Skiddle Harmonises Festival Magic with Seamless Asset Management

Skiddle Harmonises Festival Magic with Seamless Asset Management

When the sun shines and the beats drop, Skiddle is the go-to name for festival and event-goers across the UK. With a legacy of ticketing excellence since 2001, Skiddle has grown into a powerhouse in the festival and event industry. But with this growth comes the challenge of managing a vast array of assets during the frantic summer festival season. How does Skiddle keep track of its high-tech equipment amidst the chaos? The answer lies with itemit, a cutting-edge asset management system that has revolutionised their operations. Dive in to discover how itemit helps Skiddle maintain peak efficiency and deliver unforgettable experiences, one event at a time.

Who are Skiddle?

Since 2001, Skiddle has been at the forefront of the festival and event ticketing industry, selling tickets and supporting events nationwide. You will likely have used Skiddle’s ticketing app to access some of the best events you have attended. With a growing events roster, it’s more crucial than ever that Skiddle keep track of where all their kit is. Managing a myriad of assets amidst the bustling chaos of the summer festival season requires a full proof system. This is where itemit steps in, transforming the way Skiddle tracks and manages its assets.

The Challenge: Managing Assets in a High-Octane Environment

Picture this: a whirlwind summer with over 300,000 events and nearly 200 festivals. Skiddle’s operations team is in a constant state of motion, dispatching high-tech scanning and production equipment across the UK. This gear also includes sophisticated filming equipment for capturing festival highlights, essential for Skiddle’s dynamic promotional activities. With assets worth thousands of pounds crisscrossing the country, maintaining control over their location and condition is non-negotiable.

Previously, Skiddle used an internal system featuring their own Skiddle tags for asset tracking. However, the rapid growth of the business, coupled with the increasing complexity of their operations, demanded a 360 solution. Enter itemit.

The Solution: itemit’s Cutting-Edge Asset Management

By adopting itemit’s comprehensive asset management system, Skiddle has streamlined its operations and ensured peak efficiency during the hectic festival season. Initially brought in to manage scanning equipment, itemit now oversees Skiddle’s entire asset portfolio, including IT equipment and other fixed assets.

Ryan Stanger, Operations Manager at Skiddle, highlighted the importance of embracing a modern technological solution: “Skiddle being a modern, dynamic tech company, everything needs to be more automated.”

    Key Benefits of itemit for Skiddle

    Visibility: Skiddle leverages itemit’s Booking feature to maintain a clear overview of all assets. This tool allows them to book assets out to festivals, promoters, and event organisers, specifying date ranges, items, and any associated costs. Skiddle always knows where their assets are, how many they have, their value, and when they’re due back.

    Sustainability: itemit aids Skiddle in achieving their sustainability goals. By tracking the lifecycle of electronic devices, Skiddle ensures optimal use of their assets and conscientious disposal practices. This sustainability focus aligns with the ethos of a modern, responsible tech company.

    Operational Efficiency: itemit’s user-friendly interface and rapid functionality save Skiddle valuable time. The streamlined process boosts operational efficiency, allowing the team to focus on enhancing other aspects of their thriving tech business.

    Asset Lifecycle Management: With itemit, Skiddle can predict asset depreciation, plan for disposals, and extend the useful life of their equipment. This data-driven approach to asset management helps refine budgets and operational strategies.

    The Impact: Boosting Operational Efficiency

    Over the past five years, Skiddle’s growth has been meteoric, reflected in their asset expansion from 60 to almost 200 scanners. Last year alone, they supported a staggering number of festivals and events, requiring precise tracking and management of equipment. itemit has been pivotal in ensuring that each piece of equipment is accounted for, in optimal condition, and delivered on time to its next destination.

    The Future: Continued Excellence with itemit

    As Skiddle continues to grow and evolve, itemit remains an essential tool in their journey. The platform not only supports current operations but also scales with Skiddle’s ambitions, ensuring that asset management is one less thing to worry about during the frenetic festival season.

    By entrusting itemit with their asset management needs, Skiddle can focus on what they do best: delivering unforgettable experiences to festival-goers across the UK. Whether it’s a sold-out music festival or a vibrant community event, Skiddle and itemit are the dynamic duo ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

    Have an asset tracking challenge that itemit can help with?

    Here at itemit we love understanding how our customers are using itemit to achieve their own inspiring missions – the more unusual, the better! If you’ve got an idea of how you might be able to use itemit and want to run some questions by our experienced team members, drop us an email to – we look forward to hearing from you and achieving great things together!

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    Building Efficiency with Messenger Construction and Restoration

    Who are Messenger?

    Founded in 2011, Messenger Construction and Restoration has built a solid foundation of excellence, renowned for their high-quality conservation, restoration, and alteration work on listed buildings, stately homes, church buildings and unique dwellings. The firm boasts a directly employed workforce that is the bedrock of their operations, including chartered surveyors, experienced managers, and skilled tradespeople. Their impressive portfolio features regular clients like The National Trust and English Heritage to name a few.

    Messenger is a master builder in the industry, offering a complete design and build or management contracting service, along with specialist restoration services. With an annual turnover exceeding £30 million, the company’s blueprint for success is well established. All of this quality work is supported by not only their team, but also their large pool of assets. Crucially, that’s where itemit stepped in.

    The Challenge Messenger Was Facing

    Before laying the first brick with itemit, Messenger’s asset management was built on shaky ground, relying on people’s memory and a manual board system. As the company scaled up, this method couldn’t support the weight of growing demands and compliance with rules and regulations. The need for a more robust, process-driven system became evident.

    The construction firm had a diverse range of assets to manage, including:

    • Electrical tools
    • Lifting equipment like scaffold hoists
    • Construction vehicles such as forklifts
    • Construction equipment like cement mixers
    • Fire extinguishers
    • Fall arrest equipment
    • Health & safety items like defibrillators and face fit kits
    • Bulk items like Heras fence panels and tower scaffold elements, which required efficient tracking without individual tags

    The itemit Solution

    To fortify their asset management framework, Messenger turned to itemit, an advanced asset tracking platform. This move brought several significant benefits, cementing a new era of operational efficiency:


    • Enhanced Asset Visibility: With itemit, Messenger can confidently track the location of all their equipment. The platform’s Location feature allows site managers to see what’s available at local sites, reducing the need for new purchases and fostering resource sharing.
    • Time and Cost Savings: By knowing what assets are available and where they are located, Messenger saves money by avoiding unnecessary purchases or hires. The site staff can easily check the availability of items, leading to more efficient asset utilisation.
    • Improved Maintenance Scheduling: Itemit’s Reminders feature helps Messenger schedule planned and preventative maintenance efficiently. Automated reminders for testing and inspection and servicing of fuel-driven construction equipment, ensure compliance and operational efficiency.
    • Streamlined Reporting: Itemit’s Reporting feature is crucial for managing asset data. Messenger uses reports to filter for the likes of PAT reminders and fire extinguisher expiry dates, facilitating timely maintenance and compliance checks. This feature also aids in stock checks and overall asset management.

      The Impact of itemit on Messenger’s Operations

      The cornerstone benefit of working with itemit for Messenger is the newfound confidence in asset location and condition. While it relies on timely updates from sites, itemit has revolutionised Messenger’s asset management. The platform has significantly reduced the instances of missing equipment, which was a common issue before its implementation. The ability to track bulk items through a tag system has also been a game-changer.

      Messenger’s asset management has been transformed from a chaotic, memory-based system to a streamlined, efficient process. This transformation not only improves operational efficiency but also supports compliance with industry regulations, ensuring that all assets are accounted for and properly maintained.

      Messengers efficiency restored

      itemit has been instrumental in helping Messenger save time and money. Itemit reduces the need for unnecessary purchases and fosters better resource allocation. Messenger’s journey with itemit highlights the importance of asset tracking software for construction firms, demonstrating how technology can enhance operational efficiency and support growth.

      Have an asset tracking challenge that itemit can help with?

      Here at itemit we love understanding how our customers are using itemit to achieve their own inspiring missions – the more unusual, the better! If you’ve got an idea of how you might be able to use itemit and want to run some questions by our experienced team members, drop us an email to – we look forward to hearing from you and achieving great things together!

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      Skiddle Harmonises Festival Magic with Seamless Asset Management

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      Riding the Wave of Accessibility: Wheels for All’s Transformation with itemit

      In the world of inclusive cycling, Wheels for All stands as a beacon of freedom and accessibility, promoting the joy of cycling for disabled individuals and those who might otherwise be unable to experience the thrill of riding. With over 1000 bikes scattered across 30 locations in the UK, their commitment to providing fun and friendly cycling activities presents a logistical challenge. This case study delves into how the adoption of itemit, our innovative asset tracking solution, revolutionised Wheels for All’s operational efficiency, bringing a new level of control and accessibility to their diverse fleet.

      Who are Wheels for All?

      Wheels for All is a national accessible cycling charity that doesn’t just pedal bikes; they pedal freedom, joy, and a sense of achievement. Through their acclaimed community engagement programs, Wheels for All opens the world of cycling to everyone, including those who might have previously thought it impossible. Wheels for All embraces disabled individuals and others who may have thought the wind in their hair was a distant dream.

      Picture this: over 1000 specially adapted bikes for every need, scattered across 30 sites in the UK. From the race track to the serene city bike routes, Wheels for All ensures that anyone can experience the exhilarating feeling of riding a bike: the breeze on their face, and the triumph that comes with inclusive cycling. Hailing from the heart of Warrington, Wheels for All has been on a roll, supported by funding from Sport England and proudly part of the Tier 3 Sport England organisation. But the journey doesn’t end there – they even wheeled their way as a finalist into the prestigious Smiley Charity Awards 2024. 

      Wheels for All Stories

      Image courtesy of Wheels for All.

      The Challenge

      Managing a vast array of bikes and other assets across numerous locations posed a significant challenge for Wheels for All. Their previously outdated system, relying on sticky labels and cumbersome spreadsheets, was proving inadequate for a dynamic and outdoorsy environment. As auditors declared their assets “out of control,” the need for a comprehensive solution became imperative. The struggle to locate, repair, and track each bike was inhibiting their ability to provide an accurate asset register when called open to streamline operations for their diverse user base. They dreamed of being able to scan each asset with a QR code and easily access all the relevant information relating to the bike including its status, where it has been used, where it is required to go next, which Location it is presently logged at and more. 

      The itemit Solution

      Enter itemit, a game-changing asset tracking system that seamlessly integrates into Wheels for All’s operations. By affixing unique QR codes to each bicycle and asset, itemit transformed their fleet into a well-organised peloton, putting the brakes on inefficiency and providing a smooth, well-paved path for streamlined asset management. itemit allowed the creation of detailed profiles accessible to the entire team, with which they can perform a whole host of asset management tasks, in real time, from anywhere. This eliminated the need for paper, tape, and convoluted spreadsheets. With itemit, Wheels for All now rides confidently, free from the tangled webs of outdated systems.

      • Unveiling the full picture: Asset profiles on itemit contain a wealth of information, offering a complete overview of each bicycle, its usage history, and repair status.
      • On-the-Go Repairs for real time riding: Team members can easily scan assets on the go, enabling real-time updates on repairs and maintenance requirements. This instant visibility improves the efficiency of the maintenance process.
      • Asset organisation unleashed: The use of Collections in itemit allows for easy asset organisation, effective disposal tracking, facilitating easy reporting for audit purposes.
      • Mapping the path to success: With over 30 locations, itemit provides a map-based overview of asset locations, simplifying event planning and asset allocation. Assets can be scanned in and out of Locations easily, as well as auditing Locations to check that everything is as it should be.
      • Collaborative control: itemit enables various stakeholders across different locations to view their entire fleet collectively, enhancing overall control and strategic planning.
      Wheels for All Locations

      Image courtesy of Wheels for All.

      The geared up achievement: 

      The implementation of itemit has propelled Wheels for All into a new era of asset management. The newfound control over their asset register has positioned them favorably for audits. Furthermore, in line with charity commission requirements, itemit assists in attributing funder codes, ensuring compliance with regulatory obligations. Recording repairs accurately through itemit’s scanning capabilities has further streamlined their maintenance procedures.

      Wheels for All’s journey with itemit reflects a seamless integration of technology into the heart of their mission – providing freedom and accessibility through cycling. As they continue to garner support and accolades, Wheels for All exemplifies how innovative solutions like itemit can propel charitable organisations toward operational excellence, ensuring that the joy of riding is truly accessible to all. They aren’t the only ones! Check out our other case studies involving inspiring charities such as Teachers in Space and Rhino Force. 

      If you are interested in joining Wheels for All on this exciting ride, supporting their cause, and being a part of the Wheels for All movement – view their film here. 

      Have a brilliant cause that itemit can help with?

      Here at itemit we love understanding how our customers are using itemit to achieve their own inspiring missions – the more unusual, the better! If you’ve got an idea of how you might be able to use itemit and want to run some questions by our experienced team members, drop us an email to – we look forward to hearing from you and achieving great things together!

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      Discover the journey of Riviera drinks, a rising star in the UK’s drinks dispensing industry, as they navigate the challenge of managing their assets scattered across the nation. Riviera’s mission is clear: to ensure that every venue is brimming with refreshments, whilst ensuring their team achieves operational excellence. With itemit’s centralised asset register, QR code asset tags, and cloud-based asset profiles, Riviera have gained full visibility and efficiency across their assets, from installation to maintenance.

      Who are Riviera?

      Riviera drinks is one of the fastest growing drinks dispensing companies in the UK. In layman’s terms, they are the guys behind the guns you see whooshing your drinks out in pubs and other venues. From the highlands of Scotland to the sunny shores of Brighton, Riviera’s reach knows no bounds. Whether you’ve savoured a crisp cola or indulged in a luscious strawberry daiquiri, chances are, Riviera have sprinkled their magic into your glass. Their clientele includes a diverse tapestry of community pubs, swanky nightclubs, and student unions.

      In asset management terms, this means assets scattered across the nation, from lively city streets to hidden basement corners devoid of connectivity. Despite their nationwide reach, Riviera is managed by a small localised team from their head office in Colchester. They have some great players, but no matter how good a team – with assets and engineers up and down the country, installing and de-installing equipment, responding to maintenance calls and making sure everything is in tip-top order – they were bound to need some help at some point! 

      Riviera faced a challenge however: how to keep their valuable liquid asset empire flowing smoothly?

      The Challenge

      When Riviera opens a contract with a new client, they have to install all of the fancy equipment which allows those delicious drinks to be whizzed up the pipeline and into the ever-waiting hands of happy fair goers all across the UK. In reality this means the delivery and installation of coolers, carbonators, bagging boxes, 10 button guns and more. With maintenance calls echoing across the nation and assets requiring constant vigilance, Riviera needed to find a quick and easy solution as diverse as their beverages!

      Their previous system? A cumbersome spreadsheet shackled to an office desk, a relic of a bygone era. Emails flew, phones buzzed, yet amidst the chaos, details slipped through the cracks like melting ice cubes. Riviera thirsted for a solution that could unite their team, eliminate paper waste, and keep the beverages flowing seamlessly.

      Ice Strawberry alcohol cocktail with lime and rum in a glass

      Image of Strawberry Daiquiri courtesy of Riviera

      The itemit Solution

      Cue itemit, the software that revolutionised Riviera’s operations. No more spreadsheets, no more frantic emails. With itemit, every asset found its place in a centralised register, a symphony of organisation at their fingertips. itemit clearly and immediately shows the team which assets are in each location, including a full audit history of each asset, with maintenance being easily scheduled and completed from the click of a button! Even better: every asset is tagged with a QR code meaning anytime an engineer visits a venue, they simply scan any asset they want to interact with and away they go!

      • Savouring the full flavour: Dive into itemit’s cloud-based asset profiles, where every look reveals a rich history and audit trail of equipment. Engineers, sales reps, and management can indulge in full visibility across all assets, ensuring transparent understanding every time.
      • QR codes that sync to the cloud: Team members can easily and speedily scan assets on the go, enabling real-time updates on repairs and maintenance requirements. No dilution of productivity, just a smooth blend of efficiency and peace of mind!
      • Mobile Accessibility: With itemit’s user-friendly mobile app, participants access the centralised hub on the go, ensuring seamless collaboration and data accessibility, even offline.
      • Cloud synced data concoctions: Even when offline, itemit keeps the data flowing. Picture engineers navigating the depths of nightclub basements and updating asset information with the flick of a wrist. Once reconnected, the cloud pours forth, syncing seamlessly like a well-mixed cocktail.
      • Location profiles: Riviera are fairly unique in the way they take advantage of itemit’s location profiles. With a splash of information and attachments on their venue profiles, itemit makes it easy for anybody to gain a full picture of a venue within minutes.
      • Sip and simplify: With itemit’s user-friendly interface, there’s no bitter aftertaste of resistance. Handy templates make things quick and easy, and eliminate any risk of human error. In the hustle and bustle of busy environments, simplicity reigns supreme.
      • Collaborative tails: A toast to collaborative success! Across different locations, Riviera’s team shares a view of their entire asset and venue collection, crafting a recipe for enhanced collaboration and strategic planning.

      A toast to success and achievement:

      With itemit by their side, Riviera have raised their glasses to a new era of efficiency. Transparency flows like a clear stream, time stretches out before them like an endless summer day, and insights spark like bubbles in champagne.  Riviera have completely transformed their operational processes with itemit, and have gained so much in doing so: 

      • Transparency: It’s evident to see their whole asset database easily with no margin for error, the data doesn’t lie!
      • Time: Countless hours have been saved by the whole team: the office, the engineers and the sales reps. 

      • Insights: With so much information now stored against their venues, it’s super easy for their sales team to get a quick overview, giving them an upper hand when it comes to negotiating and managing deals with clients!

      We love the way in which Riviera’s team have taken itemit and utilised it to fit their own needs. That’s the beauty of customisation with itemit – some ingenuitive thinking has led to Riviera’s custom touch. Leveraging itemit’s asset and location profiles, they have transformed their database into a treasure trove of client insights – a testament to their dedication to excellence!

      Have an asset tracking challenge that itemit can help with?

      Here at itemit we love understanding how our customers are using itemit to achieve their own inspiring missions – the more unusual, the better! If you’ve got an idea of how you might be able to use itemit and want to run some questions by our experienced team members, drop us an email to – we look forward to hearing from you and achieving great things together!

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      Navigating the Cosmos: TIS Transforms Space Exploration with itemit

      “If you think it’s tough tracking all of your assets just on earth…”

      Noah Luogameno – Project Manager

      Teachers In Space

      In the vast and expanding realm of space exploration, Teachers in Space (TIS), a dynamic non-profit organisation, stands out as a driving force in cultivating STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) interest among students and educators. How do they do it? By creating exciting and accessible projects such as their recent CubeSat (Cube Satellite) space exploration project. Their CubeSat project, involving tracking the journeys and critical information of their student designed CubeSats, is powered by itemit’s innovative asset tracking solution.

      In order to achieve their ultimate mission of supporting the Space Economy, TIS use itemit to boost traceability of their projects and add value to the experience of teachers and students alike. The use of itemit in TIS’s mission exemplifies how asset tracking technology can elevate scientific endeavours to new heights.

      Who are TIS?

      TIS offers teachers extraordinary space experiences; they are on a mission to regularly fly teachers into space and return them to their classrooms where they can energise their students! Inspired by NASA’s Teacher in Space program, TIS provides teachers with astronaut training and real space experiences combined with unique science projects to be deployed in their classrooms and inspire the next generation. The teachers and students who participate in TIS’s projects have completed numerous high-altitude balloon missions, helped test the first multipurpose commercial spacesuit and flown experimental payloads on gliders in the US and Argentina – the itemit tracked Cubesats!

      Image courtesy of Karin Paquin on Zero Gravity Corporation via

      The Challenge of Cosmic Proportions:

      Undertaking global collaborative projects, such as CubeSat missions, comes with unique challenges. TIS faces the complexities of managing numerous CubeSats, each carrying distinct scientific experiments, as they traverse the globe—from inception in classrooms to launch into the cosmos.

      • CubeSat Profile Tracking: TIS manages a fleet of CubeSats, each tailored for specific experiments. The need to easily track and catalog the profiles and locations of these diverse assets is critical.
      • Real-time Status Monitoring: The challenge intensifies when dealing with miniature satellites. TIS must stay informed about the current status of these tiny orbiters as they journey worldwide, promptly addressing any issues that may arise before they are blasted into Space!
      • Global Journey Understanding: TIS’s mission involves understanding the trajectory of CubeSats across borders and through various stages, ensuring the project aligns with plans and identifying any delays or issues.
      • Data Representation for Stakeholders: To achieve their ultimate mission of supporting the space economy, TIS requires a seamless method to report comprehensive project data to all stakeholders.

      Image of Cubesats courtesy of

      The itemit solution – Revolutionising Space Exploration:

      TIS has partnered with itemit for several years, with their CubeSat project being just one of the successful collaborations. TIS love using itemit because they know they can leverage our customisable platform to overcome challenges, bidding farewell to cumbersome spreadsheets and labor-intensive tracking.

      • Universal Collaboration: itemit provides each participant, from teachers to technicians, with a dedicated login. This ensures a unified platform and a single source of truth, fostering collaboration and streamlining project contributions.
      • QR Codes – The Magic Link: Robust Anodised Aluminium itemit QR codes are affixed to each CubeSat, serving as a gateway to a wealth of information. Scanning reveals real-time GPS locations, full profiles, and allows for quick updates.
      • Mobile Accessibility: With itemit’s user-friendly mobile app, participants access the centralised hub on the go, ensuring seamless collaboration and data accessibility, even offline.
      • Comprehensive Asset Profiles: Each CubeSat possesses a detailed asset profile within itemit, including photos, documents, and information properties. This ensures the satellites are space-ready and any issues are promptly addressed. This ensures each CubeSat is working as intended at the time of being blasted into Space!
      • Efficient Organisation with Collections: TIS utilises itemit’s Collections to categorise CubeSats by origin and education centre, streamlining reporting and tailored updates for stakeholders.
      • Global Journey Tracking: The itemit global map provides real-time updates on CubeSat locations, enabling TIS to not only locate their CubeSats at all times, but visually represent each satellite’s journey and share this dynamic data with stakeholders.

      Check out Noah Luogameno, Project Manager at TIS, discussing how itemit has propelled TIS’s traceability in our Case Study video below. 

      The Cosmic Achievement for TIS:

      In essence, itemit empowers TIS to transcend manual tracking, saving valuable time and mitigating potential errors. All activities related to CubeSats are seamlessly automated, guaranteeing reliability. Crucially, up-to-date data is readily accessible to students and teachers, fostering STEM enthusiasm and ensuring TIS’s mission of inspiring the next generation in the cosmos remains vibrant and impactful.

      With itemit as their cosmic companion, TIS propels the future of space exploration, one CubeSat at a time. 

      Have a mission that itemit can help with?

      Here at itemit we love understanding how our customers are using itemit to achieve their own inspiring missions – the more unusual, the better! If you’ve got an idea of how you might be able to use itemit and want to run some questions by our experienced team members, drop us an email to – we look forward to hearing from you and achieving great things together!

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      “Better management of our assets will mean lower running and operational costs for our business, and therefore more competitive pricing structures for our customers. We can’t wait to see the results of this fantastic partnership realised over the next few months.”

      Phil Morgan – Director

      Landscape Services

      The Challenge

      The team at itemit are pleased to announce another exciting partnership with an ambitious UK company – Landscape services.

      Landscape services operate from 15 key locations across the southeast, maintaining a variety of outdoor spaces. To achieve this, the team own and lease an extensive fleet of over 70 specialised vehicles and thousands of pieces of equipment. It’s a challenge in itself to log, track and monitor this volume of equipment, but that is made even more challenging when you are working across so many different sites.

      The high levels of service the experienced team delivers relies heavily on having the right equipment at the right time. Without the kit they need, they cannot maintain high levels of efficiency and reduce downtime.

      The following requirements are critical for the team:

      • Know what equipment you have
      • See where that equipment is
      • Know what equipment is available
      • Identify who has what kit
      • Ensure the equipment is on the correct site at the right time
      • Reduce equipment losses and thefts
      • Report defects


      Rhino Force Ranger

      What they need

      The main objective for Landscape Services was to find a better way to manage equipment so they could continue to deliver the best possible service for their customers. They needed a solution that would improve visibility over:


      • Asset locations
      • Asset availability
      • Utilisation rates for equipment
      • Defect reporting
      • Servicing schedules
      • Security measures and crime prevention

      The Goals


      Improve Safety


      Increase Compliance


      Increase Efficiency

      For Landcape Services, there goals were clear, they needed to find asset tracking software that would improve safety, compliance and efficiency as a result of having better asset management. The reasoning behind this is solid, they wished to lower the running and operational costs of their business so they could offer more competitive pricing structures for their customers.

      The Solution – itemit

      itemit is an asset tracking solution that makes it easy to track large volumes of assets and equipment that move around a lot. We understand the headaches of managing thousands of pieces of kit as well as the stress of losing equipment that is critical to the completion of a project for your valued customer.

      itemit allows your business to maximise the efficiency of its teams through the equipment they use. It gives you a flexible, cost-efficient way to record all the equipment you own and lease so you have a solid asset register that won’t get out of date. This is the basis for tracking your assets and equipment. Now, you can upload safety manuals and manage maintenance scheduling remotely using the itemit iOS and Android apps. Your mangement team has a web portal to oversee who has what equipment across all of your projects, immediately.

      itemit includes QR asset tagging, with very robust, metal tags, that can withstand being chucked around in the back of a van. Not only can you instantly see what kit is yours, you can also scan any asset to report a defect, access user manuals, or check it out to your project.

      Just like the team at Landscape Services, if you’re struggling to efficiently manage thousands of pieces of equipment across multiple sites, try itemit for yourself with our 14-day free trial – Start my free trial.

      If you have more questions before you jump in to a trial, contact our team of experts today and get answers to your questions. Email

      Asset Tracking Software for Your Equipment

      Choose a better way to manage large volumes of equipment.

      Start your free 14-day trial now

      Instant access. No credit card details required.

      or, download the itemit app to get started

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      Skiddle Harmonises Festival Magic with Seamless Asset Management

      Skiddle Harmonises Festival Magic with Seamless Asset Management

      When the sun shines and the beats drop, Skiddle is the go-to name for festival and event-goers across the UK. With a legacy of ticketing excellence since 2001, Skiddle has grown into a powerhouse in the festival and event industry. But with this growth comes the challenge of managing a vast array of assets during the frantic summer festival season. How does Skiddle keep track of its high-tech equipment amidst the chaos? The answer lies with itemit, a cutting-edge asset management system that...

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      Building Efficiency with Messenger Construction and Restoration

      Building Efficiency with Messenger Construction and Restoration

      Who are Messenger?Founded in 2011, Messenger Construction and Restoration has built a solid foundation of excellence, renowned for their high-quality conservation, restoration, and alteration work on listed buildings, stately homes, church buildings and unique dwellings. The firm boasts a directly employed workforce that is the bedrock of their operations, including chartered surveyors, experienced managers, and skilled tradespeople. Their impressive portfolio features regular clients like The...

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      The Connoisseurs of Liquid Symphony: How Riviera have boosted operational efficiency using itemit

      The Connoisseurs of Liquid Symphony: How Riviera have boosted operational efficiency using itemit

      Discover the journey of Riviera drinks, a rising star in the UK's drinks dispensing industry, as they navigate the challenge of managing their assets scattered across the nation. Riviera's mission is clear: to ensure that every venue is brimming with refreshments, whilst ensuring their team achieves operational excellence. With itemit's centralised asset register, QR code asset tags, and cloud-based asset profiles, Riviera have gained full visibility and efficiency across their assets, from...

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      Cambridge, UK

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