What next for itemit? Our plans to take the asset tracking system to the next level in 2020
On the first day of the new year, 2020, we thought we would take this opportunity to share with you some of our grand plans for the coming year. If you didn’t catch our 2019, year in review post, then check it out here.
Let’s get stuck in; here is a quick look at our development roadmap for the itemit asset tracking system.
Asset Tracking System Development Roadmap: 2020
- Hide columns on the itemit Reports page
- Your feedback is that as you add more and more data to your itemit account, the columns on your reports page can get a bit unwieldy. We’ll be introducing the ability to choose which columns are shown and which are hidden.
- A history feature that’s quick and useful
- As the history for each item grows, we’ve noticed some inefficiencies with the speed and performance of the history feature. We know how much many of you rely on this to monitor your assets whereabouts and for checking who has your critical tools and equipment. As a result, we’ll be giving the history feature a complete overhaul. The new feature will include useful ways to filter by certain events; for example, you may wish to see only where the asset has been over the last year. With the new functionality, this and more will be possible!
- Edit workspace name
- Now any pesky typos can be edited!
- Transfer assets between workspaces
- A quick and easy way to transfer assets between workspaces and even to move assets from your personal workspace into a pro workspace. To ensure your asset tracking system is always accurate.
- Recent Activity revamp
- The old recent activity feature in itemit will get a dramatic overhaul. We’ll give you better options for filtering by different time periods to see which assets have and haven’t been seen lately.
- Collections and locations speed and loading improvements
- We’ll work to ensure that you can rely on your collections and locations to update and load much more quickly.
- More choice over which notifications you receive
- Now we’ve introduced the bookings and issues management features to the itemit asset tracking system, you might find you receive more email notifications alerting you to faults with assets and advising when assets are due back in. These are designed to help keep your asset management nice and tidy and to keep you informed, but if you do find you’re receiving too many emails, we’ll give you the option to switch some of these off.
- Repeating reminders
- We know how much you rely on itemit reminders and for those that are set to repeat, we know some changes would really speed things up for you. We’ll be making some minor but very helpful tweaks to reminders that let you more easily choose which date to renew from.
- Assign items to a user
- Currently, many of you are using the item’s description or collections to keep track of who has been assigned each asset. So, we thought you could do with a dedicated feature to handle this and the necessary reporting capabilities you’d expect to make the feature really useful for you.
- GPS tagging
- itemit already offers asset tagging options, and you can choose between RFID tags and QR tags. Now we’ll add a whole new dimension to asset tagging, with some fantastic new benefits.
- BLE tagging
- Not just one, but two new ways of tagging and tracking your assets!
- Public REST API
- Internally, we already utilise out REST API, but we’ll open this up so you can also use it. This will allow for powerful integrations and custom development.
- Integrations
- We will start with the basics and get some solid integrations up and running that help to integrate asset tracking into your existing processes and systems seamlessly.
- Bulk Editing
- It’s the next natural progression. The more assets you add to itemit, the more you may wish to edit those assets and equipment in bulk. Watch this space for more information.
- itemit Dashboard – for a quick overview
- A handy place you can head to in order to see a quick round-up of what’s been going on with your assets.
- Invoicing and Account Management
- We’ll make it super easy to manage your invoices and make changes to your account.
We hope you’ll agree, and it’s an impressive list! And it’s not the end of it, we are an agile team, and there will be many more things we add to the itemit asset tracking system this year. It’s never been a better time to begin using the system.
If you haven’t already, start your free trial of itemit now. And if you’re an existing itemit user, may we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and business. We are so excited about the year ahead and are delighted to be able to share it with you.
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