What To Include In Your Fixed Asset Register

What To Include In Your Fixed Asset Register

What To Include In Your Fixed Asset Register

Would you like to use a fixed asset register but you’re not sure what to include? Don’t worry, this article will help. Using an asset register can seem complicated when in reality it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you could find that your new register helps your business in multiple ways. Let’s take a closer look at this.

What Is A Fixed Asset Register?

Quite simply, a fixed asset register is a register that’s located in the cloud. A register such as this contains information about all of your fixed assets. Your fixed assets are made up of those things that you use most days but they always stay in the same place. Furniture, computers, and other types of equipment can all appear on your register. What this means is that you can see where they are all of the time. You can have much more control over them and you can even control who uses them. A register such as this can be a very useful addition to your business, irrespective of which industry you’re in.

Business Asset Tracking

Do I Need To Track Fixed Assets?

The quick answer here is “Yes”. All of your assets need to be tracked all day, every day. The longer answer is also “Yes”. When you track your fixed assets you have more control over them, as we have already seen. You can even track the location of your assets despite the fact that they do not move from their location. You may have many different fixed assets in many different locations. As such, finding them could prove to be difficult. Here is where having and using a fixed asset register can really help. All that you will need to do when looking for an asset is to log into your register, click on the asset you wish to find and its location will be displayed for you. What this means is you can find what you need to in no time at all. You could save at least a few minutes every day searching for something. When you do, it means that your business can run more efficiently. This is something that most businesses can benefit from. So, tracking your fixed assets really is a good idea.

What To Include In Your Register

You can potentially fill your register with a wide array of different things. You can add as much or as little as you wish. However, adding a lot of assets to your register is the best way. It means that you can track more and have more control over everything. So, what should you include in your register? Ideally, you will add some or all of the following: 

  • IT equipment – such as laptops, desktop computers, printers, etc. 
  • Machinery – Plant machinery, production line equipment, and everything in between
  • Furniture – Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and more
  • Office equipment – Such as photocopiers, the contents of your stationery cupboard, and your telephones
  • Fire doors – Extinguishers, blankets, and other fire safety assets and equipment 

You can add as much or as little as you wish to your new fixed asset register. Just make sure that you securely attach the barcode or QR code to each of your assets. You’ll need to attach it in an easy to reach location so that the barcode can be scanned easily. If you’ve attached a QR code, the reader will automatically find it without you needing to look for the code.

How To Create Your Asset Register

Your business needs an asset register so that you know where your assets are. It also needs a register so you can control your assets and even create data about them. Once you have added your QR code to an asset, for example, you simply need to scan it. As soon as it is scanned, a digital profile will be created. Then, you can add a lot of details about your assets. Once this is done, you can start to track your assets.

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Adding Details About Your Fixed Assets

So what details should you add about your fixed assets? The following information is worth considering: 

  • Insurance details so you know who to contact should something go wrong. 
  • Financial information such as depreciation and cost. Knowing how much you bought an asset for can help you to make good purchase decisions should you need to replace it
  • Maintenance details so you know when an asset needs to be maintained and if it’s worth repairing it. 
  • A photograph of your assets so you know what it looks like. This can be helpful if you have a lot of assets that look the same or if you want to make it easier to find the right machinery. 

Add as much information to your fixed asset register as you wish. The more you add, the better as it could prove to be useful. Your asset register can be a very useful tool that has the potential to help your business in many different ways. 



Would you like to speak with someone knowledgeable about using a fixed asset register? Get in touch with us today at team@itemit.com.

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Top Tips For Reducing Production Line Downtime

Top Tips For Reducing Production Line Downtime

Top Tips For Reducing Production Line Downtime

Irrespective of the products you make, if your production line goes down it can be a real issue. Downtime can often be avoided or even predicted. Unfortunately, though, some companies fail to reduce production downtime as much as they could. 

This article contains some top tips that can realistically help you reduce downtime by using an equipment management system. A direct consequence of this will result in your company being more productive. Let’s take a look at some tips now.

What Is Production Line Downtime?

Downtime is a period of the working day when some or all of your production lines don’t work very well, if at all. When this occurs, backlogs can become an issue and deadlines may not be met. Other problems such as inefficiency and lack of motivation may also arise. 

When you start to use an equipment management system you can significantly reduce the likelihood of downtime occurring. The first way to do this is by learning how to identify potential issues.

Business Asset Tracking

Learn How To Identify Potential Issues

A really good way of helping to reduce downtime is by learning and training your team to learn how to pick up on potential issues. You may wish to analyse data that shows you how well your equipment is running. Should something begin to run slowly or there are patterns in the data, it may be time to check them out. 

Did you know that your equipment management system can help you with this? It could tell you the last time there was a problem. It could show you the list of what to do when something goes wrong. As long as you had previously input the information, you can access it on your chosen device whenever you need to.

Learn To Quickly Deal With Any Issues

When something goes wrong, ideally, you and your team will deal with it quickly. This could help you to reduce downtime. You can potentially make downtime less of an issue if everyone knows what to do. As we have already seen, you can add a list of instructions to your new equipment management system. You could also assign specific tasks to people via the software. Simply add a note stating what needs to be done and tag your chosen people in it. 

An additional way of dealing with issues quickly revolves around reading data to determine when something may go wrong. When you notice a problem you could resolve it by ordering parts or planning preventative maintenance.

Use Preventative Maintenance Wherever Possible

Many people wait until something has broken before it is repaired. While it makes sense to only repair something that isn’t working, using preventative maintenance can be a real help. When you can help to minimise downtime and, therefore, minimise disruption, you know it makes sense. This is what preventative maintenance is all about. 

Take that data, look at how your equipment is behaving, and be aware of things going wrong. Then, resolve the issue before it becomes a real problem. One really effective way of dealing with issues before they arise involves setting up maintenance schedules. Using your chosen equipment management system, set up regular schedules for everything. Make sure you schedule the smallest piece of machinery to the largest one and everything in between. 

When you stay on top of maintenance you keep everything in a better working order. You could also save yourself some money by making your equipment last longer. Therefore, it makes sense for you to use preventative maintenance when and where you can.

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Train Your Team So They Can Correctly Operate Your Equipment

The final top tip that could reduce production line downtime involves training your team. Your team should know what to look out for and how to deal with any problems. They should also be aware of how to correctly operate your equipment. While this may sound rather obvious, you could find that not everyone knows how to operate everything. 

Stay up-to-date with your training and be sure to offer refresher training sessions now and again. When you introduce new equipment to your factory, ensure everyone knows how to use it. You may also wish to train your team so that they know what to look out for in case something goes wrong. Don’t forget to train your maintenance team so they know how to carry out repairs. Don’t assume that they know how to repair everything. 

Your equipment management system can help you with your training sessions. It could show you who’s done what training. You could set up training schedules and invite the appropriate people along. When you stay on top of training your team will have fewer operational issues. What this means is that your production line is less likely to experience downtime. 


Would you like to speak with an expert about using an equipment management system to reduce production line downtime? Contact us today at team@itemit.com


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How To Use Mobile Asset Tracking In The Field

How To Use Mobile Asset Tracking In The Field

How To Use Mobile Asset Tracking In The Field

A lot of business-related work is carried out in the field. Work such as this can involve speaking with customers or checking the progress of a project. In any case, when you work in the field, it makes sense to know where all of your assets are. It also makes sense for you to understand who is using what equipment and even if the equipment is in a good state of repair. These things can all be understood when you make the most of mobile asset tracking.

Of course, a lot of businesses track the assets that they use when they’re not in the field. However, not all of them use mobile asset tracking when they are. Let’s explore what this is and how it can benefit your business.

What is Mobile Asset Tracking?

Mobile asset tracking is very similar to a lot of modern tracking solutions. However, the major difference is that you can use the software when you’re out and about. You do not have to be confined to your desk or even a desktop computer. When you use a mobile solution, it allows you to track all of your assets no matter where you are. You could even be on the other side of the world and still track your assets. As long as they have a barcode or an RFID tag attached to them, your assets can be tracked. 

Did you know that when you track your assets this way you can make changes to your asset register? You can do this wherever you are. When you make those changes, they will be updated on all of your devices. So, no matter where you log in from, you can gain access to updated information.

Business Asset Tracking

How To Create An Asset Register

Creating an asset register is very easy. In fact, it’s likely to be much easier than you think. All that you need to do is attach a barcode or an RFID tag to the assets you want to track. When you have one attached, tracking begins. Please just make sure that you give each digital profile a name and add a bit of information about the asset in question. When you do, you’ll find that asset tracking is a breeze.

Tips For Maintaining Assets When Undertaking Field Work

Working in the field allows you to speak with your customers or to see how a project is progressing. However, you may find that your tools or equipment occasionally fail to work. What can you do about this? You may simply have to phone the right department and tell them what’s what. You may also have to collect a replacement or wait until your tool has been repaired. Sometimes it can take far too long for messages to be sent to the correct department. 

The good news is that when you use the right software, mobile asset tracking and maintenance is very easy. When something goes wrong, you can simply report the issue via the software. Log into it and select the asset that’s no longer working. Then, leave a message for the maintenance department so they know what needs to be done. You could also message another department to it a request for an additional asset so they’re aware one is required. As long as all departments have access to the software and receive notifications dealing with situations such as this can be easy. The software can make communication much easier. As a result, you could get your tasks completed sooner rather than later.

How To Ensure Everyone Has The Assets They Need

Did you know that you can assign assets to particular people? This is a great way of making sure that your team members have the tools they need. It also means that you have a better idea as to whether you have enough tools. When you can assign assets in this way it helps to make them more secure. But did you know your team members can make use of the check-in and check-out option? When they do, you can always see who is using what. When you use mobile asset tracking it helps you to keep a track of everything with ease.

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Accessing Your Asset Register In The Field

You can access your register no matter where you are and via multiple devices. Login via your tablet or phone. Use a laptop or a desktop computer to update your register or send a message. You can gain full access to the tracking software via any device. Working in this way is highly convenient and it can help to improve operations. This is simply because you’ll save time and know how your business is actually running. 


Wish to chat with someone knowledgeable about asset tracking in the field? Contact us today at team@itemit.com.

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Why RFID Tags Are Ideal For Tracking Fixed Assets

Why RFID Tags Are Ideal For Tracking Fixed Assets

Why RFID Tags Are Ideal For Tracking Fixed Assets

These days, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tracking is very popular. This is thanks to its ease of use and effectiveness. In fact, you may be hard pressed to find another type of tracking that is as easy and effective as RFID tags. This is no exaggeration. RFID tags consist of a tag and a reader. The reader picks up signals made by the tags, and every reader does this surprisingly well.  

Your new RFID asset tracking system can help you to keep track of your fixed assets so you know who’s using them and even if they break down. You can also save information about your assets in the digital profiles that you create. This ensures that using tags such as these is more convenient than you may have originally realised.

How Fixed Asset Tracking Works

Fixed tracking is very simple. As long as you have an RFID tag attached to the asset in question, it can be tracked. We have already seen how a tag works, but did you know that you can attach a tag to almost anything? As long as you can place the tag on a flat surface, you’re good to go. 

While many businesses track assets that are not fixed, they also track fixed assets. While they may not move from location to location, they still need to be tracked for a variety of reasons. 

Perhaps you have lots of different assets and you want to make finding them easier. Maybe you would like to track your most valuable assets so you know they’re where they need to be. Finally, you could track all of your fixed assets, if you wish. Doing so means you can create digital profiles full to the brim with useful information. This information can be accessed by you and/or your team as and when it’s required. All that you need to do is choose an RFID asset tracking system that offers you features you’ll find useful.

Business Asset Tracking

Why Using RFID Tags Is The Better Option

RFID tags tend to last longer than QR codes and barcodes. This may well be because they have a lot more technology built into them. Alternatively, it may be that they stay in place more easily as they have been built to last. The reason could also be a combination of the two. This allows you and many others to enjoy using an RFID asset tracking system that lasts.

RFID Tags vs QR Codes

We see QR codes everywhere nowadays. They appear on television, on menus, on the tables in restaurants and in shop windows. Some tracking systems even use QR codes, allowing you to locate your assets. However, using an RFID asset tracking system instead is a much better option. Here’s why: 

  • It’s possible to scan an RFID without the tag being visible 
  • You put tags anywhere and it will be scanned
  • They’re ideal if you don’t want to handle a fragile asset

Quite simply, RFID tags are more convenient.

Why Using RFID Tags Can Benefit Your Business

What RFID asset tracking system you should use depends on your needs. However, when you find one that works for you, it will start to benefit your business. Below, you will find just a few reasons why:

  • You can see who is using the asset
  • Historical data will be created as soon as you begin using the software
  • Your assets will be more secure as they can be tracked if they’re moved
  • Reports about each asset’s usage can be created and exported
  • You will have a clear idea of how your business is running
  • Gaining access to your software is easy, allowing you to complete tasks quickly

These are just some of the benefits associated with using RFID tags.

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Tips For Using RFID Tags To Track Your Fixed Assets

When you create a digital profile for each asset, make sure you set up a maintenance schedule. Your RFID asset tracking system can help you to stay on top of asset maintenance, ensuring everything lasts longer. This will help to keep costs down. 

Should one of your assets be in high demand, you can let your team members add their names to a list. Seeing who wishes to use an asset, such as a laptop, for example,  will ensure everyone is able to. Should the list be long, it may indicate that you need to purchase another laptop. Finally, one major benefit relates to being able to access the software via multiple devices. You can log into your software via a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, the choice is yours. 



Would you like to speak with an expert about using an RFID asset tracking system to help you track your fixed assets? Contact us now at team@itemit.com

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What Exactly Is An Asset register?

What Exactly Is An Asset register?

What Exactly Is An Asset register?

An asset register is exactly what you may think it is, a register that’s full to the brim with details about all of your assets. You can add any assets that you like to your register. In fact, the more equipment, machinery, tools, and vehicles, etc. that you add, the better. The more tools, etc. that you add, the more you can track. Ideally, the asset register format that you choose will offer you what you need. Before we delve into this, let’s take a look at what this type of register actually is and how it works.

Profit/Loss saved asset tracking

What An Asset Register Is

An asset register is a type of register that’s cloud-based. As such, you don’t need to download any software. All that you need to do is log into your software and you’re good to go. 

Your new register will allow you to add a lot of information about all of your assets. You can create a digital profile for your equipment, vehicles, tools, machines, and everything in between. When you have chosen an asset register format, depending on what it lets you do you should be able to add details about each asset. These details can be added to every digital profile you create.

What You Can Add To Your Chosen Asset Register Format

As we have already seen, you can add some or all of your equipment, vehicles, tools, machinery, and everything else to your chosen asset register format. Just purchased a new computer? You can add that. Downloaded some software? Add that so you know where/who you purchased it from. 

Did you know that once you have created a digital profile you can add details about the asset in question? Add as many details as you wish. However, you may want to include the insurance and warranty information as standard. It would not hurt to add the instruction manual in PDF format or indeed a link to it. 

When you add some really useful details you will be grateful as and when you need them. You can access the details easily by logging into your account and selecting the appropriate asset. It is this simple.

How To Create An Asset Register

Creating a register for all of your equipment, machinery, tools, etc. is easy. Log into your software so you’re ready to begin. Then, add a QR code or RFID tag to the assets you want to track. Scan the code or tag so a profile is created. Now it’s time to add details about the asset in question. Once you’ve added the details the profile has been created. Repeat this process until you have added every asset. 

Please make sure your chosen asset register format offers you everything you need as every brand offers something different. Make sure that you know what you need before you sign up for some software. When you have all of the features you need from your cloud-based register you can make the most of it.

Tracking All Of Your Assets

Most businesses and individuals use an asset register so that they can track their assets. Being able to see where everything is all of the time is very useful. It can help you to save time if you usually spend at least 5 minutes looking for everything. You can simply log into your software via your chosen device and see where everything is located. 

Please make sure that the asset register format you’ve chosen makes location tracking easy. The easier it is, the quicker you’ll be able to locate the asset in question.

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The Benefits Of Having A Register That Tracks Your Assets

There are many benefits associated with using a register that tracks your assets. Some of these benefits include:

  • Heightened level of security – Whenever you attach a QR code or RFID tag to an asset you automatically make it more secure. This is because the user knows it’s being tracked. So, your assets are less likely to go missing. 
  • Less money spent replacing lost assets – When fewer assets go missing you will end up spending less money replacing them. This can only be a good thing. 
  • Better asset maintenance – Setting up a maintenance schedule when you create a digital profile is a good idea. It helps to keep everything in better condition, ensuring it lasts longer. 
  • Better idea of how your business is running – Thanks to the ability to create exportable reports, you can see exactly how your business is running. 
  • Access via many devices – Gain access using your phone, a tablet, a laptop or a desktop computer, the choice is yours. 

As you can see, there are some amazing benefits to having a register that tracks your assets. Now it’s time for you to start taking advantage of them. 


Would you like to chat with an expert about using an asset register format? Contact us now at team@itemit.com

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