Regardless of how often you use it, or how big or small it is, every piece of theatre production equipment needs to be kept safe. This is often easier said than done, especially if you have many props and many costumes. It’s also easier said than done if you are on tour.
The good news is that life can be made so much easier for you if you use equipment tracking tags. Tags such as these can help you to see where all of your production equipment is, all of the time.
From the tiniest prop to the largest stage set up, from lights and sound equipment to everything in between. You can keep everything safe and sound all day, every day.
Track All Of Your Production Equipment
Did you know that it is possible for you to track all of your production equipment with ease? As long as every piece of your equipment has a tag attached to it, you can track it. Equipment tracking tags work by using the power of GPS to help you keep an eye on your equipment.
Before you are able to track anything you need to fix a barcode to each of your assets. As soon as the barcode is in place, you can create a digital profile. This profile can contain as much information about your equipment as you wish. The profile will also help you to track your equipment. You can see where it is, who is using it, and even the maintenance status.
It doesn’t matter how much production equipment you have, you can track it all. The good news is that it’s very easy to track everything. When you do, you could find that you have peace of mind.

Know Where Your Props Are All Of The Time
As we have already seen, when you use equipment tracking tags you can see where your props are all of the time. This ultimately means that you do not need to worry quite so much about losing them. You can also rest assured that should they need to be repaired. Your maintenance team will be informed. However, this is only the case if you have set up maintenance reminders. it makes sense to do so as having maintenance reminders helps to keep everything in good working order.
Increase Security By Using Equipment Tracking Tags
The issue of security is no doubt a vitally important one. Keeping all of your equipment safe can take a lot of effort. It can also be easier said than done if you’re working in multiple venues. The great news is that when you start using equipment tracking tags you can increase security.
We have already seen that you can track all of your props, costumes, etc. When you track everything you automatically increase security. Additionally, those who work with and for you will know that everything is tracked. Consequently, your equipment is less likely to get lost or stolen. If this was not enough, as soon as people are aware that everything is tracked they will take better care of it. A direct result of this means that fewer accidents may occur. You could, therefore save money by not having to repair or replace your equipment quite as often.
The Show Will Go On!
The show will go on when you use equipment tracking tags. You can track everything all of the time which means you’re less likely to misplace it.
You could even add a bit of information to each digital profile stating where things are usually kept. For example, the pantomime dame’s costume may usually be kept on a rail in box 2. The sound equipment may be stored at the rear of the small storage room. When you add details such as these, you make it more likely that the show will go on.
Did you know that every barcode you attach to your equipment has been made to stick well? They have been manufactured to stay in place for a long time. Just make sure that when you affix them, the surface is flat and the barcode is easy to reach. This will ensure the barcode stays in place and is scannable.
Start to keep tracking everything and give yourself peace of mind. Keep all of your theatre production equipment safe all day, every day. Have more control of your equipment starting now so all you need to worry about is getting the stage set installed on time.
When your next performance has ended and you’ve had the encore, it’ll be time to move to a new venue. Keeping track of everything can make moving between theatres easier and safer thanks to the power of tracking tags.
Would you like to talk with an expert about using equipment tracking tags? Contact us now at
The Best Way To Track Theatre Production Equipment
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