How to Track Assets Using GPS trackers


Global position system trackers, more commonly known as GPS trackers, have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to track their assets. That’s because GPS trackers are simple and easy to use devices that provide users with fantastic insight into the real-time location of their assets. Plus, GPS trackers also operate as an effective theft deterrent. A global GPS tracking device is a piece of technology that sends a signal to a single contact point. In this case, most often a satellite. Businesses can use trackers to ensure the continued maintenance of assets. Read on to discover exactly how to use GPS trackers to track your assets.

How to Use GPS Trackers

Fitting a GPS tracker to your asset is as simple as attaching the tracking device to the asset itself or to fleet vehicles. GPS trackers work in such a way that there is no need to manually check the asset’s location, the trackers automatically update the asset location without a user needing to scan a tag or click a button. 

Follow this simple guide to add a GPS tracker to your personalised itemit web portal: 

  1. Select an asset you wish to track with a GPS tracker
  2. Open up its asset profile
  3. Next, head to the ‘Tags’ section and press the ‘+’ button
  4. Type in your tracker’s IMEI number (this is found above your tracker’s barcode)
  5. Hit ‘Save’

It’s as simple as that. Now your GPS tracker will automatically update the asset’s last-seen location every time it sends an update and will notify you about the time at which the last update was taken. Now you can see where you asset on the purpose-built map and also see a record of the journey it’s taken. With the itemit application, you can even view and monitor the tracker’s battery level too. 

The Benefits of GPS Tracking

From heavy-duty cranes and bulldozers to delivery vans and hire cars, GPS trackers can also provide useful metrics such as speed, distance, time, route, and GPS coordinates. GPS trackers are an obvious hit with delivery companies since they can be used to trace the delivery vans and real-time data, aiding on-time deliveries. The use of a GPS tracker provides extra protection and peace of mind and, as a result many insurers offer a discounted rate where these systems are installed. Where extremely valuable cargo is carried, motor vehicle tracking systems ensure the safe delivery of the cargo. This helps managers understand the performance of workers using all types of vehicles. Car and fleet GPS tracking are mostly “live” systems where one can follow routes. You can even track driver performance with the vehicle by including reports on harsh braking or turning, speeding offences and visiting a specific out-of-bound zone. 

Thanks to the accuracy of satellite technology, GPS trackers show a global vantage point of trackable assets. This aids businesses in monitoring tool use, which in turn helps them maximise usage. In practice, GPS asset tracking uncovers unused tools or those left in an incorrect location. With this level of insight, managers can make better decisions on where tools or equipment should move to.

itemit’s GPS trackers

GPS trackers are highly useful and adaptable pieces of kit that can be used to track a range of assets. itemit’s GPS trackers seamlessly integrate with our application so you can view and track the real-time location of your assets with ease. Plus, with itemit you can mix and match different tracking technologies, such as RFID tracking, and utilise them from one system, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds. It’s time to automate your asset tracking with itemit’s GPS trackers. 

If you’d like to find out more information please contact the team at or you can get started straight away and try the 14-day free trial by filling out the form below!

GPS Asset Tracking

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