How Using Barcodes Allows You To Track Assets Efficiently

How Using Barcodes Allows You To Track Assets Efficiently

Here at itemit, we know that every business needs to efficiently track its assets. However, this is often easier said than done. All businesses tend to have more assets than they realise. Therefore, tracking everything can seem quite complicated. Here is where barcode tracking can make a difference. 

Thanks to the way that our barcode tracking system works, businesses can monitor the assets they own remotely. Not only can this bring peace of mind, but it can bring each business multiple benefits.

Attaching Barcodes To Assets

Our barcode tracking system works by allowing users to attach physical barcodes to their assets. The barcodes are either QR codes or regular barcodes and each one is unique. This ensures that it’s possible for users to track the assets, view asset profiles, and more. Users can have a lot of information at their fingertips in an instant. 

When the itemit app is used, users can find that the tracking process is simple. All that is required is for users to create a profile for each asset. The profile can then be linked to the asset using a barcode. What this means is that every time the barcode is scanned, the asset’s profile will open. As a result, it’s possible for users to see the asset’s details, locations, maintenance reminders, and much more. 

Should a user wish to track an asset that’s in another location they can simply open the asset’s profile. As a result, they can view the asset’s last-known location and many other details. 

Our barcodes have been made to last. Once they are attached to an asset they will stay there. Assets can sustain normal use and the barcodes will remain attached. Should a barcode become dirty, simply give it a quick wipe so it can be scanned once more.

Business Asset Tracking

Location Tracking And Barcodes

As soon as a barcode has been attached to an asset it’s possible to track the asset in question. This can help to increase the level of security. Users can understand where the asset is at all times. As a result, assets are less likely to be stolen or misplaced. 

When both location tracking and barcode tracking are combined an audit trail can be created. Users can see where their assets are and where they have been. It is also possible to see who has the asset should the check in and check out feature be used. This adds an additional layer of security. 

Should an issue arise with an asset, management can see who reported the issue and the location at the time. This can help to reduce downtime. When assets are reported to have an issue they are more likely to be repaired. As a result, more members of the team will have the tools they need to undertake their work.

Barcode Tracking And Security

As we have already seen, tracking assets via the use of a barcode can increase security. Users can see which assets have arrived at the correct destination. They can also see which assets are still on the way. Checking the location of the asset can bring peace of mind. Additionally, it can help users to see whether more assets need to be sent to the location. 

As users are aware that every asset is tracked each asset will instantly be more secure. Assets are less likely to go missing if it’s clear they are being tracked. Should an asset go missing, logging into the software will show where the asset is. This can help immensely with asset retrieval. 

In addition to this, it is possible to see which assets are operating correctly. If an asset breaks down, users can send an additional asset to replace it. This knowledge may not be so easily obtained if itemit’s tracking software is not used. All of the information that a business needs regarding an asset can be accessed via the tracking software. This can help to improve communication between team members and help the business to run more smoothly.

Use itemit’s Barcode Tracking Software To Your Advantage

Businesses everywhere can now use itemit’s barcode tracking software to their advantage. Thanks to the way that the software works, tracking every asset is easy. Our software takes the guesswork out of tracking assets and ensures assets can be located quickly. 

If you plan to choose a better way to track your assets, we can help. Contact our helpful and knowledgeable team to find out just how well our tracking software can work for you. You can reach our team at Please feel free to ask our team any questions you may have about our tracking software. 

Alternatively, you could begin a 14 day free trial today. You can learn how using barcodes allows you to track assets efficiently. Fill in the form below to get started.

Barcode Asset Tracking

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