Taking care of your assets is absolutely vital. When you take care of your important assets they’re more likely to last longer and have fewer operational issues. When you use itemit’s IT asset maintenance software, you can care for your IT assets in a wide variety of ways.
Below, you can find out how to take care of your IT assets with ease.
Issue Reporting and Management
A very good way to take care of your IT assets is by reporting issues and dealing with IT asset maintenance. Itemit allows users to report issues as and when they arise. As a result, the maintenance team knows when something has gone wrong.
A user of a computer, for example, may find that it does not load correctly. When this occurs, they simply need to log into itemit’s menu. The user can message the maintenance team and suggest what’s wrong with the computer. The maintenance team will receive the alert and be able to take action.

Check Assets In And Out
Our IT asset maintenance software allows users to check assets in and out. This feature allows for the creation of historical data. In other words, management can see who has been using which asset.
It may be possible for management to see when an asset was checked out and by whom. They can see how long the asset was used for and when it was checked in. Any issues with the asset may also be mentioned.
The ability to check assets in and out offers a higher level of security. It automatically gives the users more responsibility. As a result, assets are less likely to become damaged or be stolen.
Another advantage of this feature is that management can see if the business has sufficient assets. If an asset is in high demand, it could make sense to purchase additional ones. Alternatively, if an asset is not used very often, there may be little to no need to purchase more assets. This is not information that is always so readily available. However, when using itemit’s asset maintenance software, the information is there whenever it’s needed.
Track The Location Of Your Assets
Users of itemit’s software can track their IT asset’s location. Not all IT asset maintenance software offers this feature. However, it’s one that many businesses everywhere use day-to-day.
When a QR code is attached to an asset, the asset can be tracked. As long as the QR code has been assigned to a particular asset, it’s possible to track it. Users can see where their chosen assets are at all times.
All that users need to do is to log into the menu and select an asset. They will then be shown the asset’s last-known location. This feature also adds an extra layer of security. If someone is using a laptop off-site, for example, management can see where the laptop is.
The laptop user will know that the laptop is tracked meaning it’s less likely to go missing. As a result, less money is likely to be spent replacing lost or stolen IT assets. This means there’s a real potential for businesses to save money. It’s no wonder then, that more and more businesses are choosing to use itemit.
Set Frequent Maintenance Reminders
Thanks to the way that itemit’s software works, IT asset maintenance is easy. It’s possible for users to set frequent maintenance reminders. This feature can be used on every IT asset that you have. It can also be used on any other assets you wish.
All that users need to do is to choose when they would like to be reminded. Users can be reminded at regular intervals, should they wish to. This useful feature ensures that IT assets can be maintained with ease.
When IT assets are regularly maintained they are likely to:
- Last longer
- Have issues and potential issues resolved quickly
- Ensure that every member of the team has the equipment they need
- Help businesses to save money on replacement assets
- Allow businesses to thrive as money can be spent where it’s needed
All of this is capable due to the way that our IT maintenance software works. This is why more and more businesses are now choosing to use our software.
Make Use of Itemit’s IT Asset Maintenance Capabilities
You can make use of itemit’s IT asset maintenance capabilities today. With many different features and functions, our asset maintenance software can make each working day easier. Users no longer need to worry about the condition of each of their IT assets. itemit will have everything under control.
Find out just how well our IT asset maintenance software can work for you. Get in touch with our friendly, expert team today at: team@itemit.com. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the form below to get started.
IT Asset Maintenance
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