On the 6th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Better facilities management systems with public profiles!
What are public profiles? With itemit’s impressive asset management software, you can now use public profiles to track and manage issues. The way it works is simple. Anybody can scan a public QR code asset tag to add an issue.
Uses of Public Profiles
Why did we develop public profiles? We developed our asset management software for industries such as construction or facilities management.
After the Grenfell disaster, we were shocked to learn about the lack of transparency and visibility over asset condition and the lack of action taken against reported problems. We knew our asset management software could help. If tenants could report issues directly to facilities managers and directly onto the asset itself, the communication between tenant and manager could improve health and safety drastically.
Then, we discovered that facilities managers could get upwards of a thousand emails a week requesting fixes for a variety of assets. The admin alone could create problems for health and safety. We knew we had a system that could help.
This was the beginning of the birth of public profiles. Public profiles is a system that makes issues management, maintenance, and fixes more streamlined.
Our asset management software can assist with health and safety on both ends, from the user end to the backend for facilities managers.
Using Asset Management Software to Manage Issues
How public profiles works is simple.
First of all, in your pro workspace, create an asset profile for the asset you wish to make public. This could be anything from a safety door, to a fire extinguisher, even a hand-drier.
Then, all you have to do is click on the cog and switch public profiles on. This will make all the assets in your workspace public, ready to be scanned by your tenants.
After this, if a tenant sees an issue with a fire extinguisher, they need only scan the QR code asset tag with their smartphone camera and open the web-link. They’ll be taken to a web-page where they can report an issue.
The information tenants see is limited: A description, the asset’s name, and its profile picture.
Public Profiles: How does it work?
Whenever an issue is reported, the administrators will get an email. The way issues work is then identical to the usual issues management feature in itemit.
What this means is that a smart AI bot will prioritise the issue and it will appear in the “issues” tab. It can then be managed by saying whether or not the issue is open or fixed.
Where We’ve Implemented our Asset Management Software
Many different industries and buildings have picked up our asset management software to use our public profiles feature. We piloted it in a few different places to great levels of success.
Cambridge University buildings: A wide range of Cambridge University buildings, including the University Library and Judge Business School, are using public profiles to track and manage issues in their meeting rooms and communal spaces.
Office blocks: We also rolled out public profiles in a few office blocks, including ours, where issues in meeting rooms and bathrooms can be reported. We’ve found issues are fixed much sooner with our system.
Housing Association: itemit is being used to track fire and compliance assets across many different housing association properties. Assets being monitored include fire extinguishers, fire doors and emergency lighting.
If you want to find out more about issues management, public profiles, or our asset management software, you need only contact us or fill in the form below.
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