itemit Asset Tracking Blog.

Learn more about the world of asset tracking software

New Year, Better You

New Year, Better You

It’s the New Year. How are you going to keep track of all your New Years resolutions? Don’t worry, itemit is here to help.

How Santa Tracks his Assets

How Santa Tracks his Assets

Ever wonder how Santa does it? How he collects everyone’s letters and then uses them to make presents for all the well-behaved children? Find out here!

Asset Tracking and the Film Industry

Asset Tracking and the Film Industry

Things don’t always go right in the film industry. Find out here how asset tracking can help everything go that little bit easier!

Why QR Codes are like Snowflakes

Why QR Codes are like Snowflakes

QR codes are the snowflakes of the digital world. They’re gorgeous and unique. How then should we use them to make our lives easier?

Asset Tracking and the Food Industry

Asset Tracking and the Food Industry

Can asset tracking help in your kitchen? If it’s cooking the best food or keeping the cleanest surfaces, find out how itemit can help.

QR vs. RFID, which is better?

QR vs. RFID, which is better?

Thinking about using QR or RFID tags to make your life a bit quicker and a bit easier? Which of them is better though?

Patterns in Nature and Technology

Patterns in Nature and Technology

Ever wonder how new technologies are similar to natural processes? Find out right here how similar the patterns really are…

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