Learn How Asset Tracking Can Transform Your Schools Asset Management

Learn How Asset Tracking Can Transform Your Schools Asset Management

Learn How Asset Tracking Can Transform Your Schools Asset Management

itemit’s School Asset Manager App allows administrators, teachers, and other staff members to ensure assets are available when they are required. Members of staff and students can potentially have the assets they need when they need them. By using itemit’s asset manager app, both primary and secondary schools can maximise asset usability. This can ensure that vital assets are available every single day.

The Relevance of Using an Asset Manager App in Schools

When the right asset management app is implemented in schools, it can help to:

  • Improve and track equipment usability
  • Ensure the right assets are available to teachers and students
  • Improves the management of the whole inventory and in a cost-effective manner
  • Ensure the right equipment undergoes maintenance as and when required 

Thanks to the way the right School Asset Manager App works, spending on lost or stolen assets can be significantly reduced. This is thanks to accurate tracking in addition to spending across the whole of the school. 

Additionally, the right asset manager app allows users to know the last-known location of each asset. Teachers, school managers, department heads, administrators, and members of the school district can access the list of assets. In addition to having access to the list of assets, users can also see the quantity, quality, and condition of each asset. It’s this that allows users to make an informed decision about future spending.

Business Asset Tracking

The Benefits of itemit’s School Asset Manager App

There are many benefits associated with using itemit’s asset manager app. They include:

Improved Record Keeping Accuracy

Tracking documents, records, and equipment can be somewhat overwhelming when a paperwork system is used. However, the right asset manager app can make a huge difference. This is because the app is more likely to be accurate while also building a data repository of all assets. 

Another benefit of using the app is that it can back up data, ensuring it is safe at all times. In the event of a fire, paperwork can be completely destroyed. However, an asset manager app will continue to store the data without worry thanks to it being cloud-based. This ensures that insurance claims can be made without delays or complications.

Less Spending on Duplicate Assets

When a school is able to accurately track their assets, there can be less spending on duplicate assets. For example, a member of the teaching team may request 2 more tablets for their class. 

Without looking at the data, understanding whether there are enough assets is difficult. Duplicate tablets may be purchased because it can be assumed that the school does not have enough. 

When itemit’s asset manager app is used, it can be clear to see that there are plenty of tablets elsewhere. Therefore, surplus or unneeded tablets can be relocated from one area of the school to another. This essentially means that teachers and students have the tools that they need when they need them. When everyone has the tools they need, students are more likely to have a better education.

Money saving Asset Tracking

Accurately Tracked Spending

When the right tools are used, spending requests can be managed and tracked. Whenever a department makes a request, they need to work in line with the school’s budget. Thanks to the way that our School Asset Manager App works, spending can be tracked successfully. Requests can be approved or denied thanks to the extensive knowledge that can be gained from the app. 

The likelihood of overspending is reduced, meaning departments can have the assets they need, when they need them. This can help to boost learning opportunities while enabling teachers to run more successful lessons.

Lowered Risk of Stolen or Lost Assets

From time to time, assets may be stolen or lost. When this occurs, the school usually has to purchase new equipment to replace the assets that have gone missing. As a result, the budget is affected and there may be reduced spending elsewhere. 

When itemit’s asset manager app is used, the risk of assets being lost or stolen is significantly reduced. This is thanks to the way each asset is tracked. Users of the app can see the asset’s last known location and have an idea of who is in possession of it. 

When everyone knows that assets are tracked they are more likely to be returned. In addition to this, should people need to sign for the assets in order to use them, they feel more responsible. 

When there is a lowered risk of assets being lost or stolen, asset procurement falls. Much-needed funds can be spent elsewhere and the school’s budget is more likely to be on track.

Fewer Manual Asset Audits Required

Thanks to the way this asset manager app works, users will know how much equipment there is. It is also possible to see the location of the asset at all times. What this means is that there is a reduced need for manual audits. Audits such as these can take a long time. itemit helps to eliminate the need for manual asset audits, helping to free up time. 

Audits can also take place more often as they take up less time. Schools can take stock of their assets at frequent intervals and know which departments require more funds or assets.

School Asset Manager App

Booking Equipment For Use

School departments can potentially book equipment should they wish to use it. When someone logs into itemit’s app, they can make a request for specific equipment. This request will be seen by those in charge of the app and other users. In-demand equipment can be used as and when it is required.

Thanks to the way that the app works, users can also see where the asset’s last-known location was. This means they don’t need to search for it as they may have had to in the past. They can log in to the system and note the asset’s last location. If they are next on the list to use the asset or no one else has requested it, the asset can be retrieved and used as needed. 

A checking in and out system can also be used for assets. This system works by asking people to state their name and the date they checked the assets out. They may also have the chance to note down how long they plan to have the assets for. This allows users to take more responsibility for the assets while ensuring the management team knows who has which assets.

Tracking Loaned Assets

itemit’s School Asset Manager App allows schools to track loaned assets. Whether the assets are loaned out to teachers, students, or anyone else they can be tracked. As soon as a user logs into the app, they can see the asset’s last-known location. They can also learn who has the asset, why they have it, and when they expect to return in. 

Teachers may need to borrow a school laptop, for example, so that they can plan lessons from home. Groups that hire out the school hall may need to borrow a projector so that they can enjoy a presentation. Every loaned asset can be via the use of an RFID or QR code. Assets can be checked out, tracked, used, and checked back in again. 

Should the asset be returned damaged, a message can be sent to the maintenance team via the app. Maintenance will then know the asset is damaged and potentially what is wrong with it. When they have this information, they can collect and repair the asset. As soon as the asset is repaired, it can be used again.

Better Purchasing Decisions

Better purchasing decisions can be made when itemit’s asset manager app is used. This is thanks to its ability to track all assets at all times. School management teams can understand how often assets are used and why they are used. With this knowledge, they can make better purchasing decisions. 

Additional assets can be purchased if it is clear that the current assets are in high demand. The school management team can also see that assets that are not in high demand or that the school has plenty of are sufficient. What this means is there less money can be spent on assets that are not required. The money can be diverted elsewhere, ensuring that students and teachers have exactly what they need. 

When schools have more control over spending, they’re more likely to be run more efficiently and effectively.

itemit’s School Asset Manager App

When using itemit’s School Asset Manager App, assets can be tracked with ease. Schools can see how many assets they have, where the assets are, and what condition they’re in. Contact itemit today at team@itemit.com for information about how the app can help your school. Alternatively, you could sign up for our 14-day Free Trial, so you can start using the app as soon as possible. 

Give your school and your students the chance to thrive. Use itemit’s School Asset Manager App every day and let it track and manage assets while you concentrate on teaching students.

School Asset Manager App

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Why an Asset Register is Essential For Schools

Why an Asset Register is Essential For Schools

Why an Asset Register is Essential For Schools

Education has seen an influx of emerging technologies in the last decade. SmartBoards, tablets, e-readers, touch-pads, VR headsets and digital pads are now common features of a modern classroom. There are many educators and school administrators out there who will tell you that, although this technology adds a lot of value to the learning experience, they represent huge investment which puts a strain on budgets.

Add this to the essential assets that any school needs- computers, textbooks, vending machines and art & technology equipment- and you begin to see just how important assets are to the process of education. Maintaining, tracking and protecting assets has never been more essential for schools. When it comes to high-value assets, there is no room for human error. That’s where a digital school asset register can make all the difference.

smartboard School Asset Register

Asset Tracking in Education

The number of fixed assets that any one school has can run into the 1000s. Keeping on top of even 100 assets is a mammoth task which is prone to human error and puts pressure on the administrative team. However, it is now cost-effective for schools to use bespoke asset management software that can take the risk and headache out of the process.

A school asset register is part of a software solution that is accessible via a web or mobile application. Once set up, administrators can see where any asset is, who is using it, its state of repair and the like all in one place.

How Does Asset Tracking Work

The actual process varies depending on the asset and the school’s desired level of functionality. Generally, an asset is added to the register using image recognition. A QR or RFID tag is added to the item so that it can be tracked automatically. In this way, assets can be assigned to users or departments.

What Can You Track With A School Asset Register?

There isn’t really a limit to what you can track. The question is more, what is useful for you to track? QR tags are an affordable way of tracking lower value items like textbooks. It’s often smaller items that go missing, and over time, this has a negative impact on available budgets. 

Then, there are high value items. It’s simply common sense to keep a tight watch on these items. RFID tags are ideally suited for this. You can use fixed RFID checkpoints to make sure that administrators are notified when a tablet or similar is taking off the premises! More than this, you can see to whom the item was last assigned.

For the sake of thoroughness, below is a list of the kind of asset that schools generally add to their asset register:

  • Textbooks
  • SmartBoards
  • Bathroom supplies 
  • Printers 
  • Standing desks
  • Projectors
  • Lab equipment
  • First aid items 
  • E-readers
  • Student desks
  • Tablets
  • Laptops
  • Office chairs
  • Cafeteria equipment 

School Asset Tracking Features

Every school has a different way of doing things. However, if you represent a school and are thinking about investing in asset register software, here are a few ideas that should get the imagination working!

Check In / Check Out

Items that are often taken out of school, are prone to going missing! Even if items are moving about the school and being used by multiple departments, there is a risk of losing track of an asset and not being able to effectively look into what has happened. 

Using tracking technologies accessible with a school asset tracking register, it is simple to implement a simple check in / check out system. When an item is assigned to a student, this is automatically updated in your asset register

Library books or computing equipment that can be taken off site, are a good example of assets that can benefit from a system like this. This system is of particular use during lockdowns or if students are remote learning.

Assign Assets

As already alluded to, it is easy to assign assets to students, teachers or departments. Apart from the obvious benefit of being able to see what use your assets are being put to, there are some other reasons that this function can help maintain assets. For example, you can see what departments are using what assets. 

That means you will have reliable data on what effect the tech is having compared to departments that do not have access.

Furthermore, you might be surprised just how many losses and breakages are avoided when users realise the assets are being properly tracked!

Maintain Health & Safety Standards

Modern schools are constantly dealing with issues that are not strictly related to education. Health and safety is high on this list. With an asset tracking register, it is easy to ensure that all assets are properly maintained. It’s even possible to tackle issues before they happen and avoid issues like overheating.

health School Asset Register

Building Your School Asset Register With itemit

Not only can itemit give you access to all the features described above, it has been built to fit in seamlessly with your current systems. We understand that it is vital that schools are responsible about mitigating risks that might cause disruption to the learning environment. Whether these come in the form of undue stress for teachers and administrators or a breakdown in processes.

That’s why itemit are determined to always add value, not create issues. Asset tracking works on paper, but a poor implementation or half baked solution can create more problems than solutions. itemit have completed many implementations, so we feel confident that the once your new system is in place, you won’t look back!

If you are using spreadsheets as a school asset register, then asset tracking software is a guaranteed step-up that will give you markedly better control and insight.

Book a demo today to see all itemit’s features in action. To find out more details, you can always contact our team at team@itemit.com

School Asset Register

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Why Should Schools Employ Asset Tracking Software?

Why Should Schools Employ Asset Tracking Software?

Why Should Schools Employ Asset Tracking Software?

Effectively tracking assets ensures that schools know exactly what assets they own and where they are located. Asset tracking software can also be useful in terms of providing information as to the value and condition of each asset.

Using one central system, it is possible for schools to maintain good control of everything they own. From computers to tablets, furniture to textbooks and stationery, managing these assets is crucial. When assets are correctly managed there can be fewer thefts and incidences of asset misplacement. In other words, School Asset Tracking Software can tell you where each piece of equipment is at all times. 

How To Use A School Asset Manager App To Track Fixed Assets

What Assets Can You Track?

Every school in the country has countless valuable assets. Understanding where each of the assets are at all times is essential as it can help to reduce costs. The assets that all schools should consider tracking include projectors, whiteboards, textbooks, furniture, stationery, computers, tablets, and all IT equipment

School Asset Tracking Software can also help to track soft assets. Assets such as these include software licences which can be quite costly. This is particularly the case if the licence’s subscription continues when it is no longer required. Tracking soft assets can significantly improve the monitoring of all software licenses. Users will know when the licences need to be renewed, disposed of or re-assigned. 

– Tracking facility-based assets

In addition to tracking software licences, School Asset Tracking Software can also track facility-based assets. Assets such as these include plumbing, lighting and heating. These are highly important assets as they help to keep the school operating.

The Benefits of School Asset Tracking Software

The benefits of School Asset Tracking Software include: 

1. Increased Security Measures

It’s not uncommon for assets to go missing simply because they have been misplaced. Asset tracking software can help to limit the number of assets that are misplaced or even stolen. The tracking software works to make sure that real-time alerts are given if an asset is taken out of a specific area. Asset management, can, therefore, help assets to be recovered or simply give the security team peace of mind. 

QR code and barcode asset tagging make tracking quick and easy. Allowing users to quickly log which assets they are using ensures that assets are a lot less likely to go missing. It also allows team members to use assets with confidence as it’s clear exactly where the assets are.

2. Improved Budget Reporting

Asset tracking software can help school finance managers to show evidence of their use of school funding. This is simply because there is a complete list of all the school’s assets. In addition to showing how funding has been spent, the software can help the school to create more accurate accounts. In terms of future spending, knowing which assets have depreciated, increased in value, or are in need of repair can be very useful.

3. Better Forward Planning

Forward planning is key when it comes to the issue of asset management. By being able to successfully monitor assets, finance managers can understand when every asset needs maintenance. Knowing exactly when an asset such as a computer is due for maintenance can help to reduce downtime. Costs can also be reduced as a correctly maintained computer is less likely to need repairing. 

Team members can book specific assets in advance, ensuring they can have access to the assets when they need them. Assets can be checked in and out when they are used. This ensures that all assets are monitored when they’re being used.

4. Reduced Costs

The time that it takes for a member of the team to find the equipment they need could be spent undertaking other tasks. Itemit’s School Asset Tracking Software can ensure that time management and associated costs are improved. Wasted time can have a huge impact on a sector that is already stretched to its limits. With just a few clicks, the much-needed asset can be found and used as and when it is needed.

5. A Better Learning Environment

When there are fewer issues with assets, there is less disruption in the classroom. This can ensure that all students have a better working environment. Equipment that would have ordinarily failed to work can be correctly maintained. Therefore, students can continue with their studies while teachers and teaching assistants have all the tools they need.  

6. Ensuring Asset Acessibility For Employees

Thanks to the way that the software works, employees will only have access to the assets that they need. It will be clear who has a laptop, for example, where the laptop is, and how long it has been in their possession. Asset tracking software such as this can also ensure that all new members of the team have the assets that they need to carry out their jobs. This in turn helps new members of the team to feel confident in their new roles.

7. Easy Access to Tracking Tools

Users can access the web portal whenever they wish. In addition to this, they can access the software via an iOS or Android app. The apps are updated in real-time, ensuring that the school’s security team can continue to monitor assets at all times.

itemit’s School Asset Tracking Software

itemit’s School Asset Tracking Software is user-friendly and comes complete with excellent tracking capabilities. Users can easily monitor the location and movement of all of their assets using itemit’s features. Schools can struggle to keep track of all of their assets, regardless of how good their intentions are. School Asset Tracking Software makes asset tracking simple and effective. With the ability to stock check assets by location while tracking asset depreciation, asset tracking software can help immensely. 

Please reach out to the team if you have any questions. You can reach us at team@itemit.com. You can learn more about how itemit can be the ideal solution for your school asset tracking needs.

School Asset Tracking Software

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Top Tips For Managing Your School’s Assets

Top Tips For Managing Your School’s Assets

Top Tips For Managing Your School’s Assets

Our approach to education is evolving day by day. The age-old standard of chalk and blackboard has now been replaced by tablets and projectors. A more proactive approach towards helping pupils allows them to acquire skills rather than just your run-of-the-mill schooling.

Running a school in this day and age can daunting. You have to keep an eye on staff, students, and your assets! 

Therefore, being a part of the administration means that not only do you have to keep track of people, but also of assets. As such, an asset inventory is critical to any good school.

It only makes sense that to deal with the ever-increasing tracking requirements, a suitable tool is employed. itemit’s school asset manager app can help you.

School Asset Manager App

What is a School Asset Manager App?

Let’s start off with the ABCs: “What is a school manager app?”

A school asset manager app is a specialised software solution that allows you to monitor all of your school assets. To do this, you have to simply add an asset profile to the software, and populate it with relevant data. With just these two simple steps you’ll have a nifty school asset management system right in the palm of your hand!

However, one of the greatest benefits of using itemit’s school asset manager app is the features that come bundled with it out-of-the-box. Looking for a handy way to geo-locate assets? Perhaps you’re trying to keep track of who has what asset? itemit’s got you covered on all ends. It even comes with a web and mobile application, allowing you to check out your fixed asset register from anywhere.

How Does A School Asset Manager App Help You?

itemit’s school asset manager app does more than just give you a bird’s eye view of your assets. Not only will you be able to save money, but your school’s productivity will also improve. As such, the time spent in searching for assets will be reduced and thus you’ll be able to reduce wastage on all ends. Last but not least, with data-driven decisions and higher asset security, you can provide your students with the cutting edge when it comes to learning aids.

Getting Started With itemit

To start off with itemit’s school asset manager app, you’ll first have to add assets to the software. To accomplish this, all you need to do is simply open the itemit app and add a new asset. After creating a unique profile for your assets, you can add relevant details, such as the name, purchase date, current assignee and so forth. What’s more, you can use asset tags to speed up asset tracking.

It should be noted that in order to reap the full benefits of itemit’s school manager app, you should aim to record all of your assets and keep them updated with the latest changes. Doing so will improve your asset register‘s performance in the future.

Adding Assets

Using itemit, you can track the assignee of each asset. Wondering how this is of any use to your school? We’ll clear up any problems with the help of an example.

Assume that your school assigns each teacher and student a set of unique assets. Due to some reason, gadgets can get damaged or misplaced. Using itemit, you’ll clearly know who has what asset, and you’ll be able to enforce accountability among staff and students. 

itemit’s assignee feature can be used in a similar manner with students. This is especially useful when lending out books or even e-readers to students. With itemit, you can instantly check the asset profile of an asset for its assignee. In the case of e-readers, you could also implement GPS tracking to ensure they do not leave the campus grounds.

Checking-In And Checking-out Assets

Oftentimes school work requires students to have to borrow a gadget or book to work over the weekend. Naturally, keeping a track of each asset can be quite difficult. Moreover, moving assets in and out of the school can increase the risk of asset misplacement.

Using itemit’s check-in/check-out feature, a staff member can mark an asset as checked out whenever a student is taking it out of the campus’s premises. 

Likewise, when the asset is returned, the asset can be marked as check-in. Doing so improves accountability and allows you to maintain an efficient record of where an asset has been and who it is currently with.

itemit: School Managing Simplified

At its most basic, itemit provides you with a birds-eye view over all your assets. However, after factoring in all the features that itemit comes with out of the box, it is clear that itemit provides you with far more.

Using itemit’s school asset managing app, you’re provided with a clear view of what you own, what’s damaged, what’s up-to-date, and how your assets are being used.

However, there’s more to itemit than just this. By taking advantage of itemit’s fixed asset tracking capabilities, clearing up tax and insurance issues become a cakewalk. This is achieved by giving you and your financial team a concise view of your assets, how they’re behaving within your school, and proof that they are being used responsibly.

To find out more about how itemit can help your school track and manage your assets, you’ll be able to contact the team at team@itemit.com. You can also fill in the form below for a 14-day free trial.

The Best School Asset Manager App

Choose a better way to track your assets

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Instant access. No credit card details required.

or, download the itemit app to get started

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How to Use a School Fixed Asset Register

How to Use a School Fixed Asset Register

How to Use a School Fixed Asset Register

Managing your school assets got you at your wits end?

Let itemit help.

Running a school or being part of any educational organisation is no mean feat. Being part of the administration means that not only do you have to keep track of people, but also of assets. An asset inventory is foremost to any good school, and making sure your stock is replenished and maintained requires a lot of remembering – which is certainly not a job for one person.

To aid you with this task, you can employ something called a “School Fixed Asset Register”. Let’s move on to discuss this revolutionary software.

school asset tracking

What Is a School Fixed Asset Register?

A school fixed asset register is a convenient localised database, storing your assets data in an organised form. Each asset has its own unique profile, capable of storing data such as the assets purchasing price, location, and/or maintenance information. It may even have a picture attached to it to help in identification!

With all your data stored on the cloud, this nifty piece of software allows you to automate your fixed asset management tasks. Every time an asset is used or brought, the assets profile is automatically updated. All of these ‘interactions’ with the assets will be automatically recorded into the school fixed asset register, with each change meticulously logged onto the asset register.

With such software on hand, you can divide up your asset tracking into easier-to-handle portions. Not only does this allow your school to save time and money, but it also provides easier and improved accountability. Allowing you to monitor transactions to account for theft or losses, an asset register makes your life easy.

How Does An Asset Register Even Work?

To understand the basic fundamentals of the fixed asset register, let’s suppose that every asset has some sort of ID. Using this unique code, you can use your school fixed asset register, to assign a unique asset profile based on that code.

Every asset will now have a sort of unique digital profile. Using this asset profile, each physical instance of the asset is now associated with that digital profile.

Using your asset register, you can easily keep track of all of your assets. This means that not only can you record when the asset was used, you can also see who used it and the location where it was used. All this information is logged in one place.

The Benefits Of A School Fixed Asset Register

A school fixed asset register allows you a comprehensive insight into your fixed assets. You can view details like the warranty, insurance, maintenance, and lease/loan agreements. This is all centrally stored, so it reduces the time spent on administrative tasks and improves accessibility. As such, dealing with tax and insurance-related matters becomes quite the cakewalk!

Not only do these logs help you keep track of usage, but using the asset register you can also view maintenance and availability information. Alternatively, you can also use the asset register to keep track of the quantity present. This way, you’ll never be out of equipment!

Making Processes Easier

Apart from accountability, a fixed asset register can also be used to minimise overheads. Using the system allows you to not only track asset usage but also helps to keep an eye on your asset depreciation. 

Keeping this knowledge logged is also helpful in the long term. Once you have sufficient data, you can project the lifetime of an existing asset, and predict how long it’ll last. 

Assets are also included in the budget, so you can tweak your budget to account for an asset’s depreciation. Conversely, you can also limit the usage of the asset to meet a strict budget.

Alongside this, all the logged data is stored in a single place instead of on different systems. Due to this, those in charge of finance can quickly approve asset acquisitions and/or invoices, using the same centralised system. A fixed asset register also gives you the ability to create flexible reports and custom exports. Say goodbye to dreading creating graphs!

Moreover, itemit ensures everything is consistent – so data updated by you or your colleagues are made coherent throughout the organisation in real-time.

itemit: Simplifying School Asset Tracking

Keeping track of your inventory can be a tedious process. As schools have grown significantly, the demand for assets has also increased proportionally. Catering to, and accounting for these demands can be quite a daunting task, and itemit’s asset register is well suited to ease up your mind.

By entrusting these processes to a school fixed asset register, not only can you ensure that your data is safe, but you can also rest at ease knowing that errors are no longer a concern. 

Using a fixed asset register is your best bet to keeping an efficient asset management system across your school. It ensures that your finances are minimised and that your assets are accounted for, all to make your job easier and to facilitate growth.

To learn more about the features of our school fixed asset register, drop us an email at team@itemit.com. Or, you can opt to take itemit out on a test drive yourself using our free 14-day trial, and experience itemit’s game-changing features for yourself. 

Fill in the form below and test out all the features in our asset register today!

School Asset Tracking

Choose a better way to track your assets

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How To Use A School Asset Manager App To Track Fixed Assets

How To Use A School Asset Manager App To Track Fixed Assets

How To Use A School Asset Manager App To Track Fixed Assets

The way we impart knowledge to students is evolving. The most advanced educational institutions today have a much more proactive approach towards helping pupils acquire skills rather than just basic schooling. But along with education, the tools we use to educate are also evolving.

Today’s schools have moved on from the brick-and-mortar approach of teaching with chalk and blackboard. Now, students are given digital devices to study and teachers are equipped with high-tech gadgets that enable them to teach difficult concepts much more easily. The introduction of technology in the school has its benefits, but it also comes with its responsibilities. 

One of these responsibilities is to keep track of the numerous digital devices and other fixed assets in a school. Of course, when you’re dealing with hundreds of assets, fixed asset management becomes virtually impossible with conventional asset tracking methods. This is where itemit’s school asset manager app comes in. 

Using A School Asset Manager App

What is a School Asset Manager App?

The school asset manager app is a specialised software that lets you add, record and monitor all the fixed assets that your school uses. itemit has a mobile app and a web portal that you can use to access your school’s fixed asset register from anywhere. 

All you have to do is open the app, add an asset, populate the asset profile with the relevant details and voila! Do this for all your fixed assets and you’re done. 

This app gives you a clear overview of all your fixed assets so you can see what you have and what you don’t have. It’s accessible to authorised personnel at all times. It also has a range of other useful features you can use which we’ll discuss a bit later.

What Can You Track With a School Asset Manager App?

itemit’s school asset manager app is for tracking fixed assets. But if you’re not sure what these are, here’s a brief explainer: a fixed asset is anything that you’ve purchased with the intention of using it for more than one year. These are, of course, business assets that the school owns. In other words, if an item circulates amongst students, teachers, school staff, or between all three, you should track it.

Here are a few examples: 

  • Print textbooks
  • Lab equipment
  • Student desks
  • Tablets
  • Laptops
  • Office chairs
  • Cafeteria equipment 
  • First aid items 
  • Bathroom supplies 
  • Printers 
  • Standing desks
  • Projectors
  • E-readers

Although this list doesn’t cover everything you’d be tracking in your school asset manager app, this should give you an idea of the assets you can track. 

What Can You Do With a School Asset Manager App?

itemit does a lot more than just give you an overview of your fixed assets. It’ll help save your staff a lot of time and be more productive with day-to-day operations. Furthermore, it also saves you money with higher asset security and data-driven decisions.

Creating Your Schools Fixed Asset Register

The first step would be to add assets to the register in order to start tracking them. This is a fairly simple process. All you need to do is open the itemit app and add a new asset. Then name the asset, enter its details, add an image if you wish and that’s it. If you want to enhance your school’s fixed asset tracking, you can use asset tags to speed up the process.

You should note that to reap the full benefits of the fixed asset register, you should try to record all of your assets and keep the register updated with the latest changes. If you’ve only added some of your assets if you’re not updating

Assigning Assets

If each teacher is given a set of gadgets, you can use the assign feature to assign assets to teachers. This will make each teacher accountable for keeping their equipment safe and well-maintained. 

In the same way, this feature can also be used to assign tablets or e-readers to students. This means whenever you find that a piece of equipment is damaged or lost, you can instantly check the asset profile for the assignee. 

Check In Check Out Tool

When students have to borrow a device from the school to work over the weekend, keeping track of each device can become difficult. Moreover, the risk of losing assets increases as they’re moved in and out of the school frequently. 

With itemit’s school asset manager app, staff can mark an asset as checked out whenever someone is taking it out of the school’s premises. When they bring them back, they can be marked and checked in. This keeps an efficient and well-organised record of where an asset has been and who it is with currently.

Why itemit?

itemit’s school asset manager app makes your existing asset tracking operations simple, speedy and effective. With a secure web portal and app that have over 2000 integrated apps, school fixed assets management will become a walk in the park.

To find out more about how itemit’s school asset manager app can help you, feel free to contact the team at team@itemit.com. You can also fill in the form below to start your 14-day free trial.

School Asset Management

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