Device Inventory Management: Why It’s Important

Device Inventory Management: Why It’s Important

Device Inventory Management: Why It’s Important

If you have more than a few devices, you will know how hard it is to keep them under wraps. However, with the use of device inventory management, controlling everything is so much easier. You could know where all of your devices are all of the time. You could also have much more control over them than you have right now.

It’s Possible To Save Time

One of the reasons why device inventory management is so important is that it could save you time. Think about how long you typically spend searching for a specific device. Even if you spend just five minutes a day, each time you need a device, that amount of time adds up. The good news is that when you use inventory management to its advantage, you could see where all of your devices are within moments. What this means is you will no longer have to go searching for any device as you could see where they are very quickly. 

This week can be particularly handy to businesses that have dozens of different devices. You could see where your chosen devices are at any given time and even whether they are being used.

Business Asset Tracking

You Could Save Money

Did you know that when you use device inventory management it is possible for you to save money? This is because your devices are less likely to get lost. However, this is not the only benefit of using inventory management. 

There is a real possibility for you to save quite a bit of money. Should you wish to set up a maintenance schedule, just think about how much work each of your devices does every single day. Also, think about how much damage they sustain, intentional or not. With this in mind, it makes sense for you to set up a maintenance schedule for each of your devices. When you do, every device will be taken care of. 

You can set up a maintenance schedule that is preferable to you and the device in question. When each device is undergoing maintenance, potential and current issues can be spotted and dealt with. A direct result of this means that every device could last longer than they otherwise would have. Not only does this mean that your business will have more devices that work at any given time, it also means you can spend less replacing damaged devices. Being able to save money this way, maybe you could potentially divert the funds elsewhere.

Ghost Assets Could Be No More

A ghost asset is any asset that has been put to one side because it no longer works. Assets such as these also include devices that have been lost or stolen. Irrespective of whether the device no longer works or whether it has been lost these assets are known as ghost assets. This is because they are still “on the books” even though they are not being used. 

When you start using device inventory management you could eliminate ghost assets. This is simply because when you create a digital profile for each of your assets, you can see where they are and potentially their maintenance status. Should one of your tablets, for example, break down rather than shelving it, you could send it for maintenance. If it gets lost, you could trace it with ease and retrieve it. As you can see, assets can be a thing of the past meaning that you have more tools  at the ready whenever you need them.

You’ll Have Greater Control

One of the major benefits of device inventory management is that you’ll have greater control. You can see where all of your assets are all of the time. You could also see which member of your team is using your assets. it may also be possible for you to assign particular assets to particular team members. 

When you can do any, or all of the above you will automatically have greater control.

Security Can Improve Immensely

When it comes to the issue of security, it’s good to know that you device inventory management software can make a difference. 

Knowing where all of your assets are, and even who is using them, can keep everything more secure. Your team members are more likely to take good care of your assets when they know you are tracking them. The result of this means they are less likely to get lost or stolen. 

Give yourself peace of mind, use  inventory management to your advantage. Irrespective of the type of business that you have, where you are, or even how long you’ve been operating, you’ll have many assets. Inventory management software can help you to have more control, keep everything safe, and save you time and money.


Would you like to speak with someone knowledgeable about device inventory management? Contact us now at

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Organise Your Sports Equipment Easily: Here’s How

Organise Your Sports Equipment Easily: Here’s How

Organise Your Sports Equipment Easily: Here’s How

Sports equipment is not as easy to organise as other types of equipment. This is simply because you can have so much of it. Even the smallest sports hall or community centre can have more sports-related equipment than they realise. In addition to this, everything will come in different shapes and sizes. A result of this is that things can be hard to store let alone organise. 

The good news is that when you sign up for some equipment tracking software, organising everything can be easy.

Why Equipment Tracking Software Can Help

Equipment tracking can work wonders by helping you to organise everything with ease. You can see exactly where everything is in a matter of seconds. You can also see whether your footballs, tennis racquets, trampolines, and so on are being used. You can even see who is using your equipment and who’s waiting for it. 

This type of software is being used by sports centres and other groups all over the world. The reason for this is because it can help you to get and keep everything organised. Once you have created a digital profile for all of your equipment you can organise it into groups. For example, you could have a group for equipment that’s in a small cupboard and another for things kept in a large cupboard. You could have some apparatus kept around the outside of the sports hall, and some outside. Being able to organise everything this way can make for easier tracking. It can also help you to understand whether your bowling balls have been stored in the right area, for example.

Business Asset Tracking

How Tracking Software Can Help

Let’s now take a closer look as to why equipment tracking software can help. When you choose to track everything you can attach a QR code, an RFID tag, or a barcode to everything. It’s these codes that make tracking possible. OK, so you may not be able to attach an RFID tag to your tennis balls, but you can attach one to the tennis ball tubes. Doing so will ensure that it’s easier to track where that tube of balls is at all times. 

Did you know that you can access tracking software via different devices? These days, almost everything can be done on a smartphone. The good news is that you can use your smartphone to track everything. However, that’s not all you can do. You can also log into your online portal via a tablet, a desktop computer, or your laptop. What this means is that you can gain access to the online portal whenever you need to. As long as you can get online you can log in. 

Multiple people can also access the portal, should you wish them to. When you allow others to log into the portal it means they can check some equipment out and back in again. It can also allow them to ask the maintenance department to repair equipment, should it require it. 

As you can see, tracking software can help you to find, look after, and organise everything. This can be very satisfying and allow you to get on with other important tasks.

Checking Sports Equipment In And Out

Some equipment tracking software automatically comes with a really great feature. It lets you check sports equipment in and out whenever you wish. This feature is ideal as it can help you to keep a closer eye on everything. It also means that you can see who has what and even where they’re using it. 

When you activate this feature you are helping your equipment to stay in a better state of repair. If someone knows their usage is being tracked they’re more likely to take care of your sports equipment. In addition to this, they’re much more likely to return everything once they’ve finished playing badminton, for example.

This feature can also be very useful because if a tennis ball, for example, gets lost, it can be reported. Consequently, you’ll have a better idea as to whether you have enough tennis balls in stock or whether you need to order more.

It’s TIme To Play Ball And Use Software That Helps

Now is the time to play ball and start using equipment tracking that helps. When you do, it’s very likely that you’ll wonder why you hadn’t started using the software earlier. Just make sure that when you start tracking your equipment that you track as much as possible. The more equipment you track, the better. It means you can keep a closer eye on everything and you know it’s organised and in exactly the right place. 

Would you like to chat with an equipment tracking expert about organising your sports equipment? Contact us today at

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How To Track Your Fleet’s Location

How To Track Your Fleet’s Location

How To Track Your Fleet’s Location

When you have a lot of vehicles to take care of, doing so can often be difficult. Not only do you have to take care of every single vehicle, but you also have to know where they are all of the time. This is so that you know your vehicles are safe and they are being used correctly.

Checking the location of every single vehicle in your fleet is easier said than done, however. When you use tracking solutions that work it can make life easier. Such solutions can help you to understand where all of your fleet is all of the time.

What Asset Tracking Is

So, what exactly is asset tracking and how can it help you to understand where your vehicles are? It’s quite simple. With the use of modern asset tracking solutions that incorporate GPS technology, tracking is quite easy. All that you need to do is to fix some sort of device to each of your vehicles so that they can be tracked.

In this day and age, we are used to seeing bulky GPS trackers. Unfortunately, with this type of tracker comes a lot of problems. Because of their size, they can become damaged easily or they may even be stolen.

A solution to this is that you could use something as simple as a barcode to help you track everything. All that you need to do is ensure that the barcode is securely attached to your vehicle. As soon as it is attached you are almost ready to begin tracking.

Business Asset Tracking

How To Start Tracking Your Fleet

One of the great things about modern asset tracking solutions is that they are very easy to set up. Simply scan the barcode to create a digital profile. Enter as much information as you wish about each vehicle into the profile. Once this is complete, you are good to go.

What Exactly Can You Track?

When you use reliable and modern asset tracking solutions you can track all sorts of vehicles. Below, you will find information about just some of the vehicles that you could track.

Your Fleet Of Vans

Do you have a fleet of vans? You can track them very easily, regardless of how small or large your fleet is. You can track your largest vans, your smallest ones, and everything in between. Just make sure you stick that barcode in an area where it is going to be undisturbed. Under the driver’s seat could be a good location for the barcode. Alternatively, you could use any other location where the barcode can easily be scanned, but it is unlikely to be disturbed by anyone else.

Your Cars

Your fleet of cars can be tracked just as easily as a fleet of vans. It does not matter what cars you own, or even how often they are driven. When you use the right asset tracking solutions you can track them all.

Your Buses

Asset tags are physical tags attached to an asset. They contain a unique code, linking a physical entity to its online counterpart. Rather than looking up an asset, you can simply scan the unique code to access the asset’s stored data. This aids your business by saving time, increasing automation, and therefore improving productivity.

Moreover, every time an asset’s tag is scanned, that asset’s last seen location and the user who scanned the tag is updated automatically. With a clear and concise audit trail of who has been interacting with your assets, tracking your assets becomes a doddle.

Your Taxis And More!

Do you want a taxi company and you wish to track your taxis day and night? When you use modern and reliable asset tracking solutions, tracking is very easy. You can see where all of your taxis are all of the time. 

You could even see which taxis are being driven out of the local area, so you can estimate the taxi fare. Alternatively, this could also help you to understand whether you need to expand your business and offer a wider service.

You could also track any other vehicle. This includes electric scooters and bicycles. Thanks to the way that the barcode works and how trusted they are, vehicle tracking is easy.

Vehicle Maintenance

You are no doubt aware that maintaining your vehicles to a high standard is very important. Not only are they less likely to let you down, but they can help you to keep your customers happy. 

Asset tracking solutions allow you to do more than just track your vehicle’s locations. You can also set maintenance reminders so that every vehicle is maintained frequently. A result of this means that everything in your fleet is in much better condition. Consequently, there may be fewer breakdowns and issues. You could find that your customers are much happier once you start tracking your fleet. Happy customers are what we all strive to have. Therefore, tracking your fleet is of prime importance.

Wish to speak with an asset tracking solutions expert? Contact us now at

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Why An Equipment Borrowing System Is Good For Libraries

Why An Equipment Borrowing System Is Good For Libraries

Why An Equipment Borrowing System Is Good For Libraries

If you run a library, then you will be more than accustomed to using some type of equipment loan software. As long as that software is up and running, then you should have no problems at all. However, if it is outdated and it does not offer you everything you need you could have issues.

This is where using the right type of loan software can be very beneficial to your library. With the right software, you could find that lending books, DVDs, CDs, and more could be easier than you think.

What Exactly Is An Equipment Borrowing System?

An equipment borrowing system is a very specialised type of system that would allow you to lend out a range of books and anything else. It can track exactly where all of your books are at any given time.

The right equipment loan software can help you to do so much more than this. We are going to investigate some of these features a little later in the article.Ideally, the borrowing system that you use will be up-to-date, modern, and reliable. It will be a system that will allow you to carry out all of your daily tasks without being impeded. In addition to this, it will also allow you to attend to your customer’s needs as and when required. With this in mind, it may be possible for you to achieve even greater customer satisfaction.

Business Asset Tracking

Makes Lending Management Smoother

When you use the right equipment loan software, you should be able to see the book you have lent out in a matter of moments. The lending out process should also take no time at all. Software that works in this way is typically based on a database that can be accessed by a range of users at any given time. What this means is that you and your team can potentially collaborate on the loaning process. It also means that you could potentially work as a team rather than as individuals. 

Lastly, it means that the whole process is not dependent on a single person. Should something go wrong, multiple people are able to access the database. A result of this means you could get more work done.

Booking Becomes Easy

Let’s imagine that your customers want to borrow a few books, but they are currently on loan to someone else. When you use some modern and reliable equipment loan software you can make the booking process a relatively easy one. 

This process could potentially alert your customers when the books they want to borrow are all back in stock. The system could also make sure that no one is able to borrow books until it is their turn. 

This feature is no doubt something that a lot of your customers will be more than happy to use. It could ensure that everyone gets their fair share of the latest reading material at a time that is convenient to them. Additionally, this feature will also help you to understand which books are more popular, and when you may need to buy additional copies of specific books.

Everything Can Be Accounted For

Some of your customers may be more than happy to borrow multiple books at one time. However, as we are all aware, not everyone is capable of returning every book at the same time. The good news is that when you use the right equipment loan software you can ensure that everything is accounted for.

You could see which books are still missing, and which books are overdue. Essentially, you can take steps to ensure that every single book is returned to you sooner rather than later.

Consequently, you will have all of your books with you on time, for more of the time. As a result, you will not have to disappoint as many customers because the book they are waiting for has not yet arrived back in your library.

Start Using An Equipment Borrowing System Today

One of the best things that you can do for your library, and for your customers is to use modern and reliable equipment loan software. When you do, you could start to see a shift in the way that books are lent out and even returned. 

Did you know that fewer books could also go missing? This is simply because you can track all of your books, every hour of every day and with relative ease. The books that are still outstanding can be tracked to an exact location so you can see who has them at all times. This can help with the retrieval of the books in question. Consequently, you could end up spending a lot less money on replacement books. 

Wish to speak with an expert about using equipment loan software? Contact us today at

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Use QR Code Asset Tracking To Keep Your Business Organised

Use QR Code Asset Tracking To Keep Your Business Organised

Use QR Code Asset Tracking To Keep Your Business Organised

Keeping your business organised can be easier said than done. It does not matter how small your business is, it can still be difficult to keep everything ship-shape. The good news is that when you use QR code asset tracking, organising everything is so much easier. This is thanks primarily to the software that is used to help you to keep track of your assets. 

Let’s delve a little deeper into the use of QR codes and how they can help your business to stay organised.

Why Using QR Codes Makes Sense

Using QR codes to help you with your asset tracking just makes a lot of sense. This is because doing so means you won’t have to use or buy any third-party readers. You can simply use tablets or smartphones, should you wish to. What this means for you is you can start to track your assets almost right away. All that you need to do is to affix a QR code on to the assets you wish to track. As soon as you have, the assets can be scanned and you can update each asset’s profile. You could add a check-in and check-out feature if it’s available, and a maintenance schedule. Some tracking software will also allow you to report issues, create exportable reports, and much more.

Business Asset Tracking

Making Asset Identification Easy

One of the major benefits of using QR code asset tracking is that identification is easier. You are probably aware of what a lot of your assets look like. However, some may not be as easy to identify. Additionally, if you have a lot of assets that look the same, using QR codes can take away any confusion. All that you need to do is to scan the QR code and you’ll be notified about the asset in question. You‘ll be shown which asset it is and any information you added to the asset’s digital profile. 

Did you know that when you use the right tracking software you could also use a booking system? You could allow specific people to use specific assets at any given time. This feature not only helps you to ensure the right people use the right assets, it also boosts security. We’ll take a look at security a little later on.

Staying Accountable

You’ll already be aware that you need to stay accountable. However, when you use QR code asset tracking you could automatically be even more accountable. This is simply because you will know what assets you have and even each asset’s value. Just make sure that when you create an asset’s profile you add the estimated or real value to it. When doing so, you allow yourself to have a better idea as to how your business is performing.

Finding Your Assets Quickly

One of the major benefits of asset tracking is that it allows you to find your assets quickly. You could, for example, see that your new soldering machine is where it should be. It will be possible to see that one of your delivery trucks has reached its destination. You could see that a pallet full of stock is located in warehouse 2, and so on. 

When you have the ability to find your assets quickly it means you can save time. If you spend at least a few minutes every day looking for different assets you’re not being productive. However, when you use QR codes, you stop being unproductive and you ultimately get more done. This can only be a good thing.

Keeping Everything Safer And More Secure

Did you know that QR code asset tracking can help to keep everything safer and more secure? When you affix a QR code to your assets it’s occasionally obvious that they’re being tracked. A direct result of this means that your assets are less likely to get stolen or lost. In fact, your colleagues are more likely to take greater care of your assets. After all, you’ll know exactly who has used them and when. Just make sure you use the check-in/check-out feature so you can see which of your colleagues are using what.

Lowering Your Maintenance Costs

Finally, QR codes can help to lower your maintenance costs. When you create a digital profile using a QR code, you could choose to set a maintenance reminder. A result of this means that you or your maintenance team will be alerted when it’s time to examine each asset. When assets are looked after, they’re less likely to need major repairs. Consequently, your costs could be lowered. 


It’s clear that using QR code tracking can help you to keep your business organised. From lowering maintenance costs to making everything identifiable. It’s no wonder that more and more businesses are now using QR codes to their full advantage. 

Would you like to speak with an expert about QR code asset tracking? Contact us now at

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