Discover the Best Asset Tracking Software Features

Discover the Best Asset Tracking Software Features

Discover the Best Asset Tracking Software Features

The right asset tracking software comes with a wide range of benefits. The software does more than simply track assets, it also has features that can prove to be very useful. Understanding where an asset’s location is can be vital, but so too can the best tracking software features.

Track Location of Tools and Equipment

When a QR code or an RFID tag is attached, tools and equipment can be tracked. Every time a user logs into the software, they can track multiple assets. Users simply need to select the tools or equipment and they will be shown the last-known location. 

This feature is ideal as it helps users to track tools that have been misplaced or stolen. It also allows users to understand whether the right equipment is at the right location.

Business Asset Tracking

Issue Reporting and Management

From time to time, there may be issues with tools and equipment. itemit’s software allows users to report issues quickly and easily. As a result, tools and equipment can be repaired or replaced. Better management ensures that every member of the team has the tools they need when they need them. It also ensures that every tool that they use can perform the task with ease.

Check Equipment In And Out

When multiple tools and equipment are used in various locations, it may be necessary to check them in and out. Thanks to the way that itemit’s asset tracking software works, users can check the equipment out when it’s needed. Once they’re finished with the equipment, they can check it back in again. This simple process allows management to keep a close eye on the equipment while giving the user more responsibility. 

Additionally, management can see what equipment is in demand and what’s surplus to requirement. This can prove to be useful when team members state that more equipment needs to be purchased.

App and Web Portal Availability

Users of itemit’s tracking software will have access to the software via an app and web portal. Easy to use while they’re on the go, an app is available for iOS and Android. This means that users can continue to track their assets via a tablet or mobile phone. 

Users can also track assets via a web portal. This is ideal when they’re sitting in their office or using a laptop on the train. No matter where they are, as long as the user has Wifi, equipment and tools can be tracked.

Stock Check Assets By Location

Assets can be stock checked by location, ensuring management knows all locations have the assets they need. This feature can prove to be highly useful as it can save time. Users no longer need to make inquiries to see if every location has the right assets. All they simply need to do is log in to itemit’s software and select the assets in question. It will automatically be clear where the assets are located as the last-known location will be shown.

Track Asset Depreciation and Life Cycles

After time, every asset will become less valuable. Depreciation can be tracked via our web portal. This is thanks to users being able to enter every asset’s current value. As the value depreciates over time, management can make a decision about replacing the asset. 

Management can also understand an asset’s life cycle. When an asset has a 6-year working life, for example, the life cycle is almost up after 5 years of use. Management can make a decision about replacing the asset soon or hanging on to it for a little longer. 

This knowledge ensures that funding is more likely to be spent in the areas it’s needed. It also ensures that every member of the team has the functional assets they need to complete their tasks.

Create An Accurate Asset Register

Businesses need to have an accurate asset register to ensure it’s clear what assets they own. Understanding what assets they own allows management to understand each asset’s value. This, in turn, helps management to understand the value of the business. 

Creating an asset register allows management to see exactly what they have in stock and where it’s located. Management can also add details about each asset such as its insurance and warranty information, size, colour, maintenance schedule, depreciation value, and more. In other words, management can have a wealth of information at their fingertips.

Use itemit’s asset tracking software

itemit’s asset tracking software has some of the best features around. With the ability to do more than simply track assets, the software can be hugely beneficial to businesses everywhere. Businesses of all shapes and sizes can find this software to be very useful. Find out just how well our asset tracking software can work for you by signing up for our 14-day Free Trial. Alternatively, you can contact our friendly and helpful team at

Best Asset Tracking Features

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Why is Asset Management Important for IT?

Why is Asset Management Important for IT?

Why is Asset Management Important for IT?

IT assets are a hugely important part of almost any business. From helping a business to communicate with its customers to creating orders, assets such as these need to be managed correctly. 

Using the right asset management software, businesses can run more efficiently. itemit’s IT asset management software is ideal for businesses everywhere. Thanks to its ability to track assets while also offering other features, every aspect of a business can run more smoothly.

Offers A Complete Inventory of Equipment

One of the major features of itemit’s software is that it offers users a complete inventory of IT equipment. Users can scan all of their assets into the system and, therefore, have a complete inventory. This can prove to be very beneficial to businesses as it’s possible to update the inventory with details of upgrades, patches, and updates.

When an inventory is continuously updated, it means that every user can thoroughly track each asset. For example, when they log into itemit’s software, they can see that computer 1 in the human resources department was updated 2 days previously. Users can also see that there are issues with computer 4 in the customer service department. 

With this knowledge, it is possible to understand which computers are functioning and which are out of action. It will, therefore, be easier to fix any possible issues.

Business Asset Tracking

Creates Inspection Schedules

From time to time, IT assets fail to work well, if at all. Here is where using the right IT asset tracking software can help. Every time a new asset is added to the inventory, an inspection schedule can be created. This allows users to understand when a computer needs to be inspected. 

Frequent inspection potentially uncovers any issues that may have arisen. Issues that have been discovered can be rectified. This ultimately means that there are few computers, for example, that are out of action. When every employee has the tools that they need to complete their work, they can work more effectively.

Monitoring Each Asset’s Condition

It is possible to monitor each asset’s condition. Whenever an employee uses a photocopier, for example, they can note its condition. For example, should a printer fail to function, users can add the details to itemit. The maintenance team, for example, can receive a notification that there’s an issue with the printer. Maintenance can then repair the printer so that it’s back in action ASAP. This ultimately means that the printer will be out of order for a limited amount of time. Anyone who works in IT will know that having just one printer out of action can create issues. However, when the right tracking software is used, malfunctioning IT assets can be up and running again in no time.

Creates Detailed User History

Every time an employee uses an IT asset, they can log their action into the tracking software. Those who monitor the tracking software can see that Employee 6 used the computer in their office for 7 hours on July 11th, and there were no reported issues. 

IT assets that move from location to location such as scanners and mobile phones may have multiple users. Every time an employee uses such equipment, they can note why they are using the asset and if there are any issues with this. This allows a detailed user history to be created and ensures management can see how useful the IT asset in question is. 

Management can also see when the asset was last used. This can prove to be useful if an asset is lost, stolen, or broken.

Profit/Loss saved asset tracking

Improves Each Asset’s Life Cycle

As assets are looked after, they will have an improved lifecycle. Not only does this mean that assets will last longer, but it also means that costs will be reduced.

It may be that assets don’t need to be replaced quite as often as they currently do. This is thanks to each asset being repaired when there’s an issue while also being tracked. Users can locate the IT assets in question when they log into the software. This means fewer assets will get lost or stolen. It also ensures that every employee feels more responsible for the assets they use. 

With an improved life cycle comes reduced spending and a more efficient workplace. Businesses, therefore, have the potential to become more successful thanks to the fact that every IT asset is looked after.

itemit’s IT Asset Tracking Software

itemit’s IT asset tracking software combines technologies for the greatest power. With a range of tools at their disposal, users can track and manage their IT assets no matter where they are. Ask the friendly team at itemit how our tracking software can benefit your business. You can reach them at: Alternatively, you could opt for our 14-day Free Trial and find out just how well our IT asset tracking software works for you.

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The Benefits of QR Tags

The Benefits of QR Tags

The Benefits of QR Tags

At itemit, we understand that businesses everywhere need to track their assets. This is why we offer an asset tracking solution that uses QR tags. Tags such as these can be hugely beneficial to the asset tracking process. 

This article takes a look at some of the main benefits of using QR tags, helping businesses to manage assets with ease.

What Are QR Tags?

A QR or “Quick response” tag is a type of barcode that can easily be read. Most digital devices that store information can scan a tag. However, the device must be able to store the information in a square grid made up of pixels. 

Most people have seen a QR tag from time to time. The most common tags seen in recent years are NHS tags found in shops and other locations. Users can scan the tags and inform the NHS of where they have been. The NHS can then track the individual to the location at a given time. 

The QR tags that are used to track assets work in a similar way. However, they constantly help users to track their assets.

Business Asset Tracking

Quick Asset Identification

A major benefit of attaching a QR tag to an asset is that it speeds up asset identification. This is thanks to itemit’s software allowing users to locate the asset and edit or read the information relating to it. 

Users can take a look at the asset’s profile, understand its maintenance schedule, learn about its warranty and insurance, and more. Quick identification allows users to access as much information about the asset in question. In addition to this, it also helps users to track the asset whenever they need to. 

Users simply need to log in to itemit’s menu and select the asset. They will then be shown the asset’s last-known location. This feature can help to save time and make for better asset retrieval.

Better Accountability

Another major benefit of using itemit’s QR tags is that they make everyone more accountable. Every time an asset is checked out, the individual using it will feel more responsible. The asset will be checked out in the user’s name, ensuring management knows who has which assets. 

This feature also allows management to understand which assets are frequently used. Additionally, users will also be held accountable for the use and treatment of each asset. Therefore, they are much more likely to look after assets, ensuring they sustain less damage.

Reduced Asset Loss

As users feel more responsibility for the assets they use, there will be reduced asset loss. Management can track the assets at all times. This means that even if assets are misplaced, they can be retrieved. The business will no longer have to replace assets that have been misplaced as they can always be found. When an asset is stolen, it can also be traced, helping to reduce loss.

Another advantage of using itemit’s QR tags involves damaged assets. Assets such as these may still be accounted for. For example, ABC Builders might have 12 compactor plates, but only 9 of them are in working order. ABC Builders may still be paying for the damaged compactor plates, even though they’re not in use. 

Here is where itemit’s asset tracking software can help. As soon as a compactor plate breaks, users can alert the maintenance team. They can even leave information as to what they think the issue is. The maintenance team will receive an alert, and book the compactor plate in for repair. It’s this simple feature that can help to reduce asset loss.

Increased Productivity

When a QR tag is attached to an asset, productivity is increased. This is thanks to itemit’s software and its ability to allow users to log tasks. Tasks can be logged instantly with no need for users to manually scan their work. With a touch of a button, users can note where they are, why they are using the asset, and even how long they’re using it for. 

Not only does this ensure better productivity, but it also allows others to see that the asset is being used. Again, this allows for increased productivity as it means those who wish to use the asset can book it in, or simply continue with another task in the meantime. There is no need for potential users to find out where the asset is or if it’s being used. They can simply log in to itemit’s menu, understand that the asset is in use, and work on another task.

Use itemit’s QR Tags

Businesses everywhere should consider using itemit’s QR tags. Proven to be hugely beneficial, these tags can help businesses to trace every asset, ensuring there is better accountability. Please reach out to itemit’s helpful team today at to find out how easy it is to use a QR tag on every asset. Alternatively, you could begin a 14-day Free Trial so you can find out just how well our software works for you.

QR Tags

Choose a better way to track your assets

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How to Prepare a Fixed Asset Register

How to Prepare a Fixed Asset Register

How to Prepare a Fixed Asset Register

Business owners know that it’s imperative that they remain organised. Ideally, they will know where their business assets are at all times. They will also know where each of the assets is located and how often they are maintained. Finally, business owners should know who is responsible for the asset’s upkeep. 

In order to effectively manage all of your assets, a fixed asset register should be created. itemit’s asset register software works to ensure business owners can track their assets. 

Below, you will find details of how you too can prepare a fixed asset register.

Spreadsheet Asset

Understanding What Fixed Assets Are

Fixed assets are all of the equipment, machinery, tools, property, furniture, vehicles and land that would ordinarily be listed on an inventory. Assets such as these tend to also be listed on a balance sheet. 

Ideally, business owners would add any assets that they don’t plan to sell in the next 12 months. Assets such as these can be added to the register and tracked all day, every day.

Preparing a Fixed Asset Register

When preparing an asset register, ideally, business owners would identify the following:

  • All of the business’s assets
  • The location of the assets
  • The asset’s status and condition 
  • Whether the assets need annual or more frequent checks/maintenance
  • Each asset’s insurance and warranty details 
  • Each asset’s user guides, if relevant 
  • The asset’s name and description
  • A photograph of each asset for easy identification
  • The cost and date of purchase
  • The asset’s current value
  • The asset’s depreciation value 

As you can see, there are quite a few things to consider. However, being able to access all of the above information about each asset is hugely convenient.

Choosing Which Assets to Record

Taking a walk around your premises can help business owners to locate and identify all of their assets. This exercise can prove to be useful as there’s always a possibility that not every asset has been recorded. Some assets might be new and, therefore, not added to the inventory/balance sheet. Alternatively, some assets may have slipped through the net. 

Walking around every premises and location allows business owners to identify their assets. Those that have slipped through the net can be added to the register with ease. Each identified asset’s details can be added and saved into itemit’s system.

How to Record Your Fixed Assets

Recording fixed assets can be quite a task. Depending on the type of business someone owns, they could have multiple assets in multiple locations. However, the more locations there are, the greater the need for a fixed asset register.

One effective solution is to use itemit’s asset register. Our asset tracking software uses combined technologies to help users everywhere track their fixed assets. 

Users simply need to log into itemit’s menu and add a new asset. The menu allows users to add as many details of each asset as they please. This allows users to have as much information about each asset as required. Having access to the insurance information, for example, can help to save time. Users will be able to find the insurance information at ease and, therefore, make the appropriate claim much quicker. 

It is possible to upload photographs and other files to itemit’s system. This allows users to have access to the information they need at all times.

Adding a QR Code

In order to make use of itemit’s tracking features. Users need to add a QR tag to each of their assets. Once the tag is attached to the asset and scanned into the system, tracking is possible. Upon opening up the asset’s menu, users can see where the asset’s last-known location is. 

A QR code can be affixed to every single asset, even those which do not move. The tag, when scanned, will reveal a lot of information about the asset. Users can then decide which pieces of information they would like to access.

Use itemit’s Fixed Asset Register

Business owners everywhere can use itemit’s fixed asset register to keep track of all of their assets. Thanks to the way that the software works, business owners everywhere can now create and effectively monitor all of their assets. 

Business owners and their employees can have much more control over the business. An asset register can be a highly useful tool. It can help businesses to understand how well the business is performing. It can also be used to help prevent assets from being lost or stolen. 

There are multiple ways that itemit’s asset register can help. Feel free to contact our helpful team to ask them how itemit’s fixed asset register can help you. Reach out to our team at Alternatively, you could sign up for our 14-day Free Trial and find out just how well itemit’s asset register software works for you.

Fixed Asset Register

Choose a better way to track your assets

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How Asset Tracking Can Be Used to Manage Asset Maintenance

How Asset Tracking Can Be Used to Manage Asset Maintenance

How Asset Tracking Can Be Used to Manage Asset Maintenance

Asset management software can be used to manage asset maintenance. When assets are tracked they can be located easily, helping users to retrieve the assets should they need to. This is a feature that all asset tracking software has. However, itemit’s asset management software allows users to go one step further. 

Thanks to the way that itemit’s management software works, users can manage maintenance issues very easily. Read on for more information as to how the software helps.

The Best Asset Tracking Implementations And Use Cases

Digitally Manages Assets

The right tracking software works to digitally manage assets. Users can log, track, and maintain all of their assets. This feature allows users to create a complete audit history. The history can include:

  • Every type of interaction
  • Display urgent information 
  • Display documents and photographs
  • Pre-plan maintenance
  • Help to improve work practices

All of the above features can take place in real-time. This ensures that whenever a user logs into itemit’s system, they are instantly updated.

The ability to digitally manage assets can make the working day easier. The required information is at the user’s fingertips, and ready to read when they log in. This allows tasks to be completed quickly and with little fuss. As a result, other tasks can be undertaken and the business can run a little more smoothly.

Updates Asset Information Easily

itemit’s asset management software allows users to update asset information quickly and easily. With the touch of a button, users can alter the maintenance, leave notes for other users, and upload photographs. 

New assets can be added or changed, whilst they are tracked in real-time. There’s a potential for an unlimited number of assets to be tracked and for each asset’s information to be recorded. 

For example, users can record:

  • The asset’s maintenance schedule
  • When the asset was last maintained
  • Notes on the maintenance team’s actions
  • Whether further maintenance is required
  • Photographs of damage to the asset
  • Queries that users have about the most recent or upcoming maintenance

 When all of the above information is added to the system, it ensures better maintenance management. Every single asset that a business has can be maintained as often as required.

Prevents Loss

Every year, businesses all over the country lose hundreds, if not thousands of pounds of assets. In some cases, the loss can be as a result of poor asset management. With the right management, losses can be significantly reduced. 

When assets undergo scheduled maintenance, they are less likely to become a ghost asset. When assets are damaged they can still be accounted for. For example, one business may have 40 laptops that are used by a team of 60 employees. Let’s imagine that within 6 months, 3 of those laptops become damaged. If those laptops are not sent for maintenance, it means that there are only 37 working laptops available. 

With the use of the itemit’s issues reporting feature, the maintenance team can repair those 3 damaged laptops. When a laptop becomes damaged, users can report an issue on the assets profile in itemit which will notify the team by creating a ticket. This will then be picked up by the maintenance team who can schedule its repair. 

When the 3 broken laptops are repaired, it means more people can use them. This in itself can help employees to become more efficient. Additionally, it means that the business is less likely to buy replacement laptops. What this means is that loss is prevented.

Saves Time

When asset tracking software is used for maintenance purposes, it can save time. The maintenance team, for example, can undertake inspections and repairs a little more easily. They will receive real-time updates and they will no longer need to hunt for the assets that need repairing. itemit’s software allows assets to be tracked. All that users need to do is log into the system and they will see the asset’s last-known location. As a result, the maintenance team can see where the damaged assets are and retrieve them.

When notes are left by users that inform the maintenance team of issues, the team can get to work quicker. They can understand what the issues are, and work on repairing them. This leaves out a lot of guesswork and allows maintenance to deal with the issues quickly, thereby saving time.

The Ease of itemit’s Asset Management Software

itemit’s asset management software is easy and quick to use. Businesses everywhere can manage asset maintenance. As a result, there will be more assets in circulation and fewer ghost assets. This means that losses are reduced, and employees can complete their tasks more efficiently. 

Find out how well itemit’s asset management software can help you to manage asset maintenance. Talk to our helpful and friendly team now at Alternatively, you could sign up for our 14-day Free Trial and discover just how well our asset management software works for you.

Asset Tracking Maintenance Management

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