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In this guide:
If you would like to track your assets so your business is organised, we can help you. Here at itemit, we provide businesses everywhere with high-quality Asset Tracking Software. With the touch of a button, users know where their assets are and when they’re being used.
However, it’s not always clear as to what the benefits of tracking software are. Below, you can find the details of just a few benefits that are associated with using our Asset Tracking Software.
Helps to Reduce Theft
Thanks to the way that our software works, users won’t need to be quite concerned about theft. As every asset will have an RFID tag or QR code attached to it you can build a robust audit trail. Users can log into itemit’s system and find the asset’s last-known location. Incidences of theft are less likely to occur as a result as every member of the team will know that the assets are tracked. This can be a great deterrent in itself.
Theft is not the only issue that can cause concern. From time to time, assets can also go missing. Whether the asset has been left behind somewhere or accidentally misplaced, it can be tracked. Users can see where the asset in question was last seen and retrieve it at their convenience.
Due to the fact that assets are less likely to go missing, less money will be spent replacing lost or stolen assets. As a result, the funds that the business would have otherwise spent can be diverted elsewhere.

Allows for Cheaper Insurance Premiums
As incidences of loss and theft are less likely to occur, insurance premiums can be cheaper. Businesses know where all of their assets are at all times. This ensures that assets can be retrieved. Informing insurance companies of this can help to lower the premium as there will be less associated risk.
While there will always be the risk of damage or faulty assets, insurance costs could still be reduced. This ensures that the money saved can be spent in other areas of the business.
Offers Real-time Tracking
One of the major benefits of itemit’s tracking software is its ability to offer real-time tracking using GPS trackers. Delivery companies, for example, can pinpoint where delivery vehicles are and note the progress. With this information, users can estimate when deliveries will be made. In addition to this, it is possible for businesses to determine whether a driver has taken the wrong route.
Finally, real-time tracking allows users to see where the goods are and provide reassurance to the customer. This can be crucial when a customer is in a hurry to receive the goods.
Improves Inventory Management
itemit’s Asset Tracking Software can help to improve inventory management. Our tracking software ensures that valuable data is provided. For example, users can see how much stock they have, allowing for better inventory management. When a user can see how much stock they have, they can make a more informed decision about making additional purchases.
Additionally, as users can see where their stock is located, it is much easier to locate stock in a busy warehouse or storeroom. Users will no longer need to search the shelves to work out where things are. A quick tap on the menu can help users to locate the much-needed items.

Enables Better Maintenance Planning
The right Asset Tracking Software allows for better maintenance planning. This is thanks to the range of menus that itemit offers. Users can notify the maintenance team of an issue whenever an issue arises. This ensures that the asset can undergo repairs as and when they are required.
Some businesses only maintain assets when they are scheduled for maintenance. When this happens, multiple assets may be waiting to be repaired. Additionally, it means that team members/employees have fewer tools to work with.
When something goes wrong, the maintenance team can be notified and the issue can be dealt with. As a result, assets are more likely to be in good working order for longer. In addition to this, there may be a lower need for more expensive repairs. Finally, the costs associated with replacing damaged assets can be lowered. If assets are repaired every time there’s an issue, they’re more likely to last longer.
Ensures Automatic Data Collection
Every time an asset is tracked, entered into the system, checked out, or repaired, data is collected. This data can prove to be highly useful. Users can not only see where the assets are, but they can see how often they’re being used. Additionally, users can see who has checked the assets out and read specific job details.
Information such as this can prove to be very valuable. Businesses can use itemit’s Asset Tracking Software to understand whether they have sufficient assets. For example, if an asset is used multiple times, management can potentially order an additional asset. This means that more people can have access to the tools they need and when they need them. There will be no need to wait in a queue or in a queue that’s quite as long.
Checking Assets In and Out
Employees/team members can check assets in and out when required. This ensures that management always knows who has a particular asset. They can also request that everyone leaves a note stating why the asset is being used. It may also be useful to mention how long a user may need to have possession of the asset.
When assets are checked out, management can see how many assets are left behind. This helps management to see whether there are enough assets. When users check the assets back in, the asset will be kept in its appropriate location. Management can see that the asset has been returned and by whom. This can prove to be useful if an issue arises with the asset. Management can speak to the last user to determine whether they experienced an issue.
Booking Assets For Use
Users can book assets into the system should they need to use them. If an asset is already being used by another party, it will be clear that someone else is waiting for it. Thanks to the way that itemit’s Asset Tracking Software works, other employees/team members can see how long the waiting list is. This can prove to be very useful as it gives everyone an indication as to how long they will need to wait.
Management can also see that a particular asset is in high demand. They can make a more informed decision about whether more assets need to be purchased.
This feature also helps to prevent people from searching for an asset that is already being used. By logging into the system, they can see who has the asset and how long they may have it for. A feature such as this can help to minimise the amount of time that’s spent looking for an asset. The time could instead be spent undertaking other tasks.
Improves Auditing
As users can clearly see how many assets they have in stock, the process of stock-taking can be easier. Users may no longer be required to manually count the stock. Rather, they can see at a touch of a button how many assets they have. This can potentially help to reduce the incidences of errors.
Additionally, managers can see how well their business is performing, and make more informed decisions about its future. This can prove to be invaluable as money can be diverted to particular departments or used to purchase more assets.

How Our Tracking Software Works
Our tracking software works by locating RFID tags or QR codes and showing users where the codes or tags are located. As long as the codes or tags in question are attached to an asset, it’s possible to see the last-known location. The location is updated every time a user scans a tag.
Our tracking software is here to help you. It does not matter how large or small your business is, we can help you. We can also help individuals to track their personal belongings. By simply attaching an RFID tag or QR code, individuals can update their assets’ locations at all times.
Here at itemit, we often update our software to make sure that it works well for you. We want you to rely on the software to track all of your assets in the best way possible. When all of our customers are happy, we’re happy. This is why we work hard for you.
Contact itemit Today
Contact the team at itemit today to find out more about our Asset Tracking Software. You can reach us at Alternatively, you may wish to start a 14-day Free Trial to find out how well our tracking software works for you. We work with many businesses of all shapes and sizes, and we can help you to track all of your assets with ease.
Asset Tracking Benefits
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