Why Production Companies Should Use Asset Tracking Software

Why Production Companies Should Use Asset Tracking Software

Why Production Companies Should Use Asset Tracking Software

There are quite literally many moving parts on any film production set. Keeping track of all your production equipment across all your different sites and locations can be a logistical nightmare. With different team members checking equipment in and out there are a huge number of assets to manage at any one time. Relying on spreadsheets for inventory lists and asset management is a time-consuming process that is prone to human error. But, with asset tracking software this can all be automated. Streamline your operations resulting in more time and less costs.  

Asset tracking software is a digital, centralised system that allows your team to track important details about each asset in real time. With asset tracking software you can keep track of all your lights, mics, booms, tripods, light reflectors and anything else you need. All the necessary information for each piece of equipment, who it’s assigned to, what project it’s on, is stored in an asset register. Asset tracking software will save your production time and money so you have everything you need to create the next blockbuster.

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How Asset Tracking Software Works

Tracking assets works by combining the use of asset tags with asset tracking software. The asset tags can be RFID tags, GPS trackers or QR codes, these tags are physically attached to assets and assign the asset to a unique identification code. The various asset tags offer different uses and benefits depending on the application but they all achieve the same outcome: identifying and communicating the location of your asset. 

All of the data from the asset tags is stored in a centralised system, creating an asset register. Effectively, you log digital copies of your assets in the asset management system. You can add various information to the digital copies, such as who the assets are assigned to, where they are, and what state they’re in. Therefore, instead of finding specific information within a spreadsheet, you’ll be able to open an asset’s profile to view all of the data you need to know about that asset. With the advancement of modern tools, asset tracking software can also provide information on asset value, inventory management, maintenance planning, as well as real-time data on asset lifecycle management.

The Challenges of Asset Tracking in Film

1. Lots of Assets

A huge amount of equipment go into the production of any film. From the lighting, to the sound, to the editing equipment, the list goes on. This amounts to a big investment and, like with any investment, you need to look after it. It can be easy to lose track of things as they move around set, exchanged between crew members and are taken off to various locations. This poses a challenge to ensuring the longevity of your equipment and maximising the money and resources you’ve put into your production. 

2. Lots of Crew Members

It takes a lot of people to bring a film together. With various teams and companies working together and sharing assets, knowing who has what and when can get complicated. Equipment can easily become mixed up, misplaced, or end up in the wrong hands. Asset tracking software can help you to avoid these mishaps by streamlining the whole operation. With fixed asset registers and automatic data collection you can keep a log of who an asset has been assigned to, where it is and can help to ensure it is returned on time.

3. Loss or Damage of Rented Equipment

Many film productions, large and small, rely on rented equipment to make the next big picture. But with rented equipment you always run the risk of added costs in the event the asset is lost or broken. This can result in spiralling costs that can really put a dent in an already tight budget. Asset tracking software can offer you extra security and visibility around the movement and behaviour of assets as well as smarter asset maintenance. 


The Benefits of Asset Tracking Software For Film

1. Streamline Your Operations

Using spreadsheets is usually the first go-to option for managing assets but this manual process can quickly become long and laborious. As your production grows, so do the number of assets, meaning more data and more moving parts to track and manage. Spreadsheets can become your system’s downfall since they are difficult to share with others, lack smart features, and are susceptible to errors. 

Manual asset tracking is a very time-consuming process but with asset tracking software you can completely streamline your audit and daily operations. With itemit asset tracking software you can ensure your assets are where they need to be and with the right people, taking the headache out of asset tracking. When your team checks assets in and out the asset manager is automatically notified. Every time an asset is tracked, entered into the system, checked out, or repaired, data is collected. This improves accuracy, minimises errors, and reduces the time it takes to exchange assets. Using asset tracking software ensures you know what is happening to them as they move around set and from site to site.

2. Improve Inventory Management

Good inventory management is critical to the success of any operation and film productions are no different. Asset tracking software can improve your inventory management by informing you of what equipment you have, where it is, and who it has been assigned to. For example, if somebody requires multiple pieces of kit, you can bulk check them out with itemit’s equipment checkout system, then bulk move their locations to indicate that they’re with that company. Then, you’ll be able to run a report on the equipment that is on the move to the location and export it as a pdf, giving you a register of the equipment your client needs to sign for.

All of the data you collect will be pulled into a fixed asset register, providing you with an accurate and up-to-date record of your assets. This offers greater control and visibility of the financial data related to your assets. With itemit the process of creating fixed asset registers is simple. You can view, filter, manage, and export reports with ease, giving you a clear view on what you own and how the assets are behaving. A clean register will allow you to completely streamline your insurance and tax operations, allowing for clearer expense and more transparent insurance applications. 

3. Reduce Costs

Limited film budgets can restrict the ability to purchase additional assets, and mean you need to make the most of what you have. Cost management is vital on small and large scale productions alike, and with effective asset tracking software you can make sure you’re getting the best out of your equipment. Asset tracking increases the visibility of assets location and user data, helping to reduce loss and theft. 

Plus, asset tracking offers a smarter solution to maintenance. Good asset management extends the lifespan of assets by decreasing the need for maintenance and replacement. Asset tracking software allows you to take a more proactive approach to maintenance since it is much easier to maintain equipment if you know its history. With asset tracking software, you can set up automated reminders when it’s time to make routine repairs, resulting in fewer unexpected problems and the foresight to make them fit around your filming schedule.

4. More Secure Bookings and Rentals

Asset tracking software gives you the security you need when hiring equipment. Asset tracking software covers your back by ensuring you are compliant with your insurance. If you know where your assets are at all times then there is less associated risk, resulting in simpler invoicing and lower premiums for you. With itemit you can even set reminders for expired licences and insurance payments.

You can also use your asset tracking software as an equipment booking system. You can use itemit to log rentals to other users, companies, or anyone else for that matter! Overall, itemit asset tracking software creates a simple, effective, and transparent view of where your film equipment is and how it’s behaving.

5. Scale Your Production

As your production grows, itemit grows with you. Relying on spreadsheets to keep track of everything you own can make it difficult to scale your production. Whether you’re working on your first short film, or a feature-length production, itemit can support you every step of the way.

If you’re working on multiple films you can even use itemit for each one without needing to purchase new licences. Using automated asset tracking software you will be able to organise and forecast the equipment needed with ease so you can look at your filming schedule and work out what additional equipment you need to hire or purchase. 


Asset Tracking Software Solutions

Asset tracking software is highly tailorable and offers a solution for every application. Get to know the right solution for you and make sure you know where your assets are on every location.

QR Tracking

Most of us are familiar with QR codes. The different patterns of black squares on a white background have become a familiar feature in our daily transactions. The unique pattern represents and links to information, and has become a popular solution in asset tracking thanks to its cheap and quick production. The popularity of QR codes in everyday life means you don’t need to purchase and use a third-party tag reader. Simply open your smartphone and scan the QR code, and up will pop all your asset’s information, allowing you to track and manage instantly. 

With itemit asset profiles, you’ll be able to book assets out, add issues for maintenance, and view any amount of information, including user manuals – something that’s particularly handy if you’re onboarding new staff.

RFID Tracking

RFID tracking is a great solution for the film industry because, unlike QR codes, RFID tags don’t have to be visible so there’s no need to worry if an asset is going to be on camera. RFID stands for radio frequency identification and works by using radio frequencies to broadcast the location of the tagged asset. 

RFID tags can either be active, passive or semi-passive, and offer different benefits depending on your use case. RFID tags come in various shapes and sizes meaning you can make them fit to your asset. RFID asset tracking requires a device (either a fixed or handheld reader) to pick up the tag. This greatly speeds up auditing assets as the only thing you need to do is pull the trigger on the RFID reader. The same is true for when you’re adding multiple assets to a new location, as itemit’s Quick Add feature speeds this process along. Keeping track of your assets has never been simpler.

GPS Trackers

GPS trackers are a great solution for tracking various pieces of large equipment, from moveable cameras to sound producing equipment. GPS trackers periodically update an asset’s location. This means that you get an automatic audit trail of where all of your equipment has been, allowing you to verify that equipment has arrived at its destination safely, minimising transport costs and reducing the risk of losses. With itemit, you’ll be able to use GPS trackers in tandem with QR code asset management. GPS tracking can both speed up and simplify your operations, giving you a robust view of how your assets are behaving.

itemit’s Asset Tracking Software

Asset tracking software at itemit is scalable, transparent, and efficient. With a full-equipped suite of helpful features, from equipment check-in and check-out functionality to bulk actions, you can seamlessly update and improve your current process. You’ll finally be able to move away from those never-ending spreadsheets. If you’d like to find out more information please contact the team at team@itemit.com or you can get started straight away and try the 14-day free trial by filling out the form below! 

Asset Tracking Software for Film Production

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Asset Tracking and the Film Industry

Asset Tracking and the Film Industry

Asset Tracking and the Film Industry

Movies are not just teamwork. Teamwork implies one group of people working on one thing. Movies are so much more than that. Yes, at any one time during the production phase there may be one main team working on the movie. Maybe it’s even a smaller project with a close-knit and talented team. Sooner or later, however, there will be liaison. Asset tracking can do so much to help out with teamwork. Find out how below!

One team making sound, one team in charge of lights, one team filming, more than one team editing, one team pointing everyone in the right directions, one team finding the directions, one team writing. There’s such a wide array of things to do to create something magical and musical and enticing on screen.

It may seem impossible to keep track of everything, but with careful planning, tight communication, and great delegation skills it is possible. There are ways of making this easier, however, such as using asset tracking. Because of the density of work that has to be done on any film, whether music video or blockbuster, certain teams tracking their own assets can help. Especially when those at the top, delegating and hiring, can also see and track the same assets.

This article is the first of many on how asset tracking can help make a movie, so to take a whistle-stop tour, how can asset tracking help at each stage of the filmmaking process?

The Filmmaking Process

The Filmmaking process can be long, but with every step and every change gets more and more exciting by the moment. The phases of making a movie can help break down every step of the process and make everything a little bit more manageable, but this doesn’t mean that it can’t be made even easier with asset tracking.

Asset tracking can help you along every step of the way because there are so many materials and so much equipment that go into movie magic, and every single thing is important. If that light goes missing, filming can screech to a halt. After all, it’s always helpful when the audience can actually see the actors.

So, what can it do at each stage? How can asset tracking help you inventory?


The pre-production stage is for planning and to pin down the vision. There are lots of scrunched up sheets of paper. There are a lot of frowns and thinking hard. There are a lot of creative differences.

If there aren’t physical assets, however, and if it’s all in your head or scribbled on sheets of paper, how can asset tracking help?

This may depend on you. It may depend on how you work. You might be making an unscripted film, or a film with deliberate gaps for improvisation. You might be like Kubrick, however, and have seventeen drafts of your script to stick to, ready to take shot after shot after shot after shot of the same scene.

Whatever it may be, there will always be a planning phase at pre-production. There should be timetables drawn out in order to keep your actors and crew happy, drafts of the screenplay, some with directors notes and some without, and plans about the needed equipment amongst other things.

These, therefore, are your assets. With itemit, you’ll be able to categorise your screenplays and inventory them so that they don’t get mixed up with your storyboards. Also, you’ll be able to link your storyboards, your equipment needed, your shot lists, and your screenplays so that when you come to check what’s needed for a day of shooting, it’s all in one place. On top of this, you don’t even need to tag physical assets, you can enter your thoughts or ideas onto the app if you need to!

When you start hiring equipment, with a better inventory system and a better and faster way of planning, there is much less of a chance that duplicates will be bought, or that equipment thought to be needed will turn out useless. Also, you’ll be able to see what needs to be where and when a lot easier thanks to a more organised way to track assets, meaning that you can save time and money. No more running after the cameras that have ended up somewhere where they shouldn’t be!


Picture the scene. EXT. MOVIE SET. DAY. The morning sun is rising. This shot will be on the trailers, the posters, everything because the gleaming rays are just so gorgeous as they rise up from beyond the horizon. The director has a tear in their eye as they look beyond the sunrise. They’ve made it. Years of student films and paying their dues and now… Now they’re finally here. Even the method actors break character to crack a smile.

The director takes in a deep breath. “Lights. Camera. Action”. There is a pause. “We don’t have the right camera.” Someone calls out. The sun rises. The shot is gone forever. Of course, this is the worst-case scenario, but nobody wants to be in this situation. Everyone in the film industry knows that things hardly ever go according to plan, but with asset tracking, there’s less that can go wrong.

One of the most attractive things asset tracking and management can give you in the production stage will make the cast, the crew, the bosses, and the extras leap with joy. It can help save you time when you’re setting up a scene.

If you know where all of your assets are at the beginning of the day, when you’re staring at the field that’s going to become a battleground or a campsite or the scene of a grizzly murder, then knowing what you need to bring in, when, and how will help everything run a lot more smoothly and a lot more quickly.

The faster you set everything up, the higher the morale, the less money you need to spend on venues, the easier it is to meet deadlines, and the better the performances. This is an extra breath of fresh air if your actors don’t like waiting around. If, while they’re standing around in their coats with their breath on the wind, every coffee gets them more and more riled up, less time on setup is more than welcome, unless their frustration is going to improve their performance in which case you can deliberately go slowly.

asset tracking in film

As well as this, production is broken up into teams. So, so, so many teams. There’s the lighting team, the sound team, the camera teams, in fact, there’s almost a team for everything in order to capture life as closely as possible. With itemit, it’s a lot easier to delegate and trust that the teams are doing everything that they should be. You’ll be able to sit back and know that the lighting team have inventoried and managed their equipment efficiently, and so they’ll know sooner if something goes wrong. This means that there’ll be fewer breakdowns on set, whether that’s in terms of a floodlight, as itemit can give reminders about when equipment needs to be serviced, or if it’s in terms of the director.

One of the best things about the movie business is that it’s always growing and it’s always improving (in general, there are some recent films that can be ignored here). The technology itself, though, is always improving. It’s more important than ever to keep track of your assets, because there’s always something new that has a new purpose that you might want to invest in. If you want the next “steadicam”, and think it’ll improve your film, you can more easily see how well it fits in with your existing equipment.

This is also related to how a lot of equipment works. You may have a camera but that’s not necessarily enough. Technically, yes, it is enough. If you have a good vision and good planning and good actors, all you need is a smartphone to make movie magic. However, if you’re making something with more of a budget or something that you want to be more crisp and professional, your camera may have a variety of things that need to be added to it. It’s helpful, therefore, to be able to link the shotgun mic to the tripod to the camera to the “dead cat” to the lenses with the itemit app. Then, you’ll be able to build what you need much faster. If you instantly know where everything is and if it’s linked together, less time is wasted and more filming is done.

Of course, there are also props. If prop managers can inventory more efficiently and better, then it’s a much more instant process of “have you got this?” “one second…” *checks the itemit app* “Yeah”, rather than having to rely on memory. This cuts down on the possibility of buying duplicates and because the assets are tracked, props can be found a lot more quickly meaning that there’s more time for other things, or more time to look at more props and find the one that looks the best for your movie.

Wiring can also be a bit of a nightmare when it comes to filming. Not only do you need to make sure the wattage is correct to make sure there is no shortage on set, cables also have to be hidden so that illusions and magic aren’t broken. With RFID tags, it is possible to track wiring and to label the wattage and also keep the wiring hidden. RFID scanners don’t need a line of sight to “find” assets so your movie can be kept as gritty and as real as possible.

This also helps with rigging in terms of practical effects, cameras and equipment. If there’s less time spent on rigging everything and if it’s more efficient, then it’s possible to get more done. This is great if you constantly find yourself saying “we’ll fix it in post”! More time also means less money spent, of course, which is an added bonus.

One of the best things about making a movie is how all of the stages fit together. From pre – to prod – to post, everything slowly just meshes together. What this means, however, is that if there isn’t enough foresight in the previous step, issues can arise later. With asset tracking, you can instantly start tracking your footage, your backups, and your backups of backups meaning that the second it’s saved, you’ll know where it’s being left.

film asset tracking software


It has been years since celluloid was the favourite method of making films. This doesn’t mean you won’t be making yours on celluloid and splicing it the old fashioned way, but no matter how you’ve filmed your movie, whether it’s digitally or not, you will have footage somewhere.

This footage needs to be shipped to a variety of different places and backups after backups are needed. Even if it’s mostly online, you will still have a lot of physical film such as memory sticks, SD cards, and maybe even celluloid. This footage then needs to go to editors, whoever you’re commissioning to make the trailer, and special effects artists. Edited footage then needs to go to sound designers, Foley artists, and musicians. Every piece of footage seems to breed several more. In short, there’s a lot of footage going to a lot of different places, and so asset tracking can help speed this up. With a spreadsheet, there’ll be far too much to track, but with itemit the process is a lot faster, and a lot easier.

If the editor doesn’t have their footage when they need it, there are delays.

With asset tracking you can track where everything is, which scenes you’ve sent to who, and which software is being used by which people. So, even if you aren’t using physical assets to track the film and you are mostly online, you can track the laptops or computers themselves to see who is supposed to have what and when and whether they actually do or not.

In the post-production phase, time is of the essence. The deadline seems closer than ever, and so it’s important to know where you’re really at any given moment. This is also because you don’t know what reshoots are needed or what dubbing. If you discover this faster, you can still spend less and work more consistently towards a set deadline.

To Conclude

This was itemit’s first article on the film industry, and a bit of a quick tour. There are so many different teams that can benefit from asset tracking for films that in the future we’ll be looking into them more specifically.

Foley artists and all of their materials, camera teams and all of their equipment, editors and all of their software and computers. There is so much to do and so ensuring synchronisation is of utmost importance. With itemit this is a lot easier, and instead of just lots of smaller teams working on different things at different times, asset tracking can bring everyone together and bring the vision to an audience near you.

Film Equipment Asset Tracking

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