The Best Medical Equipment Tracking Features


Healthcare facilities today are facing ever-increasing patient volumes, challenging health crises and rising quality of service expectations from visitors. It was only last year that the world saw the most advanced healthcare systems crumble in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. 

While the challenges mount, it’s imperative that hospitals and other medical facilities make their operations as smooth as possible by streamlining workflow and eliminating impediments. In this case, medical equipment tracking is a brilliant solution.

itemit’s medical equipment tracking software allows staff to track important medical devices so that they don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to locate assets. This is especially important for tough times when under pressure staff don’t have enough time to spare looking around for equipment they need such as COVID-19 PPE, patient monitoring devices and IV pumps.  

This article talks about some of the most useful features that itemit’s medical equipment tracking software has to offer and how they can benefit your healthcare facility. Continue reading to learn all about it!

The Best Medical Equipment Tracking Features

What Does Medical Equipment Tracking Software Do?

With medical equipment tracking, you can track each mobile or stationary asset for information such as asset identity, location, description, assignee, images and more. The asset tracking software lets you have a clear overview of all equipment so that all tools can be easily identified and located when required. 

You can tag each asset with a QR code sticker or RFID tracker that gives them a unique identity and lets you track its location in real-time. Each time a tag is scanned, the software updates the asset’s location. 

Allowing members of staff to quickly find the tools and equipment they need is just one of the many things medical equipment tracking does for you. Let’s talk about some of the other useful features it offers.

Book Assets and Equipment in Advance

Oftentimes, a hospital or healthcare facility has a limited number of medical devices. Surgeons, physicians or other members of staff may need a specific piece of equipment in the future for a planned medical procedure. Now they must ensure the equipment’s availability on the day.

With itemit’s booking feature, users can book assets for particular dates. This lets them make the most out of their time and resources and minimises the chances of a clash, i.e, two or more people needing one medical device at the same time. 

Check In Check Out Equipment

If your staff has to move medical equipment out of the facility frequently, then the check-in check-out feature can help you get the much-needed transparency when tracking equipment. Whenever someone takes a device out of the hospital, they can mark it checked out via the itemit app. This lets everyone know which asset is checked out, when and by whom.

Lets You Loan Out Equipment

If you’re a medical equipment leasing company or you simply want to loan out equipment that you’re not using, itemit medical equipment tracking offers a brilliant solution. Rather than tracking loaned equipment on spreadsheets or physical ledgers, you’re better off keeping an eye on them with itemit. 

You can use useful features like the booking and checkout tools to make equipment simple, effortless and risk-free. Check out how Sanguine Medical uses itemit for its equipment loaning process.

Issue Reporting and Management

In healthcare, robust asset maintenance is critical! Unlike other industries, there is no space for negligence. This is because asset malfunctions in the healthcare industry might be the difference between life and death. With itemit medical equipment tracking software, you can report issues right away and this will take you less than 30 seconds. 

Simply scan the asset tag, and click on Report Issue on the asset profile. This should alert the responsible team member to arrange asset maintenance and get the issue resolved in a timely manner.

Intuitive Interface

If you work in healthcare, you’d know how little time healthcare professionals have to spare. This means you need an asset tracking solution that is easy to set up and use. itemit offers an intuitive user interface that a complete newbie can use and get proficient in just a few sessions. 

Users can use itemit through the mobile apps for Android and iOS or the web portal. Scanning asset tags is as straightforward as tapping a button and pointing the camera towards the tag. Similarly, you can easily search for assets by typing in their names in the asset register.


When it comes to medical equipment tracking, there are quite a few options available on the market. You’re free to do your research but let us assure you, you won’t find a better asset tracking solution than itemit. That’s not just because of all the features we’ve discussed above but a whole different range of factors. 

For example, itemit is the most scalable option. With a single subscription, you can use it for all asset tracking functions such as keeping a fixed asset register, IT asset management, equipment checkout and more. 

To learn more about what itemit can do for your medical equipment tracking purposes, please reach out to our team at We are always ready and happy to help you. You can also fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial and test out all the features for yourself.

Medical Asset Tracking Software

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