Track Your Agricultural Assets With RFID Tags


Whether you work on a large farm or a small one, you’ll know how it can occasionally be to find the equipment you need. Whether you’re looking for a trailer, some machinery, or even a pair of sheep shears, things can be hard to find. 

When you make the most of an RFID tracking app, however, you can always find what you need. Thanks to the way that the tracking app works, finding exactly what you need is very easy. Let’s delve a little further into what this app can do and how it works.

Isn’t Asset Tracking For Office Equipment?

You may assume that asset tracking is only used and created for office equipment. However, this is not the case at all. Your new RFID tracking app, for example, can work with any asset. As long as you have attached an RFID tag to the assets you wish to track, you can track them. Your asset will need to have a flat surface so that the tag can stick to it. However, it does not have to be completely flat like the surface of a table. So, an RFID tag can be attached to just about anything you’d like to attach it to. Just make sure that it is placed in an area where it’s unlikely to get dirty or damaged.

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How to Track Agricultural Assets

Tracking your agricultural machinery, equipment, tools, and more is easy. As you have already seen, you need to attach an RFID tag to anything you would like to track. As soon as you have added a tag you need to scan it. Scanning the tag is easy and it can be done via your RFID tracking app. As soon as the tag is scanned a profile will open up. This is a profile that you can populate with details about the asset. Add as much information as you wish. The more you add, the easier it will be for you to track the vehicle, for example, in the future. Once you’ve finished adding details to the profile you’re good to go. You are now tracking the asset. As a result, you can see where it is at all times. 

Can I Track My Smallholding’s Assets?

Yes. You can track the assets that you use on your smallholding. You are not limited to tracking assets on a farm. Track everything that you use for your smallholding. You can track the equipment you use to plow the fields, shear sheep, or milk your cattle. You can track anything you please. In fact, the more that you track the better. You’ll be able to see where everything is located and you’ll help to keep your smallholding’s assets safe.

Keeping Your Assets Safe

Your new RFID tracking app can help to keep everything safe. When you track your tools, equipment, machinery, vehicles, and so on, other people will be aware of it. Consequently, they are less likely to take anything that you use on your farm. Our RFID tags are quite robust and they can be hard to remove. So, if someone wishes to take your sprayer, for example, you can see where it’s located. You can also see where it has been, thanks to the historical data that the tracking app provides.

If something from your farm is stolen, finding it will be easy. Consequently, recovering the stolen item can be relatively simple.

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Taking Care Of Your Assets

No matter what equipment you use on your farm you know that it will break down when you’re busy. It’s not clear why this always seems to happen, we just know that it does. Our inanimate objects seem to choose a time to break down slightly or quite magnificently. The good news is that when you use an RFID tracking app these break downs can be kept to a minimum. When you begin to track your assets you can decide whether you want to set up a maintenance reminder for them. 

Maintenance reminders can help you to take better care of everything. You’ll be notified when an asset needs to be repaired/examined, allowing you to potentially find any issues. Frequent maintenance ensures that your assets are likely to be in much better condition. This means that they could last longer, helping you to save money. 


You can track your assets easily when you use an RFID tracking app. Most apps have been created so that tracking anything is simple. A direct result of this is that your agricultural equipment can be tracked all day, every day. It can be looked after and even be safer than ever before. This is why more and more farms and businesses now use a tracking app. 

Would you like to speak with an RFID tracking app expert about tracking your agricultural assets? Contact us today at

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