Top Tips For Managing Your School’s Assets


Our approach to education is evolving day by day. The age-old standard of chalk and blackboard has now been replaced by tablets and projectors. A more proactive approach towards helping pupils allows them to acquire skills rather than just your run-of-the-mill schooling.

Running a school in this day and age can daunting. You have to keep an eye on staff, students, and your assets! 

Therefore, being a part of the administration means that not only do you have to keep track of people, but also of assets. As such, an asset inventory is critical to any good school.

It only makes sense that to deal with the ever-increasing tracking requirements, a suitable tool is employed. itemit’s school asset manager app can help you.

School Asset Manager App

What is a School Asset Manager App?

Let’s start off with the ABCs: “What is a school manager app?”

A school asset manager app is a specialised software solution that allows you to monitor all of your school assets. To do this, you have to simply add an asset profile to the software, and populate it with relevant data. With just these two simple steps you’ll have a nifty school asset management system right in the palm of your hand!

However, one of the greatest benefits of using itemit’s school asset manager app is the features that come bundled with it out-of-the-box. Looking for a handy way to geo-locate assets? Perhaps you’re trying to keep track of who has what asset? itemit’s got you covered on all ends. It even comes with a web and mobile application, allowing you to check out your fixed asset register from anywhere.

How Does A School Asset Manager App Help You?

itemit’s school asset manager app does more than just give you a bird’s eye view of your assets. Not only will you be able to save money, but your school’s productivity will also improve. As such, the time spent in searching for assets will be reduced and thus you’ll be able to reduce wastage on all ends. Last but not least, with data-driven decisions and higher asset security, you can provide your students with the cutting edge when it comes to learning aids.

Getting Started With itemit

To start off with itemit’s school asset manager app, you’ll first have to add assets to the software. To accomplish this, all you need to do is simply open the itemit app and add a new asset. After creating a unique profile for your assets, you can add relevant details, such as the name, purchase date, current assignee and so forth. What’s more, you can use asset tags to speed up asset tracking.

It should be noted that in order to reap the full benefits of itemit’s school manager app, you should aim to record all of your assets and keep them updated with the latest changes. Doing so will improve your asset register‘s performance in the future.

Adding Assets

Using itemit, you can track the assignee of each asset. Wondering how this is of any use to your school? We’ll clear up any problems with the help of an example.

Assume that your school assigns each teacher and student a set of unique assets. Due to some reason, gadgets can get damaged or misplaced. Using itemit, you’ll clearly know who has what asset, and you’ll be able to enforce accountability among staff and students. 

itemit’s assignee feature can be used in a similar manner with students. This is especially useful when lending out books or even e-readers to students. With itemit, you can instantly check the asset profile of an asset for its assignee. In the case of e-readers, you could also implement GPS tracking to ensure they do not leave the campus grounds.

Checking-In And Checking-out Assets

Oftentimes school work requires students to have to borrow a gadget or book to work over the weekend. Naturally, keeping a track of each asset can be quite difficult. Moreover, moving assets in and out of the school can increase the risk of asset misplacement.

Using itemit’s check-in/check-out feature, a staff member can mark an asset as checked out whenever a student is taking it out of the campus’s premises. 

Likewise, when the asset is returned, the asset can be marked as check-in. Doing so improves accountability and allows you to maintain an efficient record of where an asset has been and who it is currently with.

itemit: School Managing Simplified

At its most basic, itemit provides you with a birds-eye view over all your assets. However, after factoring in all the features that itemit comes with out of the box, it is clear that itemit provides you with far more.

Using itemit’s school asset managing app, you’re provided with a clear view of what you own, what’s damaged, what’s up-to-date, and how your assets are being used.

However, there’s more to itemit than just this. By taking advantage of itemit’s fixed asset tracking capabilities, clearing up tax and insurance issues become a cakewalk. This is achieved by giving you and your financial team a concise view of your assets, how they’re behaving within your school, and proof that they are being used responsibly.

To find out more about how itemit can help your school track and manage your assets, you’ll be able to contact the team at You can also fill in the form below for a 14-day free trial.

The Best School Asset Manager App

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