Construction Equipment Tracking Made Simple

Construction Equipment Tracking Made Simple

If you run at least one construction site or you have any experience looking after construction equipment you will know how much there can be. You may also potentially be aware of the value of every single piece of equipment, every tool, every machine, and so on. This is why it makes sense to track everything effectively and simply.

When you use the right construction equipment tracking software it can make tracking everything relatively simple. Let’s take a look at just why and how this is the case.

What Is Equipment Tracking?

Equipment tracking revolves around being able to locate everything. Ideally, the construction equipment tracking software that you use will allow you to see where everything is in no time. 

Perhaps all that you would be required to do is to log into your software and click on the individual assets to locate them. Alternatively/additionally, you’ll be able to click on the name of the site or location and see what assets you have there. When you can use software in this way it allows you to save time. We all know that time can be quite a precious commodity, especially in the world of construction. When you begin using some tracking software you’ll soon see that it allows you to save more time than you originally thought it could.

Business Asset Tracking

Equipment Tracking Made Easy

Tracking your construction equipment can be very easy. This is thanks to the potential use of QR codes or RFID tags. When you use a code or tag you scan it before attaching it to the asset you wish to track. Scanning the code or tag opens up a digital profile that you can populate with as much information as you please. 

As soon as you have completely populated the profile, you can start making use of your construction equipment tracking software. It really is that easy.

Issue Reporting Becomes A Breeze

Did you know that when you use the right tracking software issue reporting becomes a breeze? Thanks to the way that the software works, as soon as an issue arises it can be reported to the correct department. As long as the department question has access to the software, it should receive a notification from you. This feature allows your maintenance team to potentially repair the damaged asset more quickly. As a result, your team should have the repaired tools they need sooner rather than later. 

However, this is not all that construction equipment tracking can do. Depending on the software that you choose, you may also be able to set up regular maintenance schedules. These schedules can usually be set up as and when you please. Tailoring schedules to each tool and machine, etc. ensures that everything is more likely to remain in good condition for longer. Consequently, you can reduce the cost of maintaining your equipment and the cost of replacing it. Being able to save money thanks to your tracking software allows you to spend the funds where they are most needed.

Assign Tools To Specific Sites

When you use the right construction equipment tracking you can assign tools to specific sites should you need to. You’ll know what you have and which locations those assets are in. 

This can be particularly helpful for you, allowing you to see whether you have enough machinery, for example, to go around. This feature also makes for better asset organisation.

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Increasing Security

When you choose to track everything you automatically increase security. The reason for this is because you will know where everything is located. If this is not enough, the people you work with may realise that everything is being tracked. What this means is that they may take better care of your assets. Consequently, your assets from the most expensive to the least expensive are less likely to go missing or sustain damage.

One feature that may come with your chosen construction equipment tracking software is the ability to check assets in and out. This feature gives you much more control surrounding who uses your assets and when. Additionally, the feature allows you to see how often everything is being used. If this was not enough, you could also access historical data should damage be sustained to a specific machine, for example.

Better Equipment Identification

A lot of machinery, tools, equipment, and vehicles, etc look very similar. Thanks to the use of RFID tags or QR codes, you can identify machinery, etc very easily. Simply scan the tag or code and you’ll be told exactly what you’re looking at. Allowing you to save even more time, being able to identify equipment quickly also means you can start work with fewer holdups. 


Would you like to speak with a construction equipment tracking expert? Contact us today at

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