IT Asset Management Made Simple


Taking control of your IT assets can be tricky. Ideally, you will know where all of your tablets, phones, and laptops are every minute of the day. You will also know which assets are in a poor state of repair. However, having all of this knowledge is hard to come by unless you use IT asset inventory software. When you use software such as this, managing all of your IT assets is made simple. 

Let’s take a look at just why and how asset management software can make a difference.

What An IT Asset Is And How To Create One

When you want to have more control over your assets you need to create an IT asset inventory. You can do this by affixing barcodes or RFID tags to your assets. When you do, you can scan the code or tag to open up a profile on the device you’re using. This profile can be filled with a lot of details about that specific asset. Once you’ve added as much information as you wish about each asset, you have more control over your assets. Just make sure that you use IT asset inventory software that has a good user interface and is frequently updated. When you do, you could find that your asset inventory is easy to use.

Business Asset Tracking

Tracking All Of Your IT Assets

Being able to track all of your assets is important. When you can track everything you will know where it is all day, every day. You can have peace of mind, knowing that your assets are where they should be. This is one of the huge benefits associated with IT asset inventory software. You can see who’s using which laptop, whether all of your tablets have been returned, and which phones need repairing. You can see where a group of assets are or just one or two. You could see whether your new tablets are on their way to your sales team in Middlesbrough. You could see if that damaged laptop is undergoing maintenance, and so on.

Should your businesses have a lot of assets, you could find tracking them easier than you think. Once you have added all your assets to your inventory software you’re good to go. When you can track all of your assets you can see where they are, allowing you to get the reassurance you need.

Booking Much-Needed Assets In Advance

Did you know that depending on the IT asset inventory software you choose you can book assets in? Let’s imagine that your marketing manager needs to use 3 laptops and 4 tablets in a few days. They can book those IT assets so they’re free to use when they’re needed. 

There’s sometimes nothing worse than not being able to use the equipment you need. However, when your marketing manager can book them via the inventory software, all is good. They’ll know that the work they need to carry out is more likely to be completed. They’ll also know that they’re unlikely to have any issues in the future relating to accessing the IT assets they need.

Some inventory software will also let you check assets in and out. So, for example, your marketing manager could check the IT equipment out. This will show you that they’ve collected what they need. The IT equipment can also be checked back in again so you can see they’ve been returned. This just adds a bit of security to everything and helps you to see who has had what. When assets of any kind are checked in and out it ensures those using them are more responsible. For example, you may see fewer accidents occur when your assets are being tracked this way. This is simply because the users will take better care of them.

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Reporting And Managing Problems

IT asset inventory software can be ideal for helping you to tackle problems associated with IT assets. When a computer breaks down or a cable snaps, it can cause issues. You may even find that these damaged assets have not been reported to the maintenance team. Therefore, they will not be repaired. When you use inventory software, however, you can report any problem that crops up. You can simply log into the software and select the asset in question. Then, you can tell your maintenance team about the issue with the asset. As a result, the asset could be repaired sooner rather than later. 

IT asset management does not need to be difficult. All that you need to do is add your IT assets to your chosen software and you’re good to go. It really is that simple and it really can make a big difference to your business. 

Wish to speak with an expert about using IT asset inventory software? Contact us today at

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