How To Optimise Your Asset Tracking With RFID

How To Optimise Your Asset Tracking With RFID

How To Optimise Your Asset Tracking With RFID

Asset tracking is critical to your business’ success. You may already be tracking your assets via a spreadsheet or software, but RFID asset tracking software will take your operations to the next level.

Where spreadsheets offer minimal automation as they become out of date with any change, asset tracking software offers a solution which allows for real-time asset tracking. RFID asset management is the next step in this automation.

itemit is unique as it allows you to track your assets with RFID tags in tandem with barcodes, QR codes, and GPS trackers, giving you the highest levels of accountability and transparency available.

Passive RFID Vs. Active RFID

How Does Asset Tracking Work?

Asset tracking is the discipline of logging your assets, adding data to these profiles, and tracking how they change throughout their lifecycle. In this sense, asset tracking via a spreadsheet is possible.

The limitation of a spreadsheet, however, is that every time an asset is interacted with, the spreadsheet becomes out of date. This can become unwieldy and complex, especially when it comes to fixed asset management operations.

Asset tracking software, therefore, is much more effective as it automates and speeds up the logging of changes. As an asset tracking app can integrate a scanning function, the use of asset tags can automate location tracking.

Every time you scan an asset’s tag in your asset tracking app, the corresponding profile will open and the last seen location will update. This way, if you’re logging an issue, you simply need to scan the tag and log the issue while you’re with the asset to update this change across the board. Your maintenance team then has all of the data they need to speed up a fix.

What Is RFID Asset Tracking?

RFID asset tracking is a development in unique identification technologies, such as barcodes and QR codes. It works in a similar way, where all of your assets will be tagged with unique asset labels which you can then scan and update critical asset information with ease.

RFID has an edge, however. As RFID tags emit radio frequencies, you will be able to use hardware to detect RFID tags without the need to scan with a line of sight.

What this means is that you will be able to hide assets or scan them from a distance. So, for example, RFID asset tracking is critical for high-value collection tracking as you can hide RFID tags to not affect the value of your assets.

These capabilities also open up more functionality in itemit’s asset tracking app, too. With RFID, to check everything that should be in a room is still present, you simply need to walk into the room and pull the trigger on your handheld RFID reader and all of the relevant tags will be detected.

Using Fixed RFID Asset Management

itemit also has a built-in, off-the-shelf RFID asset management system. This means that you simply need to purchase tags and a reader and you can start tracking asset movements almost instantly.

Every time an asset moves from one location to another, your fixed RFID reader will pick up and log the change, totally automating your asset tracking operations.

Now, fixed RFID doesn’t require lengthy setup times, high costs, or in-depth technical knowledge of RF systems.

To find out more about how itemit’s asset tracking software can help your business grow, you’ll be able to contact the team at You can also fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.

RFID Asset Tracking

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Why Is Asset Tracking Important?

Why Is Asset Tracking Important?

Why Is Asset Tracking Important?

Asset tracking is a system that your business can implement to maintain better control over your critical tools and equipment. With asset tracking, your business will be able to:

  • View what you own
  • View the locations of equipment
  • Monitor who is in charge of critical assets
  • Monitor asset movements
  • Add crucial data, such as maintenance dates
  • Export, manage, and update a fixed asset register

All of these capabilities ultimately streamline your business’ existing operations, as well as prevent asset losses and thefts.

tools tracking system

What Is Asset Tracking?

Asset tracking is a procedure of logging unique assets onto a digital system. These assets will have their own profiles where a variety of information will be added.

This is where asset management software differs slightly from an inventory management system. With asset tracking, you get granular, specific information about unique assets and view trends this way, as opposed to tracking assets only in bulk.

You can also use asset tags to streamline your asset auditing, discovery, and tracking operations. With asset tags, you can track asset locations as well as update asset data when you have tools and equipment to hand.

Every scan of an asset’s tag updates the last seen location, the user who scanned it, the time of the scan, and opens the asset’s unique profile, automating a range of operations.

Helpful Asset Management Features

While logging and viewing your equipment has the immediate benefits of minimising losses and verifying ownership of a range of assets, your asset tracking software will be able to go further.

There’s no limit to the information you can add against your assets. So, you’ll be able to use your asset tracking system as an equipment checkout software, for example.

Then, you’ll also be able to track pre-emptive, routine, and reactive maintenance using speedy and effective issues management and reminders features.

Overall, this gives you a clear view of how assets are behaving, which assets have issues, which require downtime, and which assets need replacements, giving you a lot more control over many of your operations.

Fixed Asset Tracking Functionality

Your asset tracking app will also be able to fulfil a range of fixed asset tracking needs. Primarily, as each of your logged assets are added to an automated fixed asset register, you can instantly mitigate the risk of ghost and zombie assets.

Then, you will also be able to use depreciation features and customise your reports. This means that your reports can be tailored for auditors, insurance companies, your accounting team, and contractors.

Overall, the main benefit of a great asset tracking app is customisability, as being able to customise your app to your operations gives you the most ROI possible.

Asset tracking is crucial to your business because of the time and cost-saving benefits that it will provide you with. As you’ll already be undertaking many of the operations that your asset tracking system can automate, implementing a system is both crucial and easy to set up.

To find out more about how itemit’s asset tracking software can help your business save time and money, you’ll be able to contact the team at You can also fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.

Asset Tracking Software

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All You Need To Know About GPS and Barcode Asset Tracking

All You Need To Know About GPS and Barcode Asset Tracking

All You Need To Know About GPS and Barcode Asset Tracking

GPS and barcode asset tracking will work hand in hand to ensure that you lose fewer assets. With an effective asset management system, you’ll be able to monitor what you own, where it is, how it’s behaving, and other related information.

GPS and barcodes allow you to automate your asset management operations. You’ll be able to speed up asset audits, automate edits to your fixed asset register, and track locations with minimal manual input.

GPS asset tracking

Barcode Asset Management

Barcode asset management works by allowing you to stick physical barcodes onto your assets. Whether these are QR code barcodes or standard ones, so long as they’re unique, you’ll be able to retrieve asset profiles and edit them with ease.

As you’ll be using an asset tracking app, the process is simple. All you need to do is create a unique, digital profile for your asset and link it to its physical counterpart using an asset tag.

Then, every time you scan the asset’s tag, the asset’s profile will open. Here you’ll be able to make use of a variety of features, from bookings and check in check out functionality to maintenance features.

GPS And Barcodes

Every time you scan an asset’s barcode, the last seen location will update too. Your asset tracking app will use your phone’s GPS data to do so. 

This way, you’ll be able to verify where your assets have been and construct an automatic audit trail. This is very helpful in diagnosing asset issues, for example.

As interacting with an asset’s profile uses this scanning functionality, if an issue is reported, you’ll be able to verify where the issue was reported and who reported it, as well as the time of the report.

This GPS functionality allows you to reduce asset downtime and optimise your existing auditing operations.

GPS Asset Tracking

As well as barcode asset management, you’ll also be able to automate your asset tracking using GPS trackers. GPS trackers ping your asset management system at periodic intervals.

This means that, for example, you will get an automated location update on the hour and can verify that your assets are exactly where they should be.

Combining GPS trackers with barcodes allows you to track asset locations whether your tools and equipment are on or off your sites. For example, you’ll be able to track your asset’s locations when your equipment is in transit using GPS trackers.

This further reduces theft and saves you money on petrol, as you’ll be able to use these location tracking features for more effective asset retrieval procedures.

Using itemit As Your Asset Tracking Software

itemit is unique as it allows you to combine multiple asset tracking technologies. This way, you’ll be able to track your assets using GPS trackers, RFID tags, QR codes, and barcodes.

Overall, using the effective systems within the software, you’ll be able to mitigate the risk of losing assets as much as possible. Then, you’ll be able to ensure that your assets are running smoothly using a variety of maintenance and monitoring features.

All of this comes together in your automated, customisable, exportable, and effective fixed asset register. Every edit and every detail will be visible here, ready for your accounting, insurance, or tax teams.

To find out more about how itemit can save your business time and money, you’ll be able to fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial. You can also contact the team at

GPS And Barcode Asset Tracking

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How To Create A School Fixed Asset Register

How To Create A School Fixed Asset Register

How To Create A School Fixed Asset Register

Your school will save time and money by using a fixed asset register. A fixed asset register allows you to:

  • Monitor what you own
  • Monitor asset finances
  • Reduce asset losses
  • Reduce theft
  • Improve maintenance operations
  • Monitor asset finances

With an effective system in place, you’ll be able to track and manage all of your school’s assets, keeping students and staff happy. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to reduce asset interactions, too, and a fixed asset management software will help you achieve this.

school fixed asset register

What Is A Fixed Asset Register?

A fixed asset register is a list of all of the assets you own. Each asset will have unique information attached to it, including financial data, an image, location data, and maintenance information.

This way, you’ll be able to break down your asset tracking operations into manageable chunks while using your fixed asset register for critical processes, such as with tax and insurance.

With a cloud-based system, too, you’ll be able to automate your fixed asset register. An asset tracking app allows you to interact with assets while you have physical interactions with them. These interactions will log onto your fixed asset register automatically.

Using Asset Tags For Fixed Asset Management

Asset tags speed up your operations. These can be simple QR code or barcode asset tags. On your asset management software, each of your assets will have a unique digital profile. Then, these tags will link the physical asset to its profile.

Every time an asset’s tag is scanned, four things will happen:

  • The user who scanned the tag will update
  • The last seen location will update
  • The time of scanning will be logged
  • The asset’s profile will open

This way, if you notice one of your fixed assets requires maintenance, all you need to do is scan the asset’s tag and report it with one of your asset management software’s features.

The Benefits Of Using A School Fixed Asset Register

A school fixed asset register gives you much more control over your operations and your tools and equipment. As you’ll be able to view, log, and edit any and all asset information, you’ll be able to benefit from time and cost-saving procedures.

Knowing where your assets have been and who has been interacting with them allows you to minimise asset losses and asset theft primarily. Then, effective features such as equipment booking and maintenance functionality help you minimise asset downtime and further control asset movements.

As all of your edits and interactions are logged onto a streamlined, automated, and customisable school fixed asset register, you’ll then also be able to monitor any changes your assets go through.

After this, you’ll be able to export your fixed asset register ad use it in existing operations, such as with tax and insurance, while also tracking crucial information such as asset depreciation data.

To find out more about how itemit’s school fixed asset register software can help your school save time and money in a simple, effective, and powerful way, you’ll be able to contact the team at or fill in the form below to start your very own 14-day free trial.

School Fixed Asset Register

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How Does An RFID Asset Tracking System Work?

How Does An RFID Asset Tracking System Work?

How Does An RFID Asset Tracking System Work?

An RFID asset tracking system will take your equipment management, monitoring, and tracking to the next level. Asset tracking operations have come a long way since the use of spreadsheets, and RFID asset tracking is the next step in terms of automation.

In the past, asset tracking was largely manual and spreadsheet oriented. This meant that all updates would have to be logged onsite, and then later updated when there was access to a spreadsheet.

Then, asset tracking software took over. Asset tracking software, as it’s cloud-based, allows teams to share asset tracking operations between them. This means that it’s possible to scan and edit asset data with the equipment to hand. Then, these edits will be reflected across the board in real-time for your entire team to see.

Passive RFID Vs. Active RFID

Types Of RFID Asset Tags

There are two types of RFID asset tags. These both provide different levels of read-range and functionality. So, depending on how you’ll be using your RFID asset tracking system, one tag or the other will likely be better.

Passive RFID Tags

Passive RFID asset tags have a lower read-range than their active counterparts. This is because they have fewer components and work in a different way.

If you’re using passive RFID asset tags, you’ll need to verify that they’re suited to certain materials as the lesser amounts of components can create issues with interference.

itemit’s standard passive RFID asset tags, for example, are optimised for metals, ceramic, and plastic. This way, you’ll be able to use them for IT asset management without risking interference. You can find out more about our asset labels by following the link.

Passive RFID tags are cheaper, as they have lesser functionality and fewer components than active tags. Passive tags work by bouncing an RF signal back to a reader via an embedded antenna, indicating the existence of the tag. Your asset tracking system will then be able to match up locations in the back-end, either via phone GPS data or the locations of your fixed readers.

Active RFID Tags

Active RFID tags are more expensive as they have more components and more functionality. This can mean that customizability options are more limited, as passive RFID tags only need some core elements to work.

Your active RFID tags will also contain a battery, meaning that they can run out of charge. This is mitigated by functionality whereby an RF signal will “wake up” the tag, increasing the battery’s longevity.

The read-range is much more impressive than passive RFID tags as active tags can also emit a radio frequency with which RFID readers can interact with. The caveat to this is that these tags are often larger, as well as more expensive, meaning that they can be more difficult to conceal on your high-value assets.

How Do Asset Tags Fit In With RFID Asset Tracking Systems?

Asset tracking systems work by linking unique, digital asset profiles with physical tags. This way, you get more customizability and control over your asset management operations. 

On your system, you’ll have an entire fixed asset register of unique asset profiles. This way, you’ll be able to add maintenance data, check in check out and booking dates, reminders, and ownership information against specific assets.

Asset tags are what speed up auditing and data-editing operations. As you’ll be able to log unique asset tag data, whether barcodes, QR codes, GPS trackers or RFID tags, your asset management system will be able to pair a digital profile with a physical asset.

In other words, if you have a unique QR code on your laptop, you will be able to log this laptop on your asset tracking system and add the QR code into the system. Then, every time you scan the asset’s tag, the laptop’s digital profile will open. Here you will be able to report issues, check the assets out, or update warranty information, for example.

Then, every time you scan an asset’s tag, the last seen location and the user who scanned the tag also updates in your system. This provides you with a neat audit trail of where all of your assets have been and who has been interacting with them.

RFID asset tags, overall, speed up these operations greatly and allow you to do more with asset tracking. You need to scan a QR code or barcode with your phone’s camera whereas, with an RFID asset label, you will use external hardware.

Types Of RFID Asset Tracking Systems

There are two types of RFID asset tracking systems. One uses handheld RFID readers to interact with RFID asset tags, whereas the other uses fixed readers.

Both have separate benefits, so it’s difficult to compare which is better for your operations, but both are certainly an improvement upon QR code asset management.

Handheld RFID Reader-Based Systems

Handheld RFID reader-based systems open up possibilities such as faster auditing, distance scanning, and the ability to hide RFID tags. These handheld readers connect to your phone via BlueTooth. 

Therefore, this system is great within many verticals. For example, if you’re asset tracking in the healthcare industry, you’ll be able to scan RFID tags from a distance so as not to disrupt patients. Alternatively, if you’re tracking high-value collections, you’ll be able to hide RFID tags on your assets, meaning you don’t affect the quality or look of your paintings, wine, or equipment.

Another use case handheld RFID is incredibly helpful for is auditing with a large number of assets. As you can scan from a distance and without a line of sight, verifying that assets are where they should be is an instant process.

In other words, if you’re tracking your inventory of laptops or equipment and you want to add it to a room, you’ll be able to add all of the equipment to that location using itemit’s quick add feature. Simply log the room as a location and press “quick add”. Then, with your handheld RFID reader, all you have to do is hold down the trigger and itemit will detect the items and log the move.

After this, you’ll be able to use itemit’s asset audit feature. It works in a very similar way, simply pull the trigger and itemit will tell you which assets have been discovered and which haven’t.

Fixed RFID Asset Management

Where handheld-based RFID asset management improves all of your existing asset tracking operations, fixed RFID asset management offers you a whole new set of opportunities and functionality.

Fixed RFID asset tracking offers you total automation when it comes to tracking where your assets are on-site. You’ll be able to place your RFID readers in tactical locations in your building. Then, when an RFID tag crosses the reader’s RF field, your fixed reader will be able to detect the tag and which direction it’s moving in.

In practice, this revolutionises stock management and location monitoring, as it totally automates asset location tracking. If time savings are critical, for example in healthcare asset management, you’ll be able to see which equipment is in which location without the need for manual input or updates.

You can buy a fixed RFID reader set from our website, too, as itemit has created a world-first, off-the-shelf, easy to set up fixed RFID system.

How itemit’s Asset Tracking Software Integrates All Of This

itemit’s asset tracking software is unique, innovative, and world-leading in its functionalities. Based on several year’s knowledge and experience in building bespoke RFID systems under our company, RedBite solutions, we noticed that these systems address similar needs and gaps.

Therefore, itemit’s RFID integration is to create an off-the-shelf system that can benefit all businesses. As it’s off the shelf and as no bespoke development or consultation is required, the set-up time is reduced from months to hours, and the costs are reduced massively.

What this means is that itemit is a system for large businesses that are already looking at fixed RFID systems and would otherwise spend tens of thousands at least to implement them, but it is also a system for SMEs in a way that was previously inaccessible due to these same cost barriers.

best asset tracking software 2021

itemit’s uniquity expands further, however. itemit is the only system worldwide which allows you to combine QR codes, barcodes, fixed RFID, handheld RFID, and GPS asset management simultaneously on one streamlined, simple, and effective solution. 

This means that it’s possible to track where your assets are wherever they are whenever they move, as you’ll be able to fill accountability gaps when assets are in transit with GPS asset tracking, while also automating location tracking within your business for fixed RFID asset management.

itemit removes the need for technical knowledge, lengthy implementation time, high costs, and lots of frustration with a streamlined app and effective web portal. This is why our system is award-winning and we’re certified RFID experts by Zebra technologies, world-leaders in RFID hardware and solutions.

To find out more about how itemit’s asset tracking system can help your business save time and money, you’ll be able to contact the team at or over the phone on +44 (0) 1223 421611. You can also start your free trial by filling in the form below.

RFID Asset Tracking System

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