Almost every business has at least a few IT assets. Assets such as these can be a major part of any business. They can help to create orders, keep businesses in contact with customers, and ensure the business runs smoothly. As a result, Ideally, the management tool used will help with IT asset life cycle management. Tracking the life cycle of every IT asset is of prime importance. In fact, the better the life cycle management, the better a business can run.
Keeping Your Assets In The Best Possible Condition
With the right IT asset management tool, you can potentially keep your IT assets in the best possible condition.
Ideally, the management tool you use will allow you to set maintenance reminders. Reminders such as these ensure you receive a notification whenever maintenance is due. Not only will you, the current user receive a notification, but the maintenance team can too. As a result, the computer you’re using is more likely to stay in the best possible condition.
Should something go wrong with an IT asset, your management tool could also help you. Let’s imagine that you have just dropped a laptop. The screen has broken and when you try to switch it on nothing happens. Using your asset management tool, you could notify the maintenance team of what has occurred. You could even send them a photograph of the damage and upload it to the software. The maintenance team can then have a clearer idea of what has occurred.
Knowing that you can help to improve the life cycle of your assets in this way can be very satisfying. It can also help your IT assets to last a lot longer. As a result, your business could spend less money buying replacement IT assets.

Understanding Who Is Using Your Assets
Another excellent feature of some management tools is they allow you to track who is using your IT assets. For example, one IT asset management tool may require every user to check the asset out and back in again.
With this information, you can see who has been using your computer and even why they were using it. In addition to this, users can leave notes about why they were using a company tablet, for example, and if there were any issues with it.
This information can come in very handy when it comes to understanding whether you have a sufficient number of assets. It can also be useful if you need to find out who was using the tablet at 2pm on Tuesday when it stopped working.
Knowing Where Your IT Assets Are At All Times
Did you know that the right IT asset management tool can show you where your assets are? You can know where your IT assets are at all times. This can be especially useful if your business has assets that are used in many locations. For example, you may have a sales team that goes out into the field and takes some mobile phones and tablets with them. Alternatively, you may have more than a few factories and offices, and tracking everything could be useful.
When you attach a barcode to your IT assets and create a digital profile for each of them, you can track your assets. This ensures that you know whether they are in the right location. It also allows you to collect any assets that have been left behind or even lost.
Understanding How Your Business Is Performing
When you can track your assets in many different ways you can have a better idea of how your business is performing. You can potentially see where improvements could be made. This is because your IT asset management tool may allow you to download and even export data.
For example, you could see how often your business’s laptops are used. If they’re used all of the time and your team members are waiting to use them, you could order more. You can also see who uses which assets and if they’re able to complete their tasks on time when they use them.
You may also be able to see how well your business is performing and where improvements could be made
All of this information may not be obvious to you if you had not used an asset management tool that allows you to export data. Therefore, it makes sense to use a tool that allows you to do just this.
If you have any questions about an IT asset management tool, talk to us today. You can reach us at: We are a team of asset management professionals who know the importance of IT asset life cycle management. Talk to us today.
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