Church asset tracking: How itemit can help
It’s always a busy week for Churches. No matter what point of the year is, there’s always something going on. Whether it’s Advent or Lent, whether there’s a new wedding every week, or whether it’s simply Ordinary Time, there’s always at least a few services going on. There’s always a lot of assets, therefore. Church asset tracking can seem like a daunting task.
This doesn’t even take into account the fact that Churches will always be striving to better the community for charity or evangelical purposes. Asset monitoring can quickly become difficult. Crucial assets out on the streets and needed between churches in the area.
What’s the solution to all of this? Simple asset management software can create a quick and easy asset register as well as providing you with an effective asset tracking system.
Not only this, but with the right asset tracking software, volunteers who are entering your church to help refurbish, tidy up, do charity work or evangelise have access to your asset register. This means there is a central, cloud-based system that all the volunteers who come and go can easily see.
Information can then be added to this so that volunteers can see where everything should be and how to use it. The great thing about itemit is that you can use different levels of permissions to ensure the right people are seeing the right things. What’s more, you can start using the simple asset management software free today!
What are your assets?
So, in terms of church asset tracking, what exactly is it that you need to track and manage?
It’s simplest to start inside the church. There are the assets you need every time mass is celebrated. This will include hymn books, collection baskets, vestments and wine. The best thing about church asset management software is that you can add a variety of details to customise what information each asset gives you.
For example, you’ll want to know different things about hymn books than you do about collection baskets. With qr code asset tags you can track different things in different ways. You can’t exactly use qr codes with everything, but you don’t have to.
In this sense, assets moving from site to site such as hymn books, if the congregation’s choir is going to an event, can be tracked with qr code or rfid asset tags. This means it’s easier to make sure you have as many as you need.
Week to week you can track the collection basket differently, however, adding the information of how much a collection has accrued. This means it will be simpler to add this to any standing orders the Church receives every week.
Most churches also have electronic assets now in the form of speakers, microphones, or even cameras for live-streams to reach those who still wish to celebrate mass but can’t make it.
itemit can also be used as an effective equipment maintenance tracking app. Equipment tracking is simple as important information such as PAT tests or warranty expiry dates can be added to ensure electrical assets work to the best of their ability.
Ceremonies and Sacraments
Church asset tracking will also assist with the variety of ceremonies that happen throughout the Church year.
Ceremonies can create a stressful time, where it’s necessary to say mass every Sunday and marry a young couple, before travelling out to say someone’s last rites.
Unique assets are needed for each sacrament, but sacraments aren’t necessarily happening within the church building. This may mean travelling around your town or city depending on how many priests or volunteers your Church has.
As well as this, sacraments are always a time of celebration which means there might be artwork or decorations, or that there might be a celebration held by the Church afterwards. All of this adds up to a lot of moving around, and an extremely busy timetable.
With a simple asset app, it’s possible to add reminders to your assets so you know what you need and when. You can use asset tags to see wherever they are in the uk or beyond. You don’t have to start driving to a sacrament and then remember something only to have to rush back. Also, it’s now simple to move assets to another building and get them all back in no time at all.
This goes for time specific assets as well. Putting the manger up for Advent? You can track where all of the beautiful artwork is with or without asset tags. Set up is faster, and so is taking it down.
There is another aspect to ceremonies, however. This is related to cathedral asset tracking, also. Durham Cathedral, York Minster, Canterbury Cathedral and many more all host graduation ceremonies, but also charity events, fun nights, and even have movies made within, Durham Cathedral having had Avengers movies and Harry Potter movies filmed within.
What this means is there are a lot of assets coming in, a lot that need to be moved and a lot that need to be carefully tracked. Church asset tracking can make this easy, effective, and fast, meaning there’s more time for celebrations or movie magic!
Church maintenance
There is one big asset that needs to be tracked, maintained, and needs to run as smoothly as possible and that’s the church itself.
I’m not suggesting you stick a qr code asset tag onto the side in case it moves, but a church is the sum of its parts, and a Church is the sum of its people. In this case, all the older assets need to be kept either up to date or tracked effectively.
Most churches are old and have a lot of history. This means that the longer they stand, the more dangerous some of the assets become. High up church bells can become looser if the rope isn’t tracked effectively. Original artwork or decoration may need to be refurbished. Fire hazards may need to be updated.
Luckily you can start using our equipment tracking software free. This means that tools tracking is made simple. If it’s just a bit of TLC that’s needed to move this over there or remove that, then perfect, with simple small tool tracking software it’s done in an instant and the asset app can be updated to show the problem is fixed.
This also means that you can use asset labels to track things that have the potential to become dangerous, meaning that the second they don’t look correct, maintenance workers can come in and fix the issue.
Church asset tracking in a nutshell
So all in all what can church asset tracking do for you?
The features are plentiful. If you have a lot of volunteers and a lot of assets moving around the place it makes keeping track of everything a much simpler and much, much smaller task.
Not only can you track specifically where your assets have been left and who has been using them, you can also manage the information users can find in order to get the best possible out of your assets.
With itemit, audit trails and asset registers are also automatically created, keeping everything simple, effective, and quick, meaning you have more time to concentrate on ceremonies, sacraments, and celebrating mass.
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