healthcare asset tracking software

When you’re working in the healthcare industry, you know yourselves that there are many assets, equipment, machinery and devices that need to be tracked and monitored. It is of the utmost importance to ensure medical devices and equipment are meeting the required standards. This is where healthcare asset tracking software comes in.

Healthcare asset tracking software gives you a way to control and monitor all hospital and medical devices and equipment. To be a success, your healthcare asset tracking software must be customisable to your needs. Hospitals, GP practices, laboratories, medical device suppliers and medical technology companies all have slightly different uses for the device management software in terms of exactly how assets need to be tracked and maintained. Read how Camtech Biomedical uses itemit to track laboratory equipment

This article will run you through how healthcare asset tracking software can assist you in a variety of different use-cases.


Asset Monitoring and Maintaining an Equipment Register

The purpose of healthcare asset tracking software is to ensure you and your wider teams know what devices and equipment you have, where they are and that they are meeting the required standards.

Moving hospital and medical devices from site to site can result in lost equipment, especially when passing them from one person or client to another. Asset tracking software that is designed for the healthcare industry will help you to make this problem a thing of the past.

In addition, it’s important that all staff can see which equipment and machinery are available to them, which is another benefit of healthcare asset tracking software.

Due to the nature of the industry, healthcare asset tracking software tends to offer multiple tagging options, usually including QR codes, barcodes and RFID tagging. In some circumstances, RFID tagging may be the most viable option as it can be scanned from a distance, instead of needing access to rooms and avoiding disturbing patients or healthcare workers.

The itemit healthcare tracking software is integrated with handheld RFID scanners. If you’re looking for a solution requiring fixed readers or a little more bespoke development, please email us:


Hiring out Equipment for Trials

A great way to track equipment that’s hired out or loaned to customers for trials is to record device and equipment location using your healthcare asset tracking software.

The equipment management system will allow you to check out equipment and devices to particular customers and even to book those assets in advance so you have the confidence that they will be available when needed. To get a better understanding of how this is possible, take a look at our equipment check out video.


Assigning Assets to Vehicles and Ambulances

We know that medical equipment management software has to do more than just monitor assets indoors; it needs to let you assign devices and machinery to vehicles and ambulances and ensure they have everything that’s required.

Tracking equipment in vehicles can quickly become a time-consuming process unless your healthcare asset tracking software has effective features to enable this. We’ve worked closely with organisations that require this functionality and have created a ‘Quick Add’ feature designed to address this exact problem.

If your current healthcare asset tracking software is inadequate, we highly recommend that you start a free trial of itemit and discover how much the system can do for you.

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