all of the features that come with our asset register are used, security is improved. You can see where your assets are at all times. This ensures that you can retrieve the assets should you need to. If an asset becomes lost or it’s stolen, as long as a QR code or RFID tag is affixed you can see where it is. 

When your employees know that your assets are tracked they’re more likely to look after them. Assets are a lot less likely to get lost or stolen simply because they are being tracked. As a result, you may not have to spend quite as much money replacing the assets. As a result, you could find that your outgoings decrease. This is hugely important right now as many businesses are working hard to improve their bottom line. 

In addition to added security, you may also find that you no longer have any ghost assets. These are assets that are still accounted for but are lost, stolen, or even damaged. Most businesses have ghost assets and most lose money because they are unaware they exist. Our software can help you to eliminate ghost assets instantly.

Your Business Needs itemit’s Asset Register

No matter where you are, what business you run or how long you’ve been trading, you need itemit’s asset register. Our register exists to make your working day much easier. You can track your assets with ease. It’s possible for you to track both fixed and non-fixed assets, should you wish to. You can have the control that you need over all of your assets. 

More and more businesses around the globe are now choosing to use our software and you can too. With the touch of a button, you can start to control your assets with little fuss. Talk to a member of our asset-tracking team today to find out how our software can help you. You can reach our helpful team now at: team@itemit.com. Alternatively, you may wish to sign up for our 14-day free trial. You do not have to give us any payment information. Simply complete the form below to get started.

Create your asset register now.

Choose a better way to track your assets

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Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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