Device Inventory Management: What Is It?


When you need to have more control over your assets you need to control your inventory. It’s highly likely that you have more devices in your inventory than you realise. So, taking control of your devices by using computer inventory software is the way to go. If you’re not sure what this type of software is, do not worry. If you’re not sure what inventory management is, again, do not worry. This article will explain all that you need to know.

How Device Inventory Management Works

Device inventory management works by creating digital profiles of each of your assets/devices. When you use computer inventory software to control your devices (and any other assets you have, should you wish to) you can see that it responds to your asset’s moving location. It also responds to changes in stock levels, should you need it to. 

Before you can do all of this, however, you need to attach a QR code or an RFID tag to your assets. This is so that you can scan them and create a digital profile. When you do, you can control your devices/assets in more ways than you realise. A direct result of this means your business can benefit, potentially helping it to grow.

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Poor Inventory Management: The Risks

When you don’t look after your inventory it can cause all sorts of problems. You could, for example, lose assets and even create ghost assets. Ghost assets are those that exist but have not been added to your computer inventory software. Consequently, they are unaccounted for. A direct result of this means that you will not be able to have full control of your inventory. There’s also the risk that you will be unaware of how your business is really performing. So, your forecasts and projections for the next year could be completely wrong.

The Improvement Of Asset Security

Taking care of your devices is of paramount importance. Even the cheapest tablet, for example, can be expensive. If you need more than a few team members to use tablets and other devices you will soon see that the cost adds up.

This is why you need to make sure that the security surrounding your devices and every other asset is good. Here is where using inventory management can help. When you have created a profile for your devices they automatically become more secure. The reason for this is because they will be tracked immediately. As a result, you can see where they are. You can even see if they have been removed from your premises. Depending on the settings that you use, you could even see who was the last person to check out or check in the device.

Having The Ability To Track Your Assets

As we have just seen, when you use computer inventory software you can track your assets. As soon as you scan any tag attached to an asset you begin to track it. You can see where your assets are all of the time. As long as you are logged into a device that has internet access you can track your assets. This means you can see where they are all of the time, should you wish to. Consequently, should you have left a laptop at your other office you can locate it and potentially retrieve it. If you had not yet made use of inventory management you may have found yourself searching far and wide for the laptop.

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Maintaining Your Assets Becomes Easier 

Did you know that when you make the most of computer inventory software maintaining assets becomes easier? You can set up a maintenance schedule for every single laptop, desktop computer, smartphone, tablet, and everything in between. When you do, your maintenance team will receive an alert when it’s time to take a look at a device. As long as your maintenance team can log into the software and receive alerts your devices can be in better condition. 

Better Asset Control

When you take the time to add your devices to some computer inventory software you have better control over them. You can see where they are all of the time. You can see whether they are due for maintenance or who is currently using them. You can also create exportable reports so you can pinpoint data or start an audit. With the ability to do all of this and more, better asset control is essential. This is why it makes sense for you to use device inventory management to its full advantage. When you do, you’ll have more control over your assets in new ways that allow your business to benefit. 



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